Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 302 Title

Chapter 302 Title
A thunderbolt from the blue sky, two rays of divine light, even Oscar, who had broken through to the catastrophe stage, was taken aback by these two uninvited guests, and Tang San, who was protecting them, was also puzzled!

"God of Ice, as the main god, why are you still robbing me?"

"God of Cookery, you haven't seen his icy air, it's mine, why grab it!"

One was wearing a kitchen hat, like a chef, and the other, like a glacier, began to argue in Oscar's mind!

"What are you doing!"

Oscar calmly asked two divine thoughts.

"Boy, you are the first food genius in Douluo Continent to break through the title. I am the God of Cookery, would you like to be my successor?" asked the man wearing a kitchen hat.

"Don't listen to him, he is only a second-level god mansion. I am the main god, the god of ice. Seeing that you have an extremely cold aura, you should be my successor!"

The man with the cold air said rather simply and coldly, as the main god, he still has his arrogance.

"This... God of Cookery... What's the benefit of choosing you? The God of Ice, what's the benefit of choosing you?" Oscar smiled, moving slowly, playing with the two gods.

"This one……"

The God of Cookery didn't know how to answer, but, it is obviously a good thing to make him a god, why should he ask for benefits?

"Accept my inheritance, and your control of the power of ice can be more refined. A thought can freeze thousands of miles, and with all your strength, freeze the world. Moreover, as the main god, you can bring your lover into the God Realm. Suffering from reincarnation!"

The God of Ice said confidently, this is his confidence as the main god, for some reason, it seems to be begging Oscar to agree to him!
"Yes, although I am not as powerful as the God of Ice, I can take your culinary skills to the next level. Moreover, I also have a wife god to pass on to your wife, so that both of you can become gods." !” The God of Cookery said suddenly.

Oscar pretended to be annoyed, he already had a general idea about the level of gods, the level [-] gods are equivalent to the strength of Xuanxian, and the level [-] gods already possess the strength of Daluoxian, but he is a cultivator of immortals, these cannot restrain him big!

"Okay! I choose you!"

Oscar pointed at the God of Ice, and suddenly turned to the God of Cookery and said, making the lost God of Cookery's eyes full of brilliance!

"Why, I am obviously stronger!"

The God of Ice was defeated and couldn't help asking.

"Because, he is more suitable for me, the God of Ice. I have a woman, the Wuhun Ice Phoenix. Although the Ice Qi is not as extreme as mine, she is also a genius among geniuses. If you want, pass on the position of God to me." For her?" Oscar said, the person he was talking about was Shui Bing'er.

She is the ultimate ice phoenix, although she is slightly inferior to the nine-headed fire phoenix, but Fatty can find the inheritance of the fire god, and it is not impossible for the god of ice to give Shui Binger.

"Hmph! I'm planning to pass it on to you. Whether you like it or not, I'll go back!" The God of Ice said like an angry child.

"Okay then, let's go, I forgot to tell you, this place is my place, if you come, then I will beat you up first, when you get to the God Realm, I will beat you up with the new Sea God, don't you You know, he is my brother!" Oscar smiled sinisterly, full of threats.

"Huh! How is that possible? Why can't I get out?" The Ice God dismissed it, but when he couldn't get out of Oscar's sea of ​​consciousness, he panicked!
Afterwards, the unsightly scene made the God of Cookery on one side shudder...

"How? Do you accept it?"

Oscar smiled and said to the God of Ice, under that charming smile, he looked like a devil, for the God of Ice.

"Well... I agree!"

In the end, the God of Ice had no choice but to succumb to Oscar's silver prestige.

"Wouldn't it be better to do this earlier, so that the flames I prepared are useless!" Oscar shrugged and said, hundreds of purple flame pythons stalked down, making the two gods tremble!
"Don't play tricks, otherwise, hehe, if you inherit the position of god, you will be liberated, which is a good thing for you!" Oscar said with a smile, which relieved the Ice God who had just been worried. .

In the end, the divine thoughts of the God of Ice floated into Shui Bing'er's mind a little vainly, and he still had a trace left in Oscar's sea of ​​consciousness. If Shui Bing'er didn't become a god, he tortured him every day!

"By the way, God of Cookery, do you have any powerful artifacts!" Oscar suddenly asked the God of Cookery who stayed in his sea of ​​consciousness!

"I... I only have a kitchen knife, do you want to leave it to you?" the God of Cookery asked, this is a devil, he eats soft ones but not hard ones.

"Chopper, forget it..." Oscar said.

"Phew!" The God of Cookery was relieved, but fortunately, he could save some property!

"It's an artifact anyway, how could the God of Cookery not have a kitchen knife? Don't worry, I won't dislike it." Oscar said suddenly.

"You..." The God of Cookery breathed out fragrance, and he didn't even let go of a kitchen knife that had been with him for many years.

"Well, can I go back!"

The God of Cookery asked, even the first-level god, the God of Ice, can't get out, let alone him!
"Where are you going? Let's talk about it after I become the new God of Cookery. Besides, this sliver of divine will doesn't have much influence on you!" Oscar said.

God of Cookery: "..."

After the discussion was made, Oscar opened his eyes and saw that his woman hadn't finished absorbing it yet.

Tang San asked: "Xiao Ao, what happened just now?"

Oscar waved his hand, and said casually: "The two gods are vying to let me inherit their god position, so entangled!"

Tang San:"……"

"Zhuqing, are you alright?"

Oscar looked at the second person who got up, it was Zhu Zhuqing, her soul power had already exceeded level 85, breaking through to the title was a matter of course!
The ice beauty nodded in response: "Yes! Soul power should have reached level 95!"

Suddenly, a nine-color divine light descended from the sky and landed on Ning Rongrong's Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, then Shangguan Xue'er, Mu Xian'er, and Shui Bing'er all woke up one by one!
"Little Ao! I..."

Ning Rongrong was overjoyed, and paused again, without saying anything!

"Okay, Rongrong, I know everything!"

Oscar comforted her.

"Xiao Ao, what are you thinking, I'm afraid that I will become a god in the future, and you will harm other girls in the mainland!"

Ning Rongrong said angrily, but she was still worried in her heart.

"Don't worry, I was approached by a God of Cookery guy, and I won't harm other girls!"

Oscar laughed!The God of Cookery is vomiting blood...

Next, prepare to return to the mainland again!
Except for Nini, Wanjun, Xue Ke reached level 93, and Qingzhao reached level [-].Oscar's other women have all reached level [-] or above, which shows how powerful the energy of God is.

Xian'er, level 93, titled White Ape!

Zhuqing, level 95, titled Netherworld!

Rong Rong, level 95, titled Nine Colors!

Lingling, level 95, titled Begonia!

Xiangyan, level 95, titled Blue and White!

Xue'er, level 97, titled Snow Fox!

Binger, level 93, titled Ice God!

Among the dozen or so women present, except for Nini, all of them have achieved titles. Still, Yueyaer, Luo Lan, and Jiangzhu have soul powers of level 93, and their titles are all named after Wuhun!And Oscar's title is: God of Cookery Douluo!
(End of this chapter)

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