Chapter 303

The sea is blue, and a group of more than ten people are stepping on the sea and heading towards the shore!

"Is this the effect of [-]% Seagod's affinity!" Oscar casually made up a few waves without using any spiritual energy. Moreover, being in the sea, it seemed to possess endless energy. This was the biggest gain of this trip. And that Seagod's Light was not even a star behind Tang San.

"Little Ao! You're back!"

By the sea, a beautiful woman in a plain white dress smiled, watching the return of a man in a red dress with snow-white hair.

"Well, Xue'er, these are your good sisters, this is Mu Xian'er, this is..." Oscar said with a sly smile.

"You don't need to introduce them one by one. We all know, Xiao Ao, your strength has become stronger again!" The woman named Xue'er frowned slightly.She is Qian Renxue, the God of Angels. Looking at them with spirit powers of level ninety, she still feels a little disdainful. After all, she has already become a god.

"Xiao Ao, come back to Jialing Pass with me, I'll marry you when the Heaven Dou Empire's army is defeated!" Qian Renxue smiled, and wrapped her arms around Oscar's arm, the alluring peaks pressed down, soft and delicious!
Hearing this, Tang San, who has already become Seagod, has an unnatural expression. If Oscar joins the Spirit Empire, with his terrifying auxiliary ability, even if Oscar doesn't make a move, it will be difficult for the Heaven Dou army to win.

"No, Xue'er, I have to go back with my partner. When we win, I can marry you!" Oscar said, if he goes back with you, his efforts will be in vain!

"Why! Don't tell me, don't you know the strength of our Spirit Empire! Even if he becomes a god, he can't stop our army!"

Qian Renxue was immediately dissatisfied, pointing at Tang San and said, her expression was like a couple having a temper tantrum.

"Wait and see, if he can't, why can't I!" Oscar said resolutely, if he goes back with her, how can he get a perfect fruit!

"You...why, I am your woman too, can it be that I am not as good as your brother?"

Qian Renxue asked with a moved face, the corners of her eyes were shining brightly, making the world seem to be dimmed!

"Xue'er, I didn't mean that..."

"Hmph! Then we'll see you on the battlefield. If you lose, I'll kill them all, and I'll leave you alone with me!" Qian Renxue said angrily, and the sacred six wings spread out like a shooting star. opportunity for explanation.

"Oh! You will understand!" Oscar looked at the person who left, and said leisurely.

Go to Jialing Pass!
Some people are silent, and other people just had a conflict between their lovers, so it's not good to be happy in front of him!

"King Lanhao! King Lanhao..."

Oscar led a group of women to avoid the bustle, and the soldiers didn't even know that there was such a great god!

"I hope you don't hang up so fast!"

Oscar looked at the ever-changing battlefield.Calmly!
"Husband, why don't you make a move!"

Behind the scenes of the army, Mu Xian'er, who was wearing a pale yellow dress with two dimples exposed, asked.

"No need, Xian'er, go practice your hands too, get used to your improved strength!" Oscar said to the woman beside him.

Ten thousand meters high, the battle of the two gods, perhaps because he knew the relationship between Qian Renxue and Oscar, Tang San was tied.

Afterwards, several charming figures appeared on the battlefield. Their opponents were all at the Contra level, and one of the charming women had found one of the six priests!
"Old monster, how many people are you trying to kill with this move!" Oscar said, looking at the green male pass.A sudden gust of extremely cold water washed away the poison.

"I've offended you! Seagod Thirteen Forms, body and halberd are united, and the battle turns and the stars move!"

Ten thousand meters high, the two fell into a stalemate, Tang San didn't want to go on like this anymore, and used the last pose of the Sea God's thirteen poses!
"Why, does he want to be a coward, and wants you to come!" Qian Renxue asked, Yaoyang's holy sword kept swinging down, venting her dissatisfaction.

The Jialing Pass seems to be over!

"Queen, haven't you appeared yet?"

Oscar looked at the dilapidated Xiongguan, and the injured Qian Renxue seemed to have stabbed him in the chest. This cost was a bit high!But he had to finish watching the play!

In the end, Qian Renxue was defeated and fled, and the army entered Xiongguan!Until the Wuhun Empire's army came again, Oscar knew that she was coming!
Fighting again, facing the twin gods at the same time, Tang San didn't have much confidence, he only knew that, apart from him, no god could stop him, and it was impossible for Oscar to fight against a god, because he didn't know the indifferent Oscar.

The Purple Rakshasa God, she no longer has the charm of a woman that has been there for many years. On the contrary, she has more charm. Oscar knows that she is still his queen when she lifts her demeanor!

Seeing the Sword Bone Douluo rushing forward, Ning Rongrong beside Oscar shouted!Until...the fall of the two powerhouses!

"Rongrong, this is their fate. Moreover, there are already many titled powerhouses who have died in the Spirit Empire. If tens of thousands of soul masters die, someone will die!" Oscar comforted her. , may be shot, but this is equivalent!

"Little San..."

At the same time, even though Tang San, who used the sea dusk, severely injured the Rakshasa God, he has already fallen!

"The cost is still too high, why did it take the second time, your Asura God came out!" Oscar looked at this scene with a heartbroken heart, Bibi Dong's soul was seriously damaged!

Jialing Pass!lonely!Bibi Dong ordered the city to be destroyed in three days!Make them powerless!

"Okay, I have a way to revive him!"

Seeing Tang Hao mourning and seeking death, Grandmaster and others, Oscar came in indifferently and restored his imperial aura, making people want to kneel down!
"any solution!"

"Brother Ao, save third brother!"

Everyone looked eagerly at the usually low-key Oscar who appeared, as if grabbing a life-saving straw!
"Calm down!" Oscar said, pulling away Xiao Wu's hand, leading Ning Rongrong to come, nodding to her, Ning Rongrong understood, and the two activated the ninth soul skill, displaying the light of resurrection!
Oscar didn't specifically communicate with the God of Cookery, because behind Tang San, there are Sea God and Shura God secretly controlling him.

Under the light of resurrection, two gods descended, the divine light shone everywhere, and an extremely powerful divine sense ushered in, secretly acting.

Under the imperial order of the new emperor Tiandou, millions of soldiers prayed, and on the side of Sea God Island, a huge power of faith entered Sea God's body, and some power of faith was absorbed by Oscar's eighth spirit ring!

"Have you reached level 93?" Oscar felt the changes in his aura. It is extremely difficult for him to level up every level now. He never thought that there would be such unexpected benefits!
The Poseidon's body was repaired, Rakshasa's death breath was expelled, the heart started beating again, and the signs of life recovered, until a blue figure returned!

"Brother Ao! Thank you!" Looking at the people who were worried about him, the man thankfully said to Oscar, he is the soul of Sea God!
"Thank you, I will find you later!"

Oscar said flatly, motioning for him to return quickly!Supporting Ning Rongrong who was exhausted, this time it really cost money!

Outside Jialing Pass!

Another duel, but this time, it's a battle between two gods!After waiting for a long time, it is time for Oscar to collect the fruits after spending such a capital!

(End of this chapter)

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