Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 305 Spirit Pet Silver Dragon King

Chapter 305 The Tenth Spirit Pets the Silver Dragon King

"Give up! Tang San!"

At this time Oscar said to Tang San who was trapped in the sword energy, this is not the soul skill of the ten golden soul rings, but the power of heaven and earth inspired by the immortal cultivator, you are a god, but not Pan Gu, how can you open this world !

"Impossible..." Tang San said firmly.

"Hmph! In vain you are still a sea god, enjoying the power of faith of millions of people in the sky, and the tolerance of your sea. Now, they are under my cold air, and their lives will not be long. You and I continue to fight. Who is suffering!" Oscar yelled.

Tang San looked ten thousand meters below, all the soldiers were like stiff corpses, their faces were blue, curled up in a group, even Dugu Bo, who was as strong as the Titled Douluo, was trembling.

"Bibi Dong is dead, your goal has been achieved, besides, that soul master's hands were never stained with the blood of a soul beast!" Oscar shouted.

"Forget it, Xiao Ao, I lost!"

Looking at the appearance of a million soldiers and listening to Oscar's stern words, he couldn't help sighing.

"It turns out that you are so strong!"

Oscar returned to Qian Renxue's side, and saw her leaning against him, as if she wanted to seek warmth from him.

"Of course, it's a big responsibility! Xue'er, let us resolve this cold together!" Oscar said with a smile, holding her hand, and the four wings and six wings together rose into the sky, dispelling the cold!

"Holy! Shine!"

With the support of Oscar's aura, Qian Renxue, like the God of Angels back then, once again brought the divine to the mainland!

"This is the last thing I can do for you, maybe I will leave soon!"

Looking at this beautiful continent, Oscar felt unspeakable in his heart!

Some ordinary people, looking at the pair of angels in the sky, hurriedly knelt down and worshiped. It is a gift from heaven that they can survive in such troubled times.

The yin and cold dissipated, and the Tiandou army retreated. Since then, the Northern Snow Empire, the Tiandou Empire, the Wuhun Empire, the Star Luo Empire, and the four kingdoms have stood together. The Wuhun Empire is still a holy place for soul masters. Heal the pain of Jialing Pass!
Star Dou Great Forest!
"Silver Dragon King! Here I come!"

With a flash of silver light, a man in red clothes who is as beautiful as a fairy appeared in the core of the forest. The clear small lake, like a top-quality mirror, reflected his beauty, and he was the Great Emperor Beixue, Oscar!
Just like the sound of boulders falling into the water, breaking the quiet lake, Oscar dived into the small lake, the water is not deep, there is a dragon, but Oscar knows that this lake can't look at the surface, no wonder it can hide the Azure Bull Python!
Further down, I don't know how many meters, I can only see the glittering crystals, like pieces of crystals, attracting people, and the clear water of the lake allows Oscar to have a clear view!

Even Oscar, who has passed through the catastrophe period and has a long lifespan, couldn't help but scream out when he saw this fetish!
Because, in front of him, it was like a giant silver dragon thousands of meters away, and she saw her dragon eyes confined and fell into a deep sleep!

"Haha, I saw a real dragon today!" Oscar smiled, feeling her coercion, her strength far surpassed that of Rakshasa and Asura, two killing gods, which shows how extraordinary she is.

Oscar swam close to the giant dragon's body excitedly, and couldn't help stroking the gleaming and charming dragon scales lovingly!
Suddenly, Oscar felt that the small lake was about to collapse, and the lake was raging, breaking the beauty of the small lake!
"Who are you to disturb this god's eternal sleep!" The dragon's colorful dragon eyes stared at the imposing Oscar and said majesticly!

"Hello! My name is Oscar. I'm here today mainly to see the dragon's demeanor. What else..."

When Oscar said this, he deliberately whetted the appetite of this elder sister Long!
"What else, I can't tell why, today, you will fall here!"

The giant dragon stared at Oscar, showing that the dragon might be inviolable.

"It's all hurt like this, and you still talk big!"

Oscar muttered, but Sister Long is big and big, but she has sharp eyes and ears!

"Hey! What are you talking about!"

The dragon roared, and the water in the lake swirled, but Oscar remained motionless!
"No! What's more, that is, I am short of the tenth spiritual pet, so I am here to accept you!"

In the end, Oscar lowered his voice and said provocatively.

"Go to hell! Human!"

In the end, the giant dragon knew that this guy was dreaming, and the beautiful dragon tail flicked, and a trick of the dragon swayed his tail!
"Take you back to the God Realm, absorb the power of the Golden Dragon King, and become the new Dragon God!" Facing the innocuous physical attack, Oscar said without changing his expression.

"You, how do you know this!"

The giant dragon said in shock, its giant tail stopped not far from Oscar's body!but……

This fellow, Oscar, actually played with the huge dragon tail, and even curled it up to look like an apron. He also blamed the giant dragon for growing up and having a "good temper"!
"Because! The heavenly secret must not be leaked!"

Oscar answered a sentence that made the giant dragon want to tear him apart!

"Hey! Then you stay!"

The Silver Dragon King also changed his mind, the surrounding space seemed to be distorted, Oscar suddenly came to a large space, only one person and one dragon remained!
"Wow, this is your power, it really is the final boss!" Oscar didn't have the slightest fear, but observed it curiously, knowing that the Silver Dragon King's elemental power, space, etc. are extremely powerful, and he experienced it for himself. identical.

"Human, aren't you afraid of death!"

The giant dragon looked at this guy who wasn't afraid at all and asked, this was the first time he had seen him.

"I'm afraid, I practice for longevity, after I live to prove that I'm still alive, and I've already died twice, you can try to make me die a third time!" Oscar replied calmly.

"Okay! Then I will fulfill you!"

The giant dragon rushed forward, with the power of elements under the powerful impact, it imprisoned people!

"Xuan Ming flashes!"

With a flash of silver light, Oscar had already fallen onto the head of the giant dragon, holding a towering dragon horn!

"Haha! I didn't expect to be able to be a dragon knight today. Great dragon, take me to the sky, I will make you a new dragon god!" Oscar said leisurely, very chic, with point two momentum.


Although the Silver Dragon King is eager to go back, he also knows that if he signs a certain contract with some human beings, he will not be free for life. As the clone of the Dragon God, how could she agree!
"I said today, whether you agree or not, my tenth pet, I'll take you in." Oscar said domineeringly.

"Hmph! Then try with your life!"

The giant dragon turned around, trying to throw Oscar off, but he entangled the dragon to death!

Struggling to no avail, in the end, the silver dragon flashed silver light and turned into a cold and charming woman with silver hair and purple eyes, scorpion head and crescent eyebrows!

"I know, you are very human, but this is my space, if I don't let you out, you will never want to go out!" said the woman.

"Why bother! Why bother! Why force me to do it! Master!"

Oscar shook his head and shouted.The woman in the form of a dragon thought that Oscar was going to make a move, but unexpectedly, a woman more beautiful than her came out, and her heart trembled when she saw it, one word: strong!

"Really, you bastard apprentice, you can't even deal with a small dragon!" Hong Ming said angrily, staring at the laughing Oscar!

"Master, it's because of you. Master's prestige in front of him is not looking for shit!" Oscar laughed, massaging Hong Ming's fragrant shoulders.

"Poor mouth!" Hong Ming said.

"Hey! Master, apprentice, whether I can become a dragon knight or not depends on you, old man!" Oscar said, looking at that woman, she is truly the most beautiful woman in the world!
"The taste is really strong!" Hong Ming said!
The woman trembled and looked at Hong Ming who was walking towards her, but only saw Hong Ming whispering something in her ear!

At last……

"Master! What did you tell her?"

Oscar made a tenth pet contract with her for no apparent reason, and asked curiously!

Hong Ming smiled without saying a word. In the end, Oscar could only leave the Star Dou Forest in a daze, puzzled for a long time!

(End of this chapter)

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