Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 306 The Great Marriage

Chapter 306 The Great Marriage (The Finale)

In the north, an ice crystal throne hangs high, and the soft light shines on this snow-white world, making the north peaceful, and these few days are the most memorable event in the north!

Snow Emperor City!Nine giant dragon-like snow pythons circled around. Except for the millions of people back then, no one knew that this was actually the effect of a piece of clothing, or the python robe of Emperor Beixue!

"That's... Emperor Beixue!"

"Long live the Snow Emperor!"

As soon as Oscar stepped into the warm Snow Emperor City, he received all the attention, because his snow-white hair, charming temperament, and unique red clothes had to attract attention.

"Well! Everyone get up, the emperor will definitely protect us in the north!" Oscar miraculously helped everyone up, for the great love for the common people, and their power of faith, Oscar finally knew why Tang San had great affection for Tiandou If you have such feelings, change the sun and moon to Tiandou!
Until the gate of the palace, tens of thousands of people around Oscar sent them off. Because of Oscar's position, their lives were guaranteed and improved, and they knew what a well-off life was.

Inside the palace!
"National teacher, how are you doing what I want you to do?" Sitting on the throne, Oscar asked His Highness Lin Chentian, the imperial national teacher, who also serves as the master of the Snow Emperor Hall, free of charge for the common people to awaken and provide Cultivation resources have won a good reputation for the Snow Emperor Palace.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I've done everything!"

Lin Chentian said respectfully, the battle of Jialing Pass is well known in mainland China, their emperor defeated the Sea God of the Heaven Dou Empire and kept the Spirit Empire with his own strength, all of which made them proud as subjects.

"It's so good, I should come soon, this is my promise to them!" Oscar said with a smile, once the emperor's face opened, the coldness in the north retreated!

"Haha! Look at the bride!"

"Huh, that should be someone from the Star Luo Empire. I heard that he is the crown prince of the Star Luo Empire, escorting the daughter of the Zhu family, Zhu Zhuqing, one of the Shrek Seven Monsters, who is also the daughter of the Snow Emperor, and came to get married!"

In the bustling streets, the number of people has reached millions in the past few days. As soon as the Emperor Oscar's decree came out, the whole country celebrated. Even King Wu and King Hao temporarily put aside state affairs and came to congratulate!

At the same time, another elite army not weaker than Xing Luo came. Among the army, a man with imperial majesty and golden armor was Xue Beng, the new emperor of Tiandou, and he personally married his sister today!

"Haha, it's our luck to have such an emperor who intimidates the world!"

The high-rise buildings in the city are full of people, and everyone appreciates all this happily.Because, today, all the businesses in Snow Emperor City are free of charge. Of course, the operation of Shen San, the richest man in the empire is indispensable behind the scenes!
Afterwards, another army that crushed the other two armies entered the city with a sacred luan, and the entire army was composed of soul masters at the soul king level!
Inside the luanjia, Qian Renxue, the god of angels in Fengguanxiapei, attracted everyone with a sacred aura.

As the teacher of the state and Oscar's most capable minister, Lin Chentian welcomed Luanjia and the emperor's concubine. He was also pleased at this time to gain Oscar's trust!

"Nini, Zhuqing, Rongrong..., Princess Xueke, this is me... this is the wedding that you men owe you!" Oscar, wearing a red dragon robe, looked at the sixteen women and said, changing his mind. Regal attitude.

Mu Xian'er, who was wearing new clothes again, asked Oscar playfully, "Honey, do I count as a second marriage?"

"Xian'er, let my husband love you one more time, okay!" Oscar said softly!

Afterwards, under a set of cumbersome etiquette, they finally got their titles and became Oscar-deserving women!

"Guests who have come from afar, and the people of this country, I swear to have fun with you today, to show the demeanor of my great country, and to teach you that in my great country of North Snow, women do not give in to women. Dear concubines, welcome Soul ring!"

Oscar was delighted from the bottom of his heart. Looking at the guests from all over the world, he first showed the strength of the empire, and second, he proved that his women are not vases!
Then!The scene that shocked the audience!
"Hiss! All... are Title Douluo!"

"Yeah, it's terrifying! What's the age limit for the red soul ring?"

The voices of discussion have achieved very good results. Looking at the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, they are already very afraid, especially the Star Luo Empire. Without the blessing of gods, even the newly stabilized Spirit Empire has a god. Guarded.

"My people, as we all know, the black soul ring is ten thousand years old, but this red soul ring is one hundred thousand years old, and the golden one is a million year old soul ring!"

As Oscar said calmly, the ten golden soul rings on his body flickered!
"Long live the Snow Emperor!"

"Long live the Snow Emperor!"

The whole people cheered enthusiastically. With such a battle, the two great empires of Tiandou and Xingluo would not be able to think about targeting the Beixue Empire after thousands of years, because the Beixue Empire was too strong.

This time, Snow Emperor married sixteen women at a time, which has been included in the history of Beixue Empire. It is recorded in it that among Snow Emperor's lovers, there is a god!Listed as an ancient wedding, unprecedented!

Afterwards, a gigantic and shimmering silver sacred dragon flew side by side with a beautiful and unique ice-blue phoenix. Under the threat of Oscar, they had no choice but to obey!

The celebration of this wedding lasted for several months, and people talked about it with great interest. Everyone in the mainland knew that Oscar was also known as the most beautiful emperor!

In the twinkling of an eye, a hundred years flies by like an arrow!

In order to celebrate the Snow Emperor expelling the dead, there is an annual Ice Sculpture Festival in the north!
The establishment of the Three-North Forest made Oscar, the Northern Snow Emperor, once again leave a strong mark in the history of the empire!
Decades ago, Oscar had passed the throne of Emperor Beixue to the mature and stable Oswald during the tribulation period. For Emperor Beihua, Osicheng was a carefree and carefree king, and Osiyin was the number one. princess!
The two brothers used to be jealous of Xue Lian, but Xue Lian rejected both of them in the end. She is always a girl in her teens, but she has changed a lot in her heart. For the two brothers, she has unspeakable emotions, and, more importantly, Most of them should be sisters and brothers, friends!
A hidden peach garden in the north!
"Father, what do you want to call a child?" A handsome young man with the wise air of an emperor knelt respectfully and said, behind him was a generous, beautiful and charming woman, and a carefree and unrestrained man.

"Hua'er, it's been a hundred years, and the three of you, brothers and sisters, are already practitioners who have completed the tribulation period. Now, the reason why I have called you here is because my father is going to leave this world, and go to the God Realm with all of you mothers and queens." , all of you remember, after crossing the catastrophe, you will become immortals instead of gods. After you become immortals, you can roam the world without restraint. Today, our family will enjoy the happiness of the world again. The three of you and my good grandson Aoyuan Long, let's see Father Huang crossing the catastrophe, so that you can break the shackles in the future, Sicheng, Siyin, it's time for you to find a companion!"

Looking at his three children, Oscar couldn't help but speak earnestly before leaving. The whole family happily spent the day in the world, and the night came!

Ao Sihua issued an imperial decree that tonight, Emperor Beixue will become a god, and the whole country will send him off!
The originally gentle Bei Ye was suddenly filled with destructive power. Oscar, who had become the God of Cookery and completed his tribulation period, couldn't help but clenched his brows.Because, this is not ninety-nine heavenly calamities, but one thousand and eight, destroying heavenly calamities!


The northern tremor resounded throughout the continent, and purple thunder pythons attacked this immortal who was as beautiful as a fairy!

"Snow Empress! You can definitely become a god!"

"Everyone pray for the Snow Emperor!"

The people of the North Kingdom looked at the terrifying thunder that continued to howl, and they all began to pray!

"Thank you, my people!"

Oscar smiled, recalling the python robe and the Xuanbing Throne, majesticly resisting the sky thunder!

A total of one thousand and one loud noises lasted for three days and three nights. Finally, the sacred light shone on the northern continent. Oscar succeeded. He is both a fairy and a god!
Oscar still remembers drinking water and remembering the source, and left behind a semi-divine weapon he refined, which was later called the Snow Emperor Tower, which contained mysterious cultivation techniques, soul skills, soul bones, and domains only available to Titled Douluo!

It is known that Oscar is titled the God of Cookery, and there will be a God of Cookery competition in later generations to commemorate Oscar.A perfect system of fighting between humans and spirit beasts, finally, the Oscar statuette appeared...

(End of this chapter)

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