Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 307 Wedge, Hunyuan

Chapter 307 Wedge, Hunyuan

One day in the God Realm, one year in the Human World!
In the blink of an eye, 1 years have passed, and the phenomenon of crossing the catastrophe that shocked the mainland ten thousand years ago has been gradually forgotten by people.But the God Realm has ushered in a new God of Cookery. In the God Realm, he scares the gods, also known as the pit god!
"You bastard, you have been retreating for several years, and you want to starve your wife to death!"

A female fairy wearing a fairy light yellow dress complained, looking at the soft and beautiful man who had regained his black hair.

"Xian'er, you have become a god, you are still so greedy, no, my husband needs to recover!" The beautiful man replied with a smile, he is the well-known pit god in the god world, and the newcomer God of Cookery, Oscar!
In this beautiful and peaceful unique God Realm, they all lamented that it was fortunate that there were more Oscar women, otherwise, they would definitely be bored to death!

As soon as they came to the God Realm, Oscar and the God of Cookery completed the handover task, and Oscar went directly to the God of Shura. The two gods fought in the void for an unknown amount of time, and even the God Realm was almost affected. From then on, the gods kept the new God of Cookery at a respectful distance. !
Later, Oscar found the God of Destruction again. Under Oscar's repeated harassment, the hungry God of Destruction was finally able to satisfy him and himself!
This time, Oscar, the God of Cookery, was very satisfied. The ten golden rings in his body, as well as the Dao fruit of the eighth soul ring of Sausage, the energy of a total of eleven golden soul rings finally stabilized, and Oscar also broke through in one fell swoop. Da Luo Jinxian is close to the state of perfection in the later stage, with the help of the star map and the ten pets, he evolves his own prototype small world!

"Who told you to be brave? With your master Hong Ming, Nini and I, we have to be greedy. Sign two more contracts with Zhuqing, Binger and the others!"

The charming female fairy named Xianer said that Nini became the god of the forest, Zhu Zhuqing became the god of speed, and Shui Binger became the god of ice, but she has no god position!
"Okay! Xian'er, you will always be my first wife!" Oscar comforted with a smile.

"Heck, bad guy, what about me!"

A very charming woman said with a smile, the proud figure makes people feel satisfied at a glance, and it is unforgettable.

"You are my big fairy!"

Oscar replied that Shangguan Xueer, the great goblin, did not have a god position, but had reached the limit level and was brought to the God Realm by him. In addition, Ye Lingling and Wan Xiangyan shared the flower god position, and Lin Wanjun inherited wisdom. Roland found the God of Judgment, and Li Qingqing, who inherited the God of Love, found Oscar after recovering his memory!

These are also Oscar's confidence in the God Realm, half of his women have become gods!As for the law enforcers, Oscar expressed that he was not interested, because signing the other two contracts would seriously damage his vitality, and now that he has just come out of retreat, the world will have a lifetime of ten thousand years.

"elder brother!"

Nini, with a fresh and forest-like air, embraces the charming Oscar. In the blink of an eye, decades have passed, and the mainland has been ten thousand years old. I heard that the new son-in-law of Sea God has also become a god!

"Xiao Ao, why don't we have any children!" Zhu Zhuqing asked with a blushing cold face, it has been going on for so long, but there is no movement at all!

"Well, we've all become gods, and there will be in the future!" Oscar replied with a smile holding the clingy Nini.

Just when Oscar, the God of Cookery, was about to have sex with all the women, a passionate voice came!

"Haha, God of Cookery, I know you've passed the test. You lost last time. Let's do it again this time!"

Oscar said to all the women: "Wait for my husband to get his revenge, and then come back and love you all!"

Oscar smiled, lamenting that this great god is really powerful. He came here when he wanted to play tricks, and he didn't have time to stabilize his realm just after breaking through.

"Come on, beat up... Damn it!"

All the women gasped together, and the God of Destruction didn't know about it, and suddenly angered everyone!
In the void!

"Haha, God of Destruction, this time I have broken through more than one level! I believe you will be pleasantly surprised!" Smiling, he looked at the handsome and heroic God of Destruction full of destructive power, representing destruction, and the seven original sins under him are all negative gods Die!So one more friend who can fight against each other, wouldn't that make him excited.

"That's right! It just so happens that my cultivation base has also touched a trace of the source, let's wait and see!" The God of Destruction replied!
Oscar held the Xuanming Sword in his hand, his black hair instantly turned snow-silver, and pure cold air radiated out. He who refined the immortal body and bones fully developed the profound meaning of the extremely cold water.

"Come on! Let me see your extremely cold true water!"

Afterwards, the battle between the two began, and the gods were helpless: here they come again, these two guys!Fortunately, God Shura was smart, so he ran away as soon as he lost his position!

I don't know how much time has passed since this fight, they are gods, they are immortal, and the most important thing is time!

In the courtyard of the God of Cookery, divine butterflies are flying, and divine flowers are blooming, as if they can never wither!
"How! Who won?"

With a flash of silver light, a beauty with messy black hair appeared, and they all asked with concern after being used to this kind of life.

At the same time, on the side of the God of Destruction, the Goddess of Life also smiled and asked the God of Destruction the same question with concern!

This is the common answer between Oscar and Destruction, so enjoyable!The so-called chess is difficult to win against an opponent, and the two also developed a friendship.

Sea God here!

Tang San said: "Unexpectedly, Brother Ao has improved again, but fortunately, once these two guys fight, the destruction will not mention the expansion of the God Realm!"

"Third brother, isn't this better? You don't have to worry so much. In this way, we can wait for our second child to be born!"

A man with long braids looked at the charming woman and said with a smile, stroking her belly, which made the imposing Law Enforcer of the God Realm obey.

God of Cookery Oscar is here!
"Master, Destruction has already touched that level of realm, is that level so difficult to break through!"

After Oscar and the other women warmed up, he hugged his charming master and asked, another thousand years have passed in the mainland, and he has reached consummation with the help of the energy of the God Realm, and it is difficult to break through again!
"At that level... Da Luo Jinxian claims to be immortal, creating the laws of heaven and earth. And at that level, he can create and destroy all laws of heaven and earth and their origin, which is different! In this God Realm, there is no A god has reached that level!" Hong Ming said.

"No wonder, contact the source of the world!"

Oscar smiled wryly, perhaps only the legendary God of Creation can achieve it!
"Why, apprentice, you are not satisfied with so many beautiful wives accompanying you!" Hong Ming said with a hint of slyness, she hoped to make Oscar uneasy about the status quo.

"No, I just heard from my master that you can create your own world when you reach the Hunyuan realm. As long as I don't die, then you can live in it forever and ever!"

Oscar hugged her tightly and said with a sigh, the continent has changed a lot in the blink of an eye, except for some fame, who still remembers their appearance.

"So, you thought so far!"

Hong Ming smiled and said that he was finally going to embark on this path.

Oscar asked: "Master, is there any way?"

"Yes, I created a kung fu method for my master to prove Hunyuan. To practice this kung fu method, you need to go to tens of thousands of worlds, absorb enough of the original source of ten thousand ways, and break through in one fell swoop, Hunyuan!"

As Hong Ming said, his black eyes stared at Oscar like a demon god, wanting to see his determination!

"Master, have you already proved..."

Oscar asked in surprise, he had never seen Hong Ming's strength, he never thought it would be so strong!

"That's so easy. To be a teacher is still far behind! Do you want to practice!" Hong Ming said!

"Origin of ten thousand ways, it will take 20 years for me to go to each world for 20 years!" Oscar said with a wry smile, the time is too long!
"Don't you still have a clone, the time is cut in half, the clone only needs one year, and the energy he absorbs will be absorbed by you immediately, so forget it if you don't want to practice!" Hong Ming said intentionally, Oscar's eyes lit up when he heard it, maybe , It’s good to go to other worlds to see!

In the end, in the perfect state, he practiced the Myriad Dao Hunyuan Method.All the women, as well as the gods of the God Realm, sent them off. Among them, how many were happy and how many were worried!

"Destruction, when I come back, I will definitely beat you!"

"I am looking forward!"

The two hugged each other, Oscar's second-level god residence, even if he left, it would not have much impact on the God Realm!

"Master! Hold another one!"

Oscar hugged him one by one, and finally he said to his master nonchalantly, opened his arms, and Hong Ming also hugged him for a while!
"Apprentice, it's fine, let's go!"

Afterwards, Oscar was pushed into the void that did not lead to that world. Oscar suddenly felt motion sickness, and finally fell into a deep sleep...

(End of this chapter)

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