Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 309 Servant Knight Examination

Chapter 309 Servant Knight Examination
When the dawn rises and the first sun comes down, it symbolizes the arrival of a new day. Bing Xin wakes up and watches Ma Han go out.
"Brother Zhuang, don't you still have an attendant knight assessment?"

Bing Xin said to the little boy beside the bed, but he seemed to sleep like a little pig.

"Well, it's still early, Bing Xin, let me sleep for a while, my mother will call me later!"

Ma Dazhuang turned over and continued to snore and fell asleep soundly!

Bing Xin could only smile, walked out the door, raised the curtain, the simple little home made him feel warm!
"Xiaobing, why don't you sleep more?"

Aunt Hua looked at the charming him and said, with a smile on her face, it seemed that the simple life of ordinary people was satisfied.

"I want to take a look!" Bing Xin replied.

Jin Hua thought he was shy of strangers, so she said to him, "Xiao Bing, come here, Aunt Hua will teach you how to work as a girl. In your free time, then you won't feel bored, and you will have a skill at your side!"

Here, a female worker?
He was confused, but he was still regarded as a woman, nodded, approached Aunt Hua, and looked carefully.

"Xiao Bing, that's it. Stitch by stitch, the phantom is stitched together." Aunt Hua said.

The needle and thread in her hands seemed to have souls in her hands, and they were not bad at all. Then, a picture of two ducks playing in the water, oh no, a picture of mandarin ducks playing in the water was displayed in her hands!
It can be seen from this skillful handwork that Aunt Hua should have more than ten years of skill, and she has reached the realm of hand-to-hand proficiency!

"Well, that's it, Xiaobing, you are not only charming, but also so smart!"

Bing Xin managed to embroider a pair, and Aunt Hua encouraged her, but the truth is, his technique is better than those women who have been embroidering for several years!

"Not as good as Aunt Hua's embroidery!"

Bing Xin said modestly, she was just clever, but she, like Ma Han, didn't know too much about culture.

The two continued to embroider, but Bing Xin patiently embroidered one stitch at a time. It was very fulfilling, and the time passed by every minute. Aunt Hua looked outside the door!
Facing Bing Xin, he said: "It's almost time, Xiao Bing, go and wake up Da Zhuang, he still has an assessment today!"

Bing Xin nodded, finally here, I still lack a lot of knowledge about this world, perhaps, this is also the reason why Master wants me to go to thousands of worlds.

After a while, Da Zhuang carried a three-foot-long wooden sword on his back, looking like a hero!

"Da Zhuang, the kitchen is already steaming. After eating with Bing Xin, I will also take her out for a walk to familiarize myself with the environment." Aunt Hua said with a smile.

Looking at his strong son, and looking at the petite and soft Bing Xin who is short, big and strong, he is really a flower, but thinking about it, his son is not bad either.

Earlier, it was a piece of steamed steamed bun with a small gap on it. It should be that Ma Han went out and ate a little. If this is the case, Aunt Hua probably didn't eat it.

"Brother Zhuang, I can't eat too much!"

Bing Xin pulled down a little, and another big piece was given to Da Zhuang, but it was so obvious, I don't know whether to praise you for your naivety or innocence!Didn't you see that your mother didn't even eat it!
Da Zhuang didn't think so much, at his age, he ate up Bing Xin's big piece.

"Mom, then I went out with Bing Xin, I will definitely pass the test, become a knight, and earn money to support you and Dad!"

Da Zhuang took a big sip of water, said hello and led Bing Xin out!Aunt Hua with a happy smile was left behind.

Bing Xin was speechless, did children think so much, this guy, he still won't let go of him.

"Good morning, Grandpa Bao!" Da Zhuang laughed.

Bing Xin saw that it was an amiable old man with a white beard who looked like a fairy!
He smiled and said, "You are strong, come on, you will become an excellent knight in the future!"

The knights are divided into knight attendants at the beginning, which is what Da Zhuang will be assessed today. If the spiritual power reaches more than [-] points, he will pass the quasi-knight assessment. After the quasi-knight, he will be a real knight. pursued.

After a brief greeting, Da Zhuang ostentatiously introduced his new "sister".Bing Xin also knew about this old man, he even had a funny name, Bao Zheng.Then, the two started heading to the center of town, Odinzi Temple!

"Bing Xin, you wait here for me, don't run around!"

Entering a small hall with a two-story building, Ma Dazhuang said to Bing Xin, and then, one after another, more than ten children arrived.

Bing Xin nodded, signaling him to rest assured, on the way, he also saw shops that bought the bodies of monsters and various treasures.


"Tell me, why do you want to become knights!" A loud voice came, and Bing Xin had to go up to find out.

"Protect the human beings, protect the kindness...protect the relatives!" A neat and immature voice came out, and Bing Xin also saw this group of children, all around eight to ten years old.

"Humility, honesty, compassion, bravery, justice, sacrifice, honor, persistence, benevolence, justice!" Bing Xin chanted the knight's code, which is equivalent to the values ​​of knights in this continent.

Standing in the middle, Da Zhuang could tell from his unnatural movements that this kid was still nervous. Bing Xin also noticed the test process, ten points of spiritual power was equivalent to the strength of an adult.

After growing up, Bing Xin found a handsome but different from his gentle eight or nine-year-old boy with determination, he was the only one with such a face, Long Haochen!
After twists and turns, he still passed the assessment, and the chief instructor Balza also announced that the assessment was over!
"Hey! What a beautiful little sister!"

A group of excited children came towards Bing Xin, found Bing Xin who was watching outside the door, and couldn't help boasting.

"Bing Xin, why are you here!"

After passing the examination, Ma Dazhuang was obviously very happy, and then introduced himself to his good buddies.

"Brother Zhuang, can you give me your wooden sword first!" Bing Xin said, if he stays with the child for too long, he is afraid that he will become a child.

Da Zhuang said: "It's very heavy!"

He also didn't expect that Bing Xin wanted the wooden sword for an assessment!
"It's okay, Da Zhuang, you can take it and let her try it first, maybe, sister Bing Xin also wants to become a squire knight!" A ten-year-old boy of fair size laughed.

"Alright! Bing Xin, be careful!"

Da Zhuang took down the wooden sword and said worriedly, after all, he loved this charming sister very much.

Bing Xin nodded!
"Hey! It's really possible to pick it up. We had to practice for more than a month before we could pick it up!" The curious boys were shocked.

"It's so troublesome, I have to walk over by myself!"

Bing Xin held the long sword, looked very cute at the age of six, and walked towards the wooden pier evaluation platform!

Bing Xin's charming little appearance, how could he not attract the attention of the chief instructor Balza when he passed the wooden pier, and the one named Hao Chen was also shocked when he saw Bing Xin who was younger than him, and relaxed when he saw the strange and beautiful Bing Xin. Take the wooden sword!

Bing Xin raised her sword and slammed it. With good control, Shi Zhu jumped to the fifteen mark!

"Amount! It's still a bit high!"

Bing Xin smiled inwardly, the tallest one was Jiang Hu, with thirteen spiritual powers, of course, this was Bing Xin's physical strength, and he hadn't even started cultivating spiritual power.

"Instructor, I have passed the examination, can I study here? I also want to become a knight!" Bing Xin looked at the shocked Balza with a charming smile and said.Of course, what was shocking was the person hiding in the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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