Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 310 Women's Clothing

Chapter 310 Women's Clothing
Odin's palace!

"Yes... yes!"

Chief instructor Balza said in shock, looking at Bing Xin's age, and with these fifteen points of spiritual power, if he cultivated well, he would definitely become a real knight in the future.

"Yeah! Bing Xin, you have also become a squire knight." Ma Dazhuang watched the shocking scene, and said happily from the bottom of his heart.

"Da Zhuang, is this your sister?"

Balza asked, Ma Dazhuang nodded respectfully, with pride, and never thought that Bing Xin's spiritual power was so high.

Afterwards, Bing Xin and Ma Dazhuang went to collect the Yuanyuan Liquid!

"Haochen and Bingxin, you are really two rare seedlings!" Looking at the three children who left, Balza sighed.Turning around to leave, he found a man in black beside him, which shocked him, the chief instructor.

"Balza, do you want to know why they have such terrifying explosive power?" the man in black asked majestically.

"Please let me know!"

Balza changed his shock, and said respectfully, at least he is a real knight who can approach him so silently.

"One is an explosion of spiritual power, and the other is an explosion of pure physical strength. It's called Bing Xin. His external spiritual power is obviously very strong!" said the man in black.

But he was only half right, Bing Xin's external spiritual power is not very strong, and she has no spiritual power.It's that he has a strong body, not only a fairy body, but also a god body. Even the body of the modern Demon God Emperor can't compare to him.

On the side of the town, a simple hut!

"Mom, I have good news for you, Bing Xin, Bing Xin..."

Ma Dazhuang said out of breath, his excited little face could not conceal the excitement of the good news.

"Xiaobing is fine, what's the matter?"

Aunt Hua laughed and patted her son on the back to slow him down!
"Mom, Bing Xin, Bing Xin has become an attendant knight, and she is also the one with the highest spiritual power in our hall." Da Zhuang said.

When Aunt Hua heard this, her smile subsided. If Bing Xin was an ordinary person, she might have a beautiful daughter-in-law in the future.But, Bing Xin is only six or seven years old, he is a knight attendant, maybe he has a chance to become a knight in the future, and that is his son Gao Pan.And Bing Xin's origin is unknown, maybe she is the daughter of those nobles.

Bing Xin didn't know that the misunderstanding was so big. He just didn't want to explain. From now on, he should treat himself as a woman, lest thousands of girls would be harmed by him. However, he pretended to be a woman, but he didn't know how many men he would harm in the future. that's it.

"That's it, it's really a good thing!" Aunt Hua smiled, and then took out two packages, one big and one small, "Da Zhuang, these are your new clothes, Xiaobing, these are the two clothes that Aunt Hua bought for you." A skirt and two suits!"

"Skirts? Girls' clothes?"

Bing Xin was struck by lightning, Aunt Hua would not let her change her clothes, and she should wear women's clothes, her snow python robe can be large or small, and it does not pollute the world. It is warm in winter and cool in summer, so there is no need to change at all. !

"What's the matter? Don't you like it? This pink dress is pretty nice. There's also a blue one here!"

Aunt Hua took those typical girl's dresses and said, the colors and styles are really pretty, but he is not a girl!
"No, no, I like it very much!"

In the end, Bing Xin replied involuntarily, is this the price for her beauty, or is she harming too many women?

"Then try it? Auntie will help you!"

Aunt Hua smiled, wanting to put this beautiful dress on this little beauty herself.

Bing Xin: Tangled...

"Aunt Hua, I, I will do it myself!"

Even with his thick skin like a copper wall, he couldn't help blushing, but this made the mother and son look even happier.

In the simple and small bathroom, Bing Xin looked at these girls' clothes, because she was greedy for the warmth between them, so-called telling a lie, she had to use countless lies to cover it up.

"Is this the me when I was a child?"

Knowing how to dress, he easily put on that blue dress, looked at the mirror, and was stunned. His black hair was drooping, and his small shiny black eyes perfectly adorned that delicate and beautiful little face. Her face looked pure and lovely under the blue dress.

"Xiao Bing, are you ready?" Aunt Hua shouted, thinking that Bing Xin couldn't wear skirts, she was fascinated when she came in.The blue dress, accompanied by unknown flowers, coupled with her alluring appearance, is really like a charming little fairy descending to earth!
"Wow! Xiaobing is so beautiful!"

Ma Dazhuang also poked his head in, and he was confused at first sight. No wonder Ma Han wanted to bring him home. In the final analysis, it was because of his beauty.

"Yeah, I don't know if you are a fool, you are a fool!" Aunt Hua stroked Ma Dazhuang's head and smiled, who on earth could be worthy of such a beauty.

"Mom, I'm not stupid!" Ma Dazhuang retorted, not knowing the meaning behind it.

The so-called male rabbit has fluttering feet, the female rabbit's eyes are blurred, and the two rabbits walk side by side, who can tell whether I am male or female.At this time, Bing Xin was pretending to be real, under her female attire, and her eyes were full of peach blossoms, which made people have no doubts.

"Aunt Hua!"

Bing Xin yelled, not because she was shy, but because it was difficult to accept, but she had to accept it. Perhaps, he would be proud of it in the future, and she would never fall in love with a smile.

"Oh! It fits very well, Xiao Bing, and Aunt Hua will buy you some more in the future!" Aunt Hua smiled, and Bing Xin came to kill both men and women.

"Well, thank you, Aunt Hua!"

Bing Xin said, her little face was very calm, and she comforted herself in her heart: My wife has always pretended to be a man, so I can wear women's clothes, and they don't know.

In the end, he accepted women's clothing!
As dusk approached, Ma Han also came back. Seeing Bing Xin in a skirt, she was also confused for a while. Although she looked small, she had already reached the level of disaster.

dinner time!
"Big man, what do you think of Xiaobing?"

Aunt Hua asked about her man.

"Okay!" Ma Han replied simply, his eyes turned cold.

"Come on, Bing Xin, eat more!"

Ma Dazhuang took a piece of meat for himself, and said as if taking care of his sister completely.

In the end, Bing Xin tried to take a bath for the first time in so many years, but he washed it himself, and then put on a white and light pink girl's dress.

As soon as they came out, the hair was still slightly steamed, making them petrified again, Bing Xin smiled slightly, and her heart melted.

Similarly, only after hypnotizing Da Zhuang, Bing Xin, who was wearing a girl's underwear, could fall asleep peacefully!But not far away, he could hear the voice clearly!
"Ah Hua, what's wrong with you!"

Ma Han asked, because his mother-in-law seemed to be worried about something because she was tossing and turning!
"Big man, Bing Xin is so beautiful, what will his family do if he finds her in the future, I can't bear it!"

Finally, Aunt Hua said, her voice was indeed full of reluctance, although she had only been together for a day, she was already deeply fascinated by Bing Xin, or her desire to beg for a wife for her son was also faintly playing tricks.

"Okay, Ah Hua, although we are in the rear, there are many people who have been harmed by the demons, Xiaobing is so beautiful, something must have happened, that's why she separated from her family, don't worry so much, go to sleep. " Ma Han comforted.

In the end, Aunt Hua was still tossing and falling asleep, so Bing Xin had no choice but to make a move. Ma Han was just like Ma Dazhuang, snoring like thunder!
(End of this chapter)

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