Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 311 Cultivating Spirit Power

Chapter 311 Cultivating Spirit Power
On the second day, head to the Odin Temple!

On the way, wherever Bing Xin passed, all eyes were on her. White and pink clothes, the thin clothes were blowing, and the warm sun shone on her fair skin, making the laborers stop their work, and the profit-seeking merchants couldn't help but stop for a long time. Take a look and admire this little beauty.

"Bing Xin, many people are watching you!"

Ma Dazhuang said with a smile, although he really wanted to call Xiaobing, but Bingxin ignored him, so he called him by his name directly.

This time, Bing Xin didn't answer him either, but stepped up to the Knight's Palace.

"Huh? Whose girl is this, she looks so charming!"

"That's right, I heard from Wang Chao that Ma Han adopted a charming little girl, she should be her, and the boy next to her should be Ma Han's son!"

Looking at Bing Xin going away, passers-by said one after another.That charming appearance seems to be imprinted in their minds, which is really hard to forget.And they will have one more beautiful thing every day in the future, that is to watch Bing Xin.

In the Odin Palace, Bing Xin and Ma Dazhuang were all assigned to the No. [-] Hall. They will practice here for three years, and then go to the branch hall for the quasi-knight assessment!

"Bing Xin, Hall No. [-] is here!"

Ma Dazhuang, with a simple and honest appearance, looked at the word "one" on the door of a room of about [-] square meters, and then smiled at Bing Xin.

Bing Xin smiled back, she couldn't say that she saw it from a long distance, it hurt the child's heart!
"Wow, what a cute little sister!"

Da Zhuang just went in, and there was no reaction yet, but when he got to Bing Xin, he saw several pairs of small eyes all looking at him and saying.

"Bing Xin, where do you think you want to sit?"

Da Zhuang asked, seeing that there are still many vacancies that have not come, he seems to want to be a flower protector.

From this classroom, it can be concluded that Balza is assessed in batches, and it is impossible for a famous town to have such a small number of children.

"Where to sit!"

Bing Xin pointed to the last very hidden seat in the classroom and said, unexpectedly, she had to experience going to elementary school again.Fortunately, there are many books, exercise equipment and so on in the huge classroom.

"Bing Xin, the instructor said, it's better to sit in the front, so you can hear clearly!" Ma Dazhuang said.He didn't expect Bing Xin to choose to sit in the last seat.

"Brother Zhuang, sit in the front, I'm fine!" Bing Xin said.

He just wanted to find the cultivation method of the Holy Demon Continent.Only after I came here did I realize that this Ten Thousand Dao Hunyuan Jue is a kind of auxiliary and useless exercise. It is not useless. Power storage!

"Bing Xin, I'm your brother, so I'll sit with you in the back." Ma Dazhuang said, and then the two found a seat at the back, Ma Dazhuang's tall figure just blocked him.

Then, one after another, the children who were accompanying the knights arrived, and all the thirty seats were filled, and they were all looking forward to the arrival of the new instructor!

Bing Xin didn't see Long Haochen from yesterday, so she should have gone to practice with his father, and she should have met the little dumb girl Cai'er.


The children's long sigh was very innocent, without the slightest concealment!

"What's your attitude? Is it okay for me to be your new instructor? Stand up and salute!"

A metal-like clanging sound sounded, Bing Xin stood up and imitated the chivalry salute. Their instructor was the chief instructor Balza.I don't know what he did to these children. It seems that he is quite a strict person, but in the afternoon, he will know.

"Next, introduce your theoretical instructor, Shi Long, instructor Shi!"

After Balza finished speaking, the children saluted. Their proficient and immature manners showed that they had studied for a long time, but they were not yet the standard knight's salute.

A middle-aged man walked in outside the door, just like Balza, wearing a set of knight instructor's uniform, and he returned the gift to the children, which was very standard.

"Children, you can call me Instructor Shi in the future. I will be in charge of teaching you about the history and geography of the Holy Demon Continent, as well as some simple theoretical knowledge of monsters. Please take care of me!" the middle-aged man said with a straight and sincere voice.

"Yes! Instructor Shi!"

Thirty teenagers replied in unison.

Afterwards, Bing Xin once again felt the edification of thousands of years of historical and cultural atmosphere, the kind of not forgetting shame, keeping in mind the spread of history, let the child sprout a new sprout in the heart of expelling the demons as his duty!
The power of education is always strong, and history and knowledge need to be passed on!
The whole morning, Bing Xin was silent in this history class, this Shi Long can be regarded as a senior instructor.Fortunately, there were still many books in the classroom, so he had no choice but to find one at random.

This Holy Demon Continent is similar to the Douluo Continent. It is almost a prehistoric period. The method of spiritual power cultivation is very simple, relying on simple meditation to sense spiritual power, and physical training.

"Torturing people!"

Bing Xin was speechless at the end, at least give me a kung fu method, otherwise I will fix a hammer!

After lunch, it was time for physical training in the afternoon. Bing Xin's small body was not favored by others, and with that thick equipment on her back, she was the scariest runner!
After one afternoon, Bing Xin only said one sentence:
"Master, let's stop playing. I just felt a little spiritual power, and it's gone!"

It was because his body was too strong, and without any pressure, he exercised a little bit, and felt the spiritual power of this continent, but he couldn't absorb it.

In the evening, Bing Xin wore that pink dress this time, and after hypnotizing Ma Dazhuang, she began to meditate with her legs crossed!
Closing her eyes, Bing Xin felt that the surroundings were dotted with light, her ice water attribute was suppressed, and now she was absorbing these light attribute spiritual powers, the knight was a master of both magic and martial arts, which suited him very well.

Bing Xin didn't know how much spiritual power she had after absorbing those light spots, but it was better than nothing, at least, she had a good start.

One night, spent in cultivation!
The next day, he woke up very punctually, and embroidered again with Aunt Hua.After all, he still needs money to study in the Odin Palace. He can't always make Aunt Hua so tired. Knowing that monster corpses can be sold for money, he has some plans.

"Mom, aunt, we're going out!"

Bing Xin and Ma Dazhuang went to Zidian again, and Bing Xin also wanted to secretly test how much spiritual power he had after practicing last night!
During lunch time, Bing Xin ate a little, and then sneaked to the wooden pier.

When the wooden sword slapped, he didn't use the power of the fairy body, the wooden sword broke instantly, and the bead also bounced to the 21 scale.Bing Xin knew that the wooden sword could withstand twenty spiritual powers.

"One night, at 21 o'clock?"

Bing Xin muttered, five days later, wouldn't he be able to take the quasi-knight assessment.Only later did I realize that this was just the beginning of Wan Dao Hun Yuan Jue.Next, the speed will become slower, because the immortal body assists, and the quality of spiritual power is unmatched by others.

The cultivation of spiritual power was finally on the right track, Bing Xin could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and waited for three years before going to Haoyue City!
(End of this chapter)

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