Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 312 Haoyue Branch Hall, Assessment

Chapter 312 Haoyue Branch Hall, Assessment
Odin Town!
Bing Xin's daily life is very simple. He gets up in the morning to embroider with Aunt Hua, and then goes to the Odin Palace to study, or self-study. Only the books in the classroom let him know a lot. At night, he will practice spiritual power!
This is the case every day, repeating, day after day, a year has passed!
Chief Instructor's Office!

"Bing Xin, I really want to prepare for the knight exam!" Balza laughed.

Looking at the charming Bing Xin, he was also surprised for a long time when he learned that his spiritual power had broken through [-] within half a year.A year later, he was going to the Haoyue Branch Hall, so he took him to the quasi-knight assessment.

"Well, yes, instructor!"

Bing Xin nodded and replied, a simple knight's ceremony is very appropriate.He needs to awaken some kind of inner spiritual power in this world, because he finds that the speed of his outer spiritual power cultivation is getting slower and slower. Even if there is no bottleneck limit, he still wants to cultivate up earlier.

Afterwards, two people, one big and one small, came to a hired carriage workshop in the small town. Balza hired a carriage and started to go to the Haoyue branch hall!

On the carriage, Balza looked very embarrassed, Bing Xin didn't speak, but meditated, and he actually looked at a child, fascinated by it.

Zidian teaches simple basic movements such as chopping, stabbing, and chopping. Only when you reach the branch hall will you learn knight skills, that is, when you are a second-tier occupation.

"Instructor, I found someone from Odin Town!" Bing Xin suddenly opened her eyes, and said to the confused Balza.

"Really, let me see!"

Balza replied, and told the groom to stop the carriage, and when he came out to have a look, he found a ten-year-old boy with a pretty face and a determined face carrying two fine iron swords on his back!
"Hao Chen!"

Balza shouted, unexpectedly meeting this good student who impressed him so much!

The child saluted and replied that even if there was a new instructor, Balza, who was his first instructor, treated him well and he would not forget the training of that year.

"Haochen, are you going to the Haoyue branch hall?" Balza still asked suspiciously, logically speaking, that adult would not let a child go like this, after all there are quite a few monsters.

At the same time, he wondered why Bing Xin knew it was from Odin Town, even he didn't have such ability.

"Yes! Instructor!" the boy replied.

Balza said: "Haochen, come up together, we are also going to the Haoyue branch hall, how dangerous it is for you to be alone!"

Long Haochen originally wanted to refuse, but was directly pulled into the carriage by Balza!
"so beautiful!"

Long Haochen just poked his head into the carriage and saw Bing Xin in a blue dress, who was at the level of disaster, and couldn't help but speak out directly what was in his heart.

"Hehe, Brother Haochen, let's meet again!" Bing Xin said with a wicked smile, but to Long Haochen, it was a charming poison.

Looking at Long Haochen's face, as well as that head of black hair and blue eyes, Bing Xin sighed, the mixed race really has a unique beauty.

"Ah hello!"

Long Haochen didn't expect that there was such a beautiful little sister in the car, and later, Balza also had someone to chat with on the road, regardless of his big man appearance, when it comes to chatting, no aunt in the town can compare.

Bright Moon City!
Among them, it looks like a small city, but it is not comparable to a small town like Odin Town. Moreover, Haoyue City is also a medium-sized city, with branches of the Magic Temple and the Warrior Temple.

"Instructor! My teacher still has something to explain, I have to finish it first!" Long Haochen saluted.

"Okay, be safe!"

Balza replied that he couldn't speculate about what the mysterious lord arranged, so he took Bing Xin, settled the carriage, and went to have some lunch.

In a small restaurant, Bing Xin started admiring the bustling street after eating something casually, full of traffic and people coming and going, which is something that the God Realm doesn't have, so it must be popular.

A five-story building represents the status of the branch hall.

"Xiaobai, isn't the knight assessment two years from now? Why did the chief instructor of Odin Town come so early?"

"How do I know? That charming little sister is not even ten years old, or does he have something to report to the Palace Master?"

The two young men guarding the gate were discussing that after two years, the place would start to be bustling again. After all, all the town halls began to bring their children to the quasi-knight assessment.

It wasn't the first time Balza came here with Bing Xin, and he was familiar with the road, but the movement of the examination area attracted him to go.

A battle came into view, and that familiar little figure was actually challenging a knight!
Balza was shocked, but Bing Xin just smiled lightly, it's different with a backstage!He hasn't even learned a knight skill yet.

"Uncle Nalan, you are judging, how did Haochen, a quasi-knight, shock me back..."

Afterwards, the knight who looked like a big sister said funny words, making Balza who was next to Bing Xin nod, how could the quasi-knight knock the knight back?

"I have met the Lord Nalan Palace!"

Afterwards, Balza saluted and said, Bing Xin also followed suit and went to the countryside to do as the Romans did.

"Oh, it's Instructor Balza. Is there anything important to report this year?"

The middle-aged man with a pile of fat on his body asked, he is Nalan Shu, the master of the Haoyue branch hall!

"If the fat man doesn't lose weight, his body shape should be as good as his!" Bing Xin looked at the master of the Haoyue Branch Hall and muttered.

"This time, there is an outstanding student who has broken through to the second-tier profession. He needs to undergo the quasi-knight assessment, and the matter of this student needs to be arranged by Palace Master Nalan!" Balza said. It is related to Bing Xin's future. If Bing Xin can stay If Haoyue divides the hall to study, it will benefit Bing Xin a lot in the future.

"Hey, what a beautiful little sister, she's younger than Hao Chen, isn't she, quasi-knight? She's hitting people!"

The big sister muttered, her beautiful eyes kept looking at Bing Xin.

"Balza, take her to take the test first, and if she passes, give her permission to study in the branch hall!"

Palace Master Nalan Shu said, seeing the immature Bing Xin, it was very easy to hide the shock in his heart.

"Brother Haochen, let me borrow your refined iron sword!" Bing Xin said with a smile.

"Know? Could it be..."

That big sister was shocked, she had already tried Haochen's perversion.

Long Haochen handed Bing Xin a refined iron sword, he was so beautiful, he wouldn't let Balza suspect anything!
Bing Xin took the iron sword, her movements seemed gentle but with hidden strength, which made the evaluation platform make a sound, and three pairs of big eyes and one pair of small eyes looked at the value in shock!
"One hundred, 190 eight!"

The trembling lips of the elder sister of the knight spoke out a value that was unacceptable to them.

"Half a year..."

It was known half a year ago that Bing Xin had broken through to [-] points of spiritual power, but he didn't expect that after only half a year, he was almost becoming a real knight.

"Instructor Balza, are all your children in Odin's Palace monstrous? One Haochen is scary enough, let's have another one!" Nalan Shu asked, the knight sister only knew about it, no wonder they knew each other!
Balza smiled wryly, he didn't know, well, the evaluation platform in Zidian can only test one hundred points of spiritual power.

(End of this chapter)

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