Chapter 316

The golden-red halo was like a mist, and it didn't disappear with the disappearance of the huge and bright throne. Of course, the magic crystal of the fifth-level magic wolf worth thousands of gold coins was wasted by that person like this!
"Mom! Xiaobing!"


After resuming action, Ma Dazhuang, who seemed to be about 13 years old, was still taller than him, and his body became stronger, but still far from Mubai's level.

Aunt Hua also hugged her son, touched his face, and kept checking it, for fear that his son might be missing arms or legs.

"Hello, little sister. My name is Mo Gandang. I am the governor of Odin Town. I represent Odin Town. Thank you for saving the future of these temples!"

Afterwards, Balza and the consul arrived, and the consul gave him a standard knight's salute, expressing his sincere thanks!
"Thank you! This is my duty!"

Bing Xin replied flatly.No one expected that the demons would raid a small town behind the temple!

"Sir, Bing Xin saved the lives of hundreds of us and killed nearly a thousand demons. We must give him the glory!"

"Yes! Bing Xin, he is the little hero of our town!"

The Odin Palace, the center of the town, the place with the most crowds, when all the dust settled, hundreds of people gathered around and shouted.How could they forget that beautiful little beauty who saved their lives like a phantom.

Mo Gandang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I, Mo, will not treat our little hero badly!"

With the guarantee from the governor of Odin Town, they also started to prepare for the repair of the destroyed house!

"Bing Xin, what level have you reached as a knight?"

Balza asked curiously.It was quite difficult for him to deal with those second- and third-level demon wolves alone. He and Mo Gandang were both seriously injured when he restrained the fifth-level demon wolf. At that time, he had already prepared for the worst.

"It's a great knight!"

Bing Xin said very calmly, after all, he didn't have an exact test, he only knew that his internal and external spiritual power should break through the bottleneck of a thousand points.

Balza: ...

Balza's heart was broken, why did he ask, how old is Bing Xin, a great knight who is less than nine years old, he is now middle-aged, not even a knight!
Mo Gandang: ...

The consul patted Balza on the shoulder, smiled and said nothing. Fortunately, he is already a knight and feels good about himself!
Bing Xin ignored these two uncles, he is still slow now, but it is destined to reach the ninth level before the age of 20.

"I'm fine! Don't worry!"

Bing Xin smiled slightly, and said to Aunt Hua and her son who were frightened for her.

Mahan's house!
"Ah Hua!"

Bing Xin and Da Zhuang supported Aunt Hua before they approached the house. The worried voice roared, he thought his wife had been murdered!

"Big man! I'm fine!"

Aunt Hua laughed and shouted, looking at the decadent man worried about his own safety, with such a man who loves him, even if he died under the sword of the magic wolf, it was worth it.

"It's okay...haha, Ah Hua, Da Zhuang, Xiao Bing are all fine, that's great!" Ma Han laughed wildly, hugging his wife and children.

The small town regains its former warmth again!

"Xiaobing, you are our little hero. Just leave these things to the uncles!"

"Yeah yeah!"

Some townspeople said enthusiastically, rejecting Bing Xin who wanted to help them repair the damaged house.

Ma Han smiled, he didn't expect Bing Xin to be so powerful, if it wasn't for his own selfishness at the beginning, he would have been separated from his wife forever.Perhaps, it was also because of his stupidity and kindness that his child and wife could escape this catastrophe.

Afterwards, the will was united, and some townspeople with relatively minor damage began to help neighbors repair their houses. As for the victims, let them go to the ground for peace!
Afterwards, Chief Instructor Balza and Consul Mo Gandang arrived and brought some daily necessities, daily necessities, hundreds of gold coins, badges of honor, to praise this little hero!

"This woman is amazing!"

"Yes, I heard that I will go to the Haoyue branch hall in half a year. I wonder if I can see her again every day!"

"Oh! Seeing her every day, life is so colorful, I can't bear it!"

On this day, Bing Xin and Ma Dazhuang went to Zidian to study as usual, and were rescued by Bing Xin along the street. Among them, the townspeople who watched him every day all sighed that Bing Xin was also in their hearts, lingering for a long time!

half year later!
The townspeople are full of longing for life, the disaster of the wolf invasion has passed, and the town is prosperous and harmonious.

"Er Gouzi, have you heard that the little beauty of Odin Town is going to the Haoyue Branch Hall today, and nearly a thousand people have already sent her off!"

"That's right, Duck, let's go and have a look!"

The young, middle-aged, and young townspeople talked about it, spreading the word to ten, ten to hundreds, and hundreds to thousands of people, so that everyone in a small town gathered together.

At the gate of the town, there are two carriages, all of which are free to send these five 13-year-old children who have reached the standard to take the quasi-knight assessment. In three years, only a few of the nearly a hundred squire knights have achieved it. It can be seen that the difficulty of cultivation is like a thousand Thousands of troops cross the single-plank bridge!
Ma Dazhuang smiled and said: "Xiaobing, look, those townspeople are here to see us off!"

"Da Zhuang, that's here to send Bing Xin off, it's none of our business!"

The one who spoke was a 13-year-old boy named Lin He, who usually trains very hard, and is also one of the best in the first palace, he can be regarded as a top student.

Ma Dazhuang replied: "Xiaobing is my younger sister, I can't be happy for her, Xiaohezi!"

Just when the carriage is ready to go!
Thousands of townspeople stepped forward and surrounded them!

"It's so beautiful!"

Some of the townspeople who came to watch the show who were rescued by the mysterious god-sealed knight all sighed in admiration at the beautiful figure in the fluttering blue skirt.

"Everyone, go back! Bing Xin is going to a better place to study, do you want to kill our little hero in Odin Town?"

Difficult to move, Balza said to the townspeople.Let the reluctant townspeople get out of the way a little bit, they just don't want Bing Xin to leave, but they are not people who will repay their kindness!
"Thank you all for sending us!"

Bing Xin stood beside the carriage, looked at the simple townspeople, smiled slightly, and smiled in her heart: You are still jealous of my beauty.


The groom finally waved his whip and drove the carriage away!

"Our little hero!"

It wasn't until the carriage left that the townspeople recovered from Bing Xin's smile.Immediately, I felt empty in my heart, as if my heart was lost!
"Since everyone is so reluctant, why don't we all draw the little hero or make it into a statue?" Mo Gandang suggested.Let everyone return to God.Yes, after drawing it, the little beauty and hero in their minds will always be in Odin Town!
"Ah Hua! Let's go back!"

Ma Han said with a smile.Holding my mother-in-law's hand, I knew that Bing Xin would leave them one day, I hope that kid Da Zhuang will take good care of it!

At this time, the best painter in the town recalled Bing Xin's charming smile and couldn't write for a long time!The best sculptor can't start with the ruthless stone for a long time.It's all because, when the whole town sees each other off, Bing Xin's smile is unique in this world, and there is no way to keep it alone...

(End of this chapter)

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