Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 317 2 Women Fight

Chapter 317
Bright Moon City!Haoyue branch hall!

At this time, no less than a hundred people were bustling at the entrance of the main hall of the Haoyue branch hall, all of whom were children around the age of thirteen or fourteen. They all came to the branch hall to participate in the quasi-knight assessment. Five years of study in the branch hall. Within five years, those who have broken through as knights will be incorporated into the regular army. If they have not become knights, they can also accept job arrangements or join the army.

"Fatty Nalan, don't you just want to please me? Haochen alone is scary enough. If the genius girl you mentioned, if she chooses to punish, that guy Han Ling will not let this genius go. of!"

In the assessment area of ​​the Haoyue branch hall, a quiet room where you can see the whole audience, a zombie face with an extremely scary appearance said.

"Okay, she's a girl, so she has a very high chance of choosing to be a guardian knight!" The chubby 200-jin fat man said with a smile.He is the lord of the Knights' Palace, Nalan Shu!

"I hope so!"

The zombie face replied calmly.Looking at these children who have just reached the standard, they only have more than 100 points of spiritual power. Compared with the knight disciples who already have hundreds of points of spiritual power, they are like stubborn stones and beautiful jade.

In the palace!The young men with knight badges in the digital branch hall controlled the order very well, and conducted the quasi-knight assessment for each child!


"Wow! What a beautiful little sister!"

"It looks like she's not even ten years old. Is she here for the quasi-knight assessment?"

There was a commotion.The instructors of the towns, as well as the dozens of children who participated in the assessment, only a few girls, looked at the beautiful blue figure that appeared over there, all with shock and love!
Quiet room!
"Ye Hua, did you see that charming little girl, she must have awakened her inner spiritual power, I wonder if she has broken through to become a knight!"

Nalan Shu said, seeing Bing Xin in the blue dress and shining eyes like black jewels.

"Fatty Nalan, knight, is there such a young knight!" the zombie-faced man named Ye Hua asked with his frightening face trembling, full of disbelief!

"We will know when the time comes!" Nalan Shu said.

Go back to the examination area!
"Instructor Balza, is this little girl also here to participate in the quasi-knight assessment?"

Afterwards, a man wearing an instructor's uniform who was about the same age as Balza asked with a smile.

"No, how could it be possible, otherwise it would hurt your Pete's heart more!"

Balza responded with a smile, as a knight, he did not lie, Bing Xin did not come to participate in the quasi-knight assessment, but to participate in the great knight assessment, directly jumping a big rank.

The two were knights who came out of the branch hall at the same time, and exchanged a few words, but his real name was Leiter, and Pete was just a nickname.

"Sister Bing Xin!"

Afterwards, a moving voice echoed in the hall, the voice was full of excitement, and the owner of the voice had a fiery figure and a beautiful young face showing her beautiful youth.

"I'm going, this hell rose, what kind of wind is blowing today, it actually brought her here!"

Those young knights couldn't help muttering when they saw the beautiful figure that suddenly appeared.All the people who participated in the assessment noticed this beautiful big sister, but compared with that blue and petite figure, she seemed to be dejected and became a foil.

"Sister Li Xin!"

Bing Xin shouted!
"If you call me sister, you can call me sister. Why do you need to add my sister's name? I haven't seen you for two years. I have grown a lot taller and more beautiful!"

The person who came was Li Xin, the female genius of the knight branch, Hell Rose, and she held Bing Xin's little nose and smiled enthusiastically!
"This..., it's me eating her tofu, or she is eating my tofu!" Bing Xin said.

You come here as soon as you come, you still use your hands and feet, but you still hug yourself, feeling the elastic and proud peaks, you can't help but think of a sentence: Big breasts without brains, big breasts make up the brain!

"Instructor Balza, I'll take my sister there first, and cleanse her up!" Afterwards, Li Xin said directly to Balza, not even the hall master Nalan Shu, let alone others.

"Okay! Bing Xin has already passed the quasi-knight assessment, so there's no need to wait here with us!"

Balza looked at this beautiful female knight and said, looking at the affection between her and Bing Xin, it is obviously the relationship between the elder sister and the younger sister!
"Pass...passed the quasi-knight assessment!" Leiter muttered in shock, how old she looked!
"Little Ice!"

Ma Dazhuang couldn't help shouting seeing his favorite sister being taken away.

"Brother Zhuang, come on!"

Bing Xin smiled back, he knew it would be fruitless with this silly boy, because he only likes women, and only beautiful women.

Out of the gate of the hall!
Li Xin asked nervously, "Xiao Bing? Sister Bing Xin, I will call you that from now on, that brat who looks like a little bear is your childhood sweetheart, right?"

Bing Xin shook her head, she couldn't help but sigh that her brain is so big, she dared to think.But thinking about it, Long Haochen must have touched her too!

Seeing that Bing Xin stopped talking, Li Xin then smiled and said: "Xiao Bing, when looking for a man in the future, I must find someone like Hao Chen, who is both beautiful and wise, and honest!"

"Sister, what if Brother Haochen has someone he likes?" Bing Xin replied with a smile, letting Li Xin, who was a little taller than him, hold her hand, thinking, she is still a nine-year-old child now!
"Then grab it!"

Li Xin said domineeringly, the two of them walked to the best restaurant in the city center!
"Tch! Only people like you would steal other people's men!"

Just when they were about to step into this high-end restaurant, a cold and provocative voice came.

"Lin Jialu, you're always haunted no matter where you go!" Li Xin said.That incident caused the relationship between the two people who were originally close friends to break apart quickly.

Bing Xin is also curious, who is it that can make these two beauties incompatible.

"It's so beautiful! Li Xin, you kidnapped a young lady half a year ago, where did you kidnap such a charming little sister?" Lin Jialu, a woman in her twenties, asked.Wearing a blue magician robe, three stars, surrounded by seven golden patterns, a seventh-level magician.

Lin Jialu looked at the charming and soft Bing Xin in the blue dress, she couldn't be wrong this time, there are women who dress up as men, but it's rare for men to dress up as women, and such a beautiful little beauty is even rarer.

"Haha, Lin Jialu wants you to take care of her, I know, you're envious again, I, Li Xin, am so envious of you, this is my sister, isn't she pretty, haha!" Li Xin laughed.

"Big sister Li Xin, if you mock her, just mock her, what do you mean by pinching my face!"

Bing Xin smiled wryly, guessing that Long Haochen half a year ago didn't have the same treatment as her.

"Bah! Lily, ghosts envy you!"

Lin Jialu said angrily, but looking at Bing Xin, who was at the level of trouble, she was a little dissatisfied. Why is she surrounded by Xiaozheng Taixiao fans, while she is only surrounded by a group of guards!

"The devil is coming! Xiaobing, my sister will take you to eat delicious food, so you can get rid of bad luck!" Li Xin said.

Lin Jialu said: "Eat, eat, eat! Idiot!"

"Lin Jialu, I won't hack you today..."

Li Xin said angrily.Bing Xin looked at the two young beauties who were fighting, she missed it so much!And watching beautiful women quarreling, don't mention how interesting it is!

(End of this chapter)

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