Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 323 Preparing for the Competition

Chapter 323 Preparing for the Competition

After returning from the holy mountain, Bing Xin, apart from cultivating her guardian skills at a certain time every day, just held a book in her hand and spent all her sleep and food in her head trying to make up for the lack of knowledge.After all, it is rare to come to this trip to the Holy Demon Continent!Knowledge of the Demon Hunting Squad Combination, Demon Race, Equipment, Spiritual Stove, etc., which is about to start, is very much needed.

And when the palace master Nalan Shu learned about Bing Xin's mount, his face full of fat was crying and laughing, laughing and crying, because it was so exciting!Of course, Bing Xin's "uncle" is not for nothing. He can look through all kinds of books in the branch hall, which is a privilege!
The reason why Bing Xin didn't go to training at the trial site was: Instructor, I still need to read books!
Faced with this sentence, it is really hard to stop, but Ye Shura can't beat him, even if Bing Xin doesn't use the mount!
This is suffering for Long Haochen, like a god of learning, with good grades, he really has a privilege!

Some people are sad, but others are happy, and those who are happy are naturally Li Xin. She practices at night and takes her dear little sister Xiaobing to wander around during the day. She is so happy!

Such a dull life!
In a blink of an eye, two years have passed, and it finally started. Bing Xin, he also plans to form his own team, and wants to see if he can lead a demon hunting team to the title level!


Bing Xin opened the door, and saw Long Haochen, who was handsome in a samurai uniform, and Li Xin, the eldest sister.The two looked at the soft and beautiful Bing Xin, who was nearly 1.7 meters tall, and Bing Xin was wearing a formal female knight costume, which looked a kind of professional beauty.

"Sister Bing Xin is so beautiful!"

"Haha, brother, do you like it?"

"Like it, oh no no... like it!"

Long Haochen's exclamation, and Li Xin's nervous jokes made him flustered and suddenly lost his words. No matter what he said, it seemed that it didn't make sense!

"Hee hee! Elder sister, don't tease brother Haochen, there must be something very important today!" Bing Xin raised her long eyelashes playfully, and looked at Long Haochen who was about fourteen or fifteen years old. .I saw that his immature and handsome face was slightly flushed, and he was actually shy.

"Haha, well, let's go, there is something delicious today!"

Li Xin took Bing Xin and Long Haochen, one left and one right, like a golden boy and a jade girl, especially the different characteristics of the two people's appearances, one is more soft, the other is more masculine!

On the way!

Like a problem baby, Long Haochen reminded himself of the mistress back then, he really looks good!
Then, three people!Bing Xin had the right to keep silent and came to the ruling hall of Haoyue City!Following the guidance of the staff, the three of them came to a side hall!

Li Xin snorted coldly, because she saw good girlfriends who fell in love and killed each other, and Bing Xin smiled slightly at the magic girl in the blue magic robe. After two years of not seeing each other, the fragrance of a girl's woman became even more charming.

"Xin'er! Don't be rude!"

There was a sound, Bing Xin heard the sound and looked, it should be the father of the big sister, the military chief Li Aoxiao!
"Hello, Uncle Lin, Uncle Nalan, and Uncle Chen!" Li Xin said hello to everyone present, seeing that they were all senior officials of Haoyue City.Sticking out his tongue playfully at his father, at this moment, people couldn't help but smile.

"Sure enough, a pair of golden boy and jade girl!"

The senior executives looked at the charming Bing Xin and Long Haochen and said, no one can compare to Bing Xin in terms of beauty, but the three of them standing together are like a red flower with two green leaves.

"Everyone, let's let the children eat something first, let's start!"

It was Lin Jialu's father who was speaking, seeing Li Aoxiao, Nalan Shu and the others nodded, Lin Yin's family said.

Afterwards, the scene was unsightly, everyone was gobbling it up. Li Xin performed a show of women who do not give in to men. One person is not inferior to the Chen family, Chen Si and Chen Chen. Let them know that women are not as good as men!
However, all the men present were staring at Bing Xin's delicate, beautiful, charming little face like a porcelain doll, and her peach-blossoming eyes, which made people fascinated.

After eating in twos and threes, Bing Xin simply ate some to satisfy her hunger!


Li Aoxiao let out a dry cough, and began to announce today's highlight, "The Demon Hunt Trials are about to begin. The six of you are the elites carefully selected by our Haoyue City. Today's meal is for you. I will tell you about the special precautions."

Bing Xin also listened quietly. They introduced the history of the Demon Hunt Squad, and then introduced the elites of each branch: the knight branch, Li Xin, Long Haochen and Bing Xin.The soldiers are divided into two halls, the two brothers of the Chen family.The branch of magic, that is, Lin Jialu, is a career above the fourth level.

Afterwards, Bing Xin also knew the age of this magical girl, 21 years old, exactly the youth of a woman!
Nalanshu told Long Haochen's age very humorously, and also paved the way for his appearance. The 11-year-old Cavaliers made them unbelievable.But Bing Xin's real strength is not a knight, nor a great knight, but an earth knight. Bing Xin broke through the bottleneck of two thousand spiritual power in two years, and the spiritual power was liquefied, and broke through the barrier of three thousand spiritual power, becoming a sixth-level land knight!

"...Here, I wish you all good results in this competition!"

In the end, all the senior executives stood up and raised their teacups to encourage them.The six of Bing Xin had no choice but to drink the tea in their hands.

Next, in order to prepare for the competition, it is time to choose equipment. Bing Xin also wants to change a few pieces of equipment that are convenient. The shield and epee for training in the branch hall are custom-made, and he rarely brings weapons!

Both Li Xin and Lin Jialu gave up choosing equipment, because they all had good outfits, and the Chen brothers couldn't wait, so Li Xin had to touch the two idiots!

Bing Xin smiled speechlessly, her own artifacts such as the Xuanming Sword are temporarily available, and for these magical equipment, just take two of them at random.

Afterwards, after the Chen family brothers finished picking, Bing Xin and Long Haochen stepped forward to pick again. When the two brothers saw Bing Xin, they felt a little ashamed, but it was worth it for the equipment they had in hand!

"Xiaobing, you just choose a sword and a shield, and at least one piece of armor!"

Li Xin said, looking at Bing Xin only chose two pieces, although you are strong, you can't be willful!Also, the nine-level magic beast body protection, who can do what to do to him.

"Sister, two pieces are enough!"

Bing Xin replied with a smile, he also wanted to take a few more pieces out to exchange for money, but it seemed that these magic equipments were not enough for him to make money.

The meal is eaten, the equipment is selected, and we are waiting for tomorrow's start...

early morning!The east gate of Haoyue City!

Long Haochen rides a healthy horse alone, and Bing Xin, he is a girl now, so naturally he rides with Li Xin, the cool and beautiful fiery red mount Rose, really lives up to its name, these mounts are really loved by girls .

"This thin waist is cheap for me!"

Bing Xin hugged Li Xin's slender waist behind her back and said with a smile, his mount is too flamboyant, afraid of scaring people, and it is also used as a secret trump card, Li Xin still agrees, so there is such a scene.

Then, the arrival of the Chen family brothers!

Another carriage, Lin Jialu, and some inspectors arrived together, announcing the start of the competition qualification competition!

(End of this chapter)

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