Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 324 The Queen's Female Mage

Chapter 324 The Queen's Female Mage
The east gate of Haoyue City!
"Let's go, you can pretend that I don't exist, and I won't give you any help, unless you plan to withdraw from this trial!"

The old man who came with Lin Jialu glanced at Long Haochen and Bing Xin in shock, said these words in a calm manner, and then disappeared out of thin air.

Then, Lin Jialu took out a sheepskin map and six round tokens, which could be regarded as admission tickets. Because of the extra Bing Xin, this time she had to kill [-] demons to qualify for the trials.

"Hmph! I will share a ride with you, and my younger sister Xiaobing is also a guardian knight. If you choose Chen Si and Chen Chen, don't try to take advantage of my younger brother!"

Li Xin stared at Lin Jialu viciously, she couldn't ride a horse in a long robe, she just wanted to covet her younger brother's beauty.


Lin Jialu smiled as if she was a winner, she did not lose to both Long Haochen and Bing Xin.The loser was Bing Xin, whose petite body was squeezed by the big sisters at the front and back, helplessly painful and happy, because she was too young.

"This magical girl has developed well. When the time comes, please help her and let her become my queen's magician!"

The six people hurried on the road, relying on their tokens, passed the garrison area smoothly, and sneaked into the territory of the demons!
Afterwards, Bing Xin's three daughters were in the middle, the Chen family brothers separated the two wings, and Long Haochen guarded the back.Bing Xin looked at the calm magical girl, commanding is not bad, let her experience it a few more times, her wisdom may not be inferior to Bing'er.

"Haoyue, come out!"

Long Haochen suddenly called out, Bing Xin looked at the appearance of two lizard-like monsters, one red and one golden with two eyes, Austin and Griffin, they belonged to Long Haochen after all.

"Forget it, at that time, just watch the show by yourself. Forget it, hold a grand party for yourself to leave!"

Bing Xin reassured her heart that her little Shuang was not a vegetarian either, with the current gap in cultivation, it would be easy to crush it to death.

After everyone shocked Long Haochen's mount, Lin Jialu also used the staff, chanted incantations, and released the magic skills required by magicians.

"I remember, this trip will definitely have twists and turns!" Bing Xin murmured.

Follow Li Xin to hide in the bushes!

The five of them didn't understand why there wasn't a single Demon Patrolman after a night without incident. Lin Jialu, who had been casting Eagle Eye, was a little tired.

Bing Xin's consciousness has already sensed the sneaking of a group of Luke stalkers.However, he didn't remind him that with himself protecting Lin Jialu, even if a sixth-order monster came, it would be difficult to hurt her.

"Be careful, there are enemies!"

In the end, when those spiked Lukes were very close, Long Haochen suddenly shouted.

Guardian gift!Halo of Faith!
The skills of the two guardian knights were well used by Bing Xin, and bought some time for her partner. Of course, Long Haochen's side was not bad either. The two guardian knights cooperated very well, as if they had agreed in advance.

Ice Wall!Ice Lance!
Lin Jialu took control in a timely manner and released her own powerful magic. They are all stalkers below the fourth rank, and they can all deal with it calmly and fight on their own.

After a battle!
"Xiaobing, thank you!"

Lin Jialu was grateful, and couldn't help kissing Bing Xin's pleasing little face lightly.It is undeniable that the brothers of the Chen family have greatly changed their views on the two youngest golden boys and girls.

"Hey! It's okay!"

Bing Xin smirked, this kind of cheapness is taken for granted, Bing Xin suddenly felt that women's clothing is pretty good, especially women's clothing that is as seamless as her own, it really kills both men and women.


Long Haochen shouted again, when everyone was puzzled, Bing Xin swiped lightly with her magic-grade long sword, and a green liquid sprayed out!
Stealth Attack!

This is obviously a Tier [-] invisible warrior of the Dik tribe. Faced with the real life and death moment, and the people around her, Lin Jialu seemed to have walked through the gate of hell!
"Sister, you are my man, I will protect you well!"

Looking at the stunned Lin Jialu, Bing Xin said with a smile, just for that one kiss, this magical girl, he used it for the queen!

"Well! Thank you, Bing Xin!"

Lin Jialu suddenly excitedly pulled the little sister who was a head shorter than her in front of her into her arms. After the catastrophe, she survived the catastrophe, and her future blessings will not be shallow.

"It's okay, hey, sister, you are mine. When we reach the finals, sister, I want to choose you as the magician of my team. Is that okay, sister Lin!"

As Bing Xin spoke, her little hand stroked her young girl's jade back. In terms of reaction, attack, and wisdom, if Lin Jialu grows up, under his guidance, she will definitely be a magic god of ice in the future.

"Of course, when the time comes, Xiaobing, you have to continue to protect my sister!"

After Lin Jialu was appeased, the corners of her eyes were a little charming, and she smiled, making people feel as beautiful as a spring breeze.

Faced with the sudden invisible demon warriors, no one expected it. Fortunately, Bing Xin got rid of them in time, avoiding the bloody scene.

Facing Bing Xin's simple sword strike, Long Haochen and the Chen family brothers swallowed their mouths in shock, that was a fourth-tier demon clan, in front of Bing Xin, it was like killing chickens and ducks.

A pretty face, full of monsters!

Already killed 21 demons, four rank-[-] demons, one is comparable to four, so, five of them are qualified, but they don't know it!

move on!

"There are enemies!"

Walking in the demon territory, Lin Jialu was still in command, and when she found this enemy, she let out a low cry.Bing Xin also found out, the green Zelin tribe, the double sword demon!
"How many?"

People who don't know why asked.

"One!" The magical girl replied!
Li Xin said: "It's just one, what's your ghost name!"

Lin Jialu was speechless, but she didn't quarrel with this best friend, and said, "This is, the green Zelin tribe's double-sword demon is really coming towards us, and it's extremely fast."

"Ah!" Li Xin replied in shock, and everyone else turned pale with shock. That was a king-level warrior of the Zelin clan.

Li Xin said to Bing Xin: "Xiao Bing, look, did you use your monster partner?"

Everyone didn't understand what Li Xin meant, they looked at Bing Xin, could it be that Bing Xin's mount was a level [-] monster?

"Sister, how can you kill a chicken with a butcher's knife!"

Bing Xin smiled and disappeared like a ghost!
"Li Xin, Xiaobing is a knight... or an assassin!" Lin Jialu asked a question that the public needed. It was so shocking. A real assassin can't hide as well as Bing Xin.

Li Xin: ...

Don't ask me, I don't know either, just like Hao Chen, this younger sister was picked up halfway.

A dark shadow is back again!
Bing Xin dragged a dark green demon with sharp double knives!
Bing Xin said: "Everyone, I'm short of money. I'll exchange this demon corpse for money!"

"Xiaobing, you killed this, so it belongs to you." Li Xin said, who does her sister not support?

"Yeah, we didn't contribute anything, so how dare we ask for it?" Lin Jialu also said.

The two eldest sisters gave up on the idea of ​​the Chen brothers.

"I have no objection, there are 22 demons, and we need to continue killing eight demons, let's continue!"

Long Haochen said, Bing Xin gave people the impression that she was too powerful, and what's more, it made people feel their hearts throbbing.

"No need, it's enough, inspector, you say yes!"

Bing Xin said to the air somewhere that a group will be formed soon, and then he will be free to explore the Demon Race area and start the real journey to the Holy Demon Continent!
(End of this chapter)

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