Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 325 Sisters in the Room

Chapter 325 Sisters in the Room

Bing Xin's words were astonishing. Will he find the magister who has been following them? No one will know, but the answer will come out immediately, and the old man is also shocked. This powerful young knight can actually find out his existence ?

"Yes, when you killed the invisible fighters of the Dek clan, five of you could pass. But when the green double-knife demon arrived, I was also shocked. However, in order to see your strength, So don't make a move, when he kills the green double sword demon, you all passed, congratulations!"

The old man regained his composure and spoke slowly.

"Master Inspector!"

Lin Jialu said respectfully, and winked at everyone, everyone understood.

"Well, my name is Feng Yangmu. You can call me Teacher Feng. Next, I will explain something about the Demon Hunt Squad to you!"

The young man was very polite, and the old man spoke softly.Especially looking at Bing Xin, the youngest and charming knight at this age, he killed a fifth-level green double-knife demon alone, and it was an instant kill. Even a fifth-level earth knight could not kill it so easily. The ace fighter of the Zerin tribe.

On the way back, Bing Xin just listened quietly.In the preliminary round, they have to go back to their respective branch halls for the preliminary round. Each temple selects the top ten elites to participate in the finals. They will fight against each temple, rank, and form a demon hunting team!
From what Feng Yangmu said, there are hundreds of medium-sized cities like Haoyue City, and each city sends their number, which is equivalent to about 500 people. In the end, only 60 people are selected, and it is not impossible to compete. big.

In the black night, Li Xin and the others followed Long Haochen's post-war meditation practice!

Boom boom boom!
When Bing Xin was about to practice, there was a knock on the door!

"Huh? Sister Lin, what's the matter with you?"

Bing Xin opened the door, only to see Lin Jialu standing at the door in a loose pajamas, she couldn't help asking curiously, her eyes were fixed on the girl's exquisite figure, she had no protection.

"Xiaobing, my sister will be with you tonight, thank you for saving my sister today!"

Lin Jialu walked in with a smile. She didn't know that this move was like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth.

"Hee hee, sister, do you count as one of my people?" Bing Xin asked, there seemed to be some conspiracy on that little face, but it was hard to see.

"Of course it is, but, Xiaobing, you are also a girl, don't you want your sister to promise you in person! Hehe, if only you were a boy, my sister will be your child bride-in-law!"

Lin Jialu's smile trembled, the sharp weapon on her chest was very charming, and her twisted waist made people want to enjoy it.

"That's right, sister, you have to wait for me to grow up before you can have someone you like, okay?"

Bing Xin admired the demeanor of this beauty very carefully, and said.Kissed myself and hugged myself, do you still want to run away?

"You are so young, you think so much!"

Lin Jialu walked over with a smile, bent down and rubbed Bing Xin's face, revealing the girl's capital.Lin Jialu didn't take precautions either. If Bing Xin was a man and he was so beautiful, it would not be impossible to like him.

"Promise me, sister Lin!"

Bing Xin said with a serious face, at the age of about ten years old, there is a lot of immaturity, which always makes people unable to see the seriousness.

Lin Jialu looked at the innocent Bing Xin, thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, sister, when you grow up, you must have many people chasing you, and my sister will become an older leftover girl!"

Afterwards, the two beauties fought, and one of the girls' tofu had been taken!
"Sister, you look so soft here!"

"Well, Xiaobing, don't rub it, you will have it when you grow up!"

"Oh, are you as old as your sister?"

Bing Xin's room was full of voices that made people dare not think about it.

After the frolicking, Bing Xin checked the growth results of her Queen's female magician, and she was quite satisfied.Next, let's get to the point, anyway, she's here too!
"Sister, I have a way to help you participate in the finals, I don't know, would you like to try?"

Bing Xin cut to the chase, sitting on the magical girl with her light body, looking at the towering and charming peaks, and said to the young girl.


Lin Jialu asked.Who wouldn't want to enter the finals, especially when Bing Xin said that she wanted to join her in a demon hunting group, she was anxious. Knights, warriors, magicians and other temples had the most intense competition, and those who could participate were all elites from each temple.

But how can you help with this kind of thing?
"Of course, sister, I won't lie to you, it's just..." Bing Xin paused as she spoke.

In this way, the appetite of this magical girl is hanging.

"Xiaobing, just what, you tell me!"

Lin Jialu seemed to have returned to her big sister appearance, holding Bing Xin's shoulders with her hands, the posture of the two of them, and Bing Xin's women's attire, no one would think too much about it.

"It's just that I need my sister to sleep with me every day!"

Bing Xin said with some embarrassment but with extreme longing, a beauty is in her arms, who wouldn't want to be accompanied by a beauty, no regrets, no loneliness!

"It's that simple?"

Lin Jialu asked in bewilderment, sleeping with the little beauty can make it to the finals?If there is, I believe everyone will wake up with a smile.

"It's that simple!"

Bing Xin nodded, you'll know when it starts, it's easy, let's get through it first, haha!

"Don't you need to do anything?"

Lin Jialu asked again.

"One thing, my sister is an ice magician. If you have cold energy to assist you, I believe you will reach the eighth level in a few days, and you will become a magician just around the corner!" Bing Xin said.

Lin Jialu thought, sure enough, there are no absolutes in everything, and there are gains and losses!

Look at Bing Xin again, biting her pink lips tightly!
"Then let's try, Bing Xin, for you, sister can bear it!" Lin Jialu said resolutely.It seems that she likes to be with him, no matter what Bing Xin promised just now, she will never like other people anymore, compared with Long Haochen, Bing Xin, who can win.

"Yeah! Xiaoshuang!"

Bing Xin nodded and summoned Wushuang, a giant python tens of meters long that almost occupied the entire room!


Even though she was a fourth-level ice magician, she couldn't help shivering and fearing when this giant python appeared.

"This is my mount, Xiaoshuang, a ninth-level monster, the Mysterious Frost Python!" Bing Xin introduced her monster partner.

"Ninth, ninth grade! Xiaobing, my sister will follow you for the rest of her life. If you marry, I will be your man's little maid!"

Lin Jialu suddenly said nonsensically, "Ninth-level monsters, who can compete with them, the strange cold air is like a great tonic for her."

Bing Xin smiled and said, "Well, I won't marry anyone except my sister! Sister, let's start practicing!"

At this time, there is really strong sisterhood, the two are facing each other, like double cultivation, with two pairs of jade hands facing each other.Wushuang's extreme coldness is just to speed up her cultivation. If she wants to win, she still needs some means. Bing Xin intends to inject a burst of extreme cold air into her to help her qualify!

the next day!
Lin Jialu turned into a trembling beautiful girl, but the effect was very good, and she was already very close to Li Xin's stage!
(End of this chapter)

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