Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 533 Breakthrough Again

Chapter 533 Breakthrough Again
Seven days later.

In the past few days, apart from playing wildly with Xue Ni and the others in Wutan City, Xian Ling'er practiced quietly at night, and whenever Dou Zhiqi was about to break through, he suppressed him back.

He remembered Ruolin's words, continuous breakthroughs may affect the foundation, so these days, he has been refining the Dou Qi, the Dou Qi in the cyclone is so powerful that even five-star fighters can't compare with him.

On this day, several gigantic birds landed from the sky above Wutan City, and several people descended from these big birds, all of whom were powerful fighters.

"This is our college's special flying beast, Griffin, very docile, let's go." Xue Ni looked at Xian Ling'er and began to explain. In the past few days, she almost taught Xian Ling'er how to eat.

Of course, Xian Ling'er's memory is still good... it can be regarded as a photographic memory.

Afterwards, Instructor Ruolin took the lead, Xue Ni, Xiao Yu, Xian Ling'er and Xiao Xun'er all sat on the same horse, and the rest of the students were arranged. The space on the griffin was large enough to accommodate these students.

At this moment, many people were watching. They rarely saw such a huge monster as the Griffin. Even ordinary monsters were not something ordinary people could fight against, except of course the mercenaries in the city.

Under the eyes of tens of thousands of people in the city, finally, the griffin slowly lifted into the air, flapping its wings gently.

When approaching the height of [-] meters, Xue Ni suddenly pushed Xian Ling'er mischievously: "Hey, are you afraid?"

Xian Ling'er didn't show the slightest fear on her face. First, he believed that Xue Ni would not harm him. Second, her intuition told him that this height would not kill him, and even higher would not do.

Instructor Ruolin looked at the group of most of the female students who were in the same car with her. From Xue Ni's handling, it can be seen that Xian Ling'er is not afraid of heights, and Xiao Xun'er is also independent from a corner, looking affectionately into the distance .

"What are you afraid of? If you fall, you can still hold sister Xueni!" Xian Ling'er showed a sly smile, and grabbed Xueni's slender white wrist.

Xue Ni looked at Xian Ling'er who was threatening her in turn, and couldn't help sighing: Those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Xian Ling'er's cunning at this time seems to be... learned from them. Of course, Xian Ling'er seldom touched her body. Xue Ni and the others thought that Xian Ling'er hadn't developed yet, or... was stunted.

"Don't, don't, Xian'er, I'm scared, you take Yijia!" Under the tussle, Xue Ni betrayed her good sister Yijia.

Xian Ling'er will not go to pull Yijia, but she will not let Xue Ni, a naughty big sister, either.

Looking at Xueni, Xian Ling'er chuckled and said, "Sister Xueni, at this height, it seems that I can't fall to my death!"

Saying this sentence attracted Ruolin's instructor's gaze, and of course, Xiao Yu and Xiao Xun'er, but this elegant woman just glanced unconsciously.

Tutor Ruolin had the same thought as Xue Ni, she picked up Xian Linger, this guy fell from the sky, it seems, this height really can't kill him.

The rest of the people didn't know about Xian Ling'er's appearance, and they didn't pay much attention to it. In the sky, if they fell, only those who had reached the fighting spirit level could survive.

"Can you fall to your death? I don't want you to practice it." Xue Ni said.Naogui Nao, but in the face of such a thing, she would not encourage Xian Ling'er, if this pervert really jumped, Teacher Ruolin wouldn't chop her up.

Xian Ling'er is also smiling slightly, which is why he recognizes Xue Ni. Although she is careless and dishonest, she still has a good heart.

In the end, Instructor Ruolin also came forward and said, "Okay, at high altitude, you can't say such things in the future." She believes in her students, but she still needs to pay more attention to safety issues.

Fly directly to Canaan College, there is no ten days and half a month, and you can't reach the destination, not to mention, if you don't fly all the time, the monster will be tired.

After Teacher Ruolin spoke, Xue Ni and the others stopped making noise, but began to look down at the scenery below.

After a while, they came to an endless mountain range, but they just passed by from the periphery.

"Xian'er, below is the famous Warcraft Mountain Range, and there is a sixth-level high-level Warcraft King in it." Xueni Yucong pointed to the inner circle of the mountain range, and said calmly.

Tier [-] monsters are monsters comparable to those of the Dou Huang, and they are the ones she looks up to. Besides Tier [-], there are many monsters of Tier [-] and Tier [-].

Xian Ling'er nodded, looking at the forest with her dark eyes, as if she could penetrate the barrier of the forest.

After penetrating, Xian Ling'er saw something different, a huge stone-like ape-man, a giant python diving into the abyss, and a huge one-horned lion covered with purple crystals...

As if sensing something watching it, the lion opened its sleepy eyes and looked towards Xian Ling'er, but at this moment, Xian Ling'er was already looking elsewhere, because there was nothing there. I remember, naturally I don't think these things are strange.

After the novelty has passed, he won't feel that there is anything to see. After a long time, he seems to have seen a lot, many people wearing mercenary uniforms, and cannibalism happened...

"Sister Xueni, I'm going back to practice!"

There is nothing to see, Xian Ling'er said to Xue Ni who usually just looked at the woods.

Xian Ling'er's words greeted her with blank eyes from Xueni in red.

"Practice, practice, how can you make me a four-star fighter." Xue Ni murmured, rolling her small eyes.

He obviously has a fire spirit body, and his cultivation is abnormal. With his excellent talent, coupled with his unremitting efforts, it is only a matter of time before he surpasses himself.

Bing Xin smiled awkwardly, and glanced at Xue Ni, if he broke through this time, he would be ready to become a three-star fighter, but he didn't know how to use it when he had no fighting energy.

"Okay, okay, you can go, I'll have Yijia Xiaoyu to accompany me when I go here." Xue Ni finally said helplessly, looking at those little black eyes pretending to be innocent.

Xian Ling'er smiled lightly, and there was a close hug between the sisters. Afterwards, he found his resting place and began to sit cross-legged.

"I really want to give him my fire control formula!"

Seeing Xian Ling'er leave, Xue Ni said to herself again.

She is also of the fire attribute, but her skills are only advanced at the yellow level. The higher the skills she practiced for the first time, the greater the benefits to the fighters. The kung fu that the instructor found for him will not be lower than the high level of the yellow rank, and it may still be of the mysterious rank.

Instructor Ruolin's methods are great, otherwise she would not have agreed to Xiao Yan's one-year leave, and the ranks of the exercises are divided into heaven, earth, xuan, and yellow from high to low, and each level is divided into low, intermediate, and advanced. .

The children of a family like her only practiced at the high level of the Huang class, and Xiao Yu and others from the Xiao family were similar.

After a while, a burst of fiery red aura emanated, which attracted the attention of many people, including Teacher Ruolin. Seeing that Teacher Ruolin had already seen the strangeness, she sighed, "Breakthrough again!"

(End of this chapter)

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