Chapter 534
Break through the three-star fighter!

Yes, Xian Ling'er felt that her strength seemed to have increased a bit, and the fiery red and strong fighting spirit in her body gave people a warm and comfortable feeling all over her body.

The speed of the Griffin was very fast, and it flew over the mountains in just one day. Xian Ling'er speculated that this should be regarded as flying out of the area ruled by the Jia Ma Empire.

After leaving this area, you will enter the desert area ahead. After the desert, there is the most chaotic place, known as the "Black Horn Domain"!
When Xian Ling'er came out of his rest tent, along with Instructor Ruo Lin, all the students looked at him like freaks, especially those who knew Xian Ling'er's origin. It may not be possible to improve the month.

Xiao Xun'er was only slightly surprised, it's just a three-star fighter, but she has a special method, and she can see Xian Ling'er's strong fighting spirit, which is not much better than her.

In the end, he murmured in his heart: "Let Master Ling look up his origin when the time comes!"

Looking at his extremely soft and beautiful appearance, especially his appearance, his brother Xiao Yan, who was still seduced, was confused.

Of course, Xian Ling'er would not know what she was thinking, Xian Ling'er smiled awkwardly, and played with Xue Ni to divert their attention.

Fly for a while,

"Teacher Ruolin, in front of you is Qingshan City adjacent to the desert, Elder Qing and the others will meet there." Said a middle-aged team leader driving the Griffon of Tutor Ruolin.

Instructor Ruolin nodded. In the past, several elders took the lead, and another elder responded. When passing through a chaotic place like the Black Horn Region, no one knew what would happen. The several elders were all at the level of fighting kings. The same is true for an elder Qing.

Afterwards, dots of green came into view. Although it is called Qingshan City, the small mound next to it is just a piece of sparse green and there are few trees, but the pond has enough water and grass, and it is also a good place to stop the wind and sand and rest your feet. place.

Finally, the griffin, which had been flying for almost a day, finally stopped, but this Qingshan City was only the edge of the desert, and it would take a lot of time to fly across the desert.

Xian Ling'er followed Xue Ni and the others, and the college's clothes were particularly attractive. Because of the reputation of Canaan College, the guards of Qingshan City respectfully gave way.

"Hey, I'm going to eat sand next!"

As soon as her front foot stepped into Qingshan City, Xue Ni sighed and swayed her brown hair in a ponytail casually.

When everyone heard this, they all sneered. This is going to enter the desert. If you don’t eat sand, what else can you eat, but it’s not real food, and it’s not as scary as she said. The desert is nothing but sand.

Xian Ling'er also smiled slightly, and her intuition told him that if he passed through the desert, his battle qi cultivation speed would become faster, which made him look forward to it.

Entering the city, there are already many people with the same strength as Ruolin's tutor waiting in the designated resting place of the Canaan Academy. Among them is an old man in green robes. Xian Ling'er took a closer look. It turned out to be dozens of times that of Ruolin's tutor.

In the end, he couldn't help but murmured: "This person should be a strong fighter."

Seemingly aware of Xian Ling'er's gaze, the old man in Tsing Yi also looked at Wei Wei, and found that apart from her stunning appearance, Xian Ling'er seemed to be very ordinary.

"Huh!" But after checking Xian Ling'er's Dou Qi, he let out a light snort. He clearly looked at a three-star fighter, but his Dou Qi was close to five or six stars. Surprised.

"Teacher Ruolin, have you recruited some good seedlings this time?"

"Hehe, how many should be counted, where is Mo Lin mentor? And, Ling Ling mentor?"

Afterwards, several tutors started talking, but it was just a simple conversation. Tutor Ruolin still bowed slightly to the old man in Tsing Yi, very respectful.

The old man also smiled kindly, nodded, and said, "Ruolin's side is fine too, wait a little longer for Chen De, and they can return to the academy if they stick to it."

Because of his good temper, he was pulled out by the deputy dean every time he recruited students, but well, there are still a little bit of benefits.

Instructor Ruolin nodded, and then arranged for her students to rest, and finally, talked with some instructors, teaching students in the same college, and the popularity is still good.

After waiting for nearly three days, five or six mentors arrived one after another. In addition to the mentors present, there were nearly 20 of them. The strength of those who drove the Griffin were almost all great fighters, which showed the horror of this lineup.

After all, mentors, as well as students, are the living blood of the academy, and their importance can be imagined.

Everything was ready, and this mighty team started their return journey again.

There may be a lot of people. Instructor Ruolin also arranges a few more instructors to accompany the students. The instructors also talk with the instructors about the students’ affairs.

With the shrinking of the territory, there are more places for Xian Ling'er to rest, Xue Ni and Yi Jia, probably because these three people are the closest to each other, and it seems that Teacher Ruolin also arranged it deliberately.

As soon as it took off, Xian Ling'er began to sit up cross-legged, and began to breathe in and out.

"This guy, start practicing again!"

Beside Xian Linger, two beautiful girls, Xueni and Yijia, were lying on their stomachs in every possible way, with their plump breasts in contact with the soft blanket. Xueni looked at Xian Linger and pouted, feeling a little unhappy the way.

Two days later, Xue Ni also started to practice, because she figured it out, a person like Xian Linger who is extremely talented has worked so hard, and her talent is above average, why not work hard.

With this kind of mentality, in the end, they successfully pulled Yijia to practice together. Just like that, their side was the quietest, and the quietness was beyond what Instructor Ruolin expected.

Every time Xian Ling'er opened his eyes and looked at the two hard-working big sisters, he would also show a smile. He knew that his body structure was different from Xue Ni's and the others, and he already knew how to distinguish between men and women. There are very few things, and at most they are just hugs.

The peaceful time is always easy to pass quietly. In the blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed.

Xian Ling'er lived up to everyone's expectations. On the long journey in the desert, she reached the peak of a four-star fighter, approaching the level of a five-star fighter. This time, she managed to attract the attention of the old man in blue.

"Ahead is the Black Horn Domain!"

On this day, Xian Ling'er stopped practicing, passed through the desert, and came out to get some air. Suddenly, two groups of people who were also riding griffins arrived, and the instructors and students also wore the same uniforms.

Afterwards, the old man in blue spread out a pair of blue transparent wings that were more than one meter in size, and left the leading griffin.

Xian Ling'er looked curiously, Xue Ni also mentioned the characteristics of Dou Ling and below, but the winged one might not be mentioned, he guessed that it should be a strong person above Dou Ling.

When Xue Ni came out after training, she looked at the three old men who didn't know what they were talking about, and exclaimed in awe:
"Fighting Qi transforms into wings, Fighting King!"

(End of this chapter)

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