Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 538 Wake Up

Chapter 538 Wake Up
Canaan College, Vice President's Office!
At this moment, the three elders and the elder who was supporting them all gathered together. This time, the vice president of the college was also the one who was helping.

"You two fighting emperors, it seems that this Black Mosquito Cult is really a headache."

The first person to speak was an elder in a black robe. He followed the vice president and was also a strong fighter at the Douhuang level, but it was obviously not an easy task to kill him.

Moreover, the Black Mosquito Sect has no fixed base in the Black Corner Region. As long as they have money, they will start their activities. No matter how powerful the other party is, their being bribed this time is also a headache for Canaan College.

"This matter, in the long run, should be properly arranged for those students who were injured or injured." Finally, the vice president in charge spoke up and thought for a while, "Also, the one who killed the two strong fighters Students, give him the highest treatment."

If it wasn't for this student who suddenly appeared this time, such a situation would only cause the students to lose more. After all, the number of people dispatched by the other party was twice as many as theirs.

In the end, there was nothing to discuss about this matter, but it offended the majesty of Canaan College. This time, the Black Mosquito Sect was completely blacklisted by Canaan College.

A quiet house, although it is not close to mountains and rivers, but the air is fresh, and there is a small green forest.

"Hmm..." He who was carried back in a warm breeze finally opened his eyes, stretched his willow waist, and looked around.

In this room, Xian Ling'er gently rolled up the right curtain in the light blue curtain, looked at the simple room, and didn't know whose room it was. It is a faint feminine fragrance.

Xian Ling'er got up and walked half a circle, when suddenly, the sound of soft footsteps came from outside.

"By the way, it's been two days since this fairy can really sleep."

"Heck, that's not it, it's comparable to what you have, Xueni!"

"Yijia, are you looking for a fight?"


Accompanied by those small footsteps, the two girls chattered playfully.

"Okay, you two, you two obviously came to care about people, but you got into an argument!" Afterwards, a voice that seemed to have aged a little bit said with a melodious chuckle.

Then, outside this quiet hut, a girl in red playfully embraced a woman who was nearly 30 years old and looked mature and supple, "Mr. Ruolin, is that guy awake?"

The woman named Tutor Ruolin also smiled softly, like a young girl, her intoxicating red lips trembling, "Aren't you the last to leave last night, I was also woken up by you early in the morning."

She quietly glanced at the two students with her beautiful eyes, and was a little amused.

Yijia is wearing a white dress today, with black silk that is as vertical as a waterfall. She does not have a ponytail tied casually like Xueni. She has a girly body with bumps and bumps. Contrary to Xueni, she is more like a pure and lively girl .

Instructor Ruolin's words made her speechless. Indeed, putting Xian Ling'er on Instructor Ruolin's side was a good environment, and they left at midnight last night.

Instructor Ruolin gave a playful smile like a girl, and patted the two students, knowing that they were worried about their good sister, so she said, "Okay, logically speaking, he should be awake!"

After talking about this, Tutor Ruolin is going to get busy with her work. Freshmen are enrolled, but there is still a lot of work to be done, and there are still some classes for veteran students, so we can't miss it.

Watching Teacher Ruolin leave, Xueni and Yijia held each other's little hands, looking forward to seeing that charming face.

And when they came in, Xian Ling'er, who had already woken up, tiptoed back to the elegant bed.

"Xue Ni, it seems that Xian'er hasn't woken up yet." One slender hand touched her sharp chin, and the other hand dragged the Haojie thin hand that was touching her chin. Yijia looked at Xue Ni, said calmly.

Xue Ni was also puzzled, and walked gently to Xian Ling'er's bed, opened the light blue curtain, and looked at the sleeping beauty, even though he was asleep, he was still so charming.

"It's so beautiful!" The two women looked at it obsessively for a while, and then suddenly exclaimed in unison.

In the college, the teaching building!
"Next, let's explain the level gap between fighters and the skills of fighting..."

Instructor Ruolin began to explain some basic theories to a group of students. Even a Douhuang powerhouse has grown up from a fighter. Basic knowledge cannot be ignored.

Instructor Ruolin was teaching the class seriously, and the students below were all listening carefully. Those male students' eyes were a little blurred, and they didn't know whether their hearts were on Instructor Ruolin or in her class.

"Teacher Ruolin, come out!"

Instructor Ruolin was talking, when a somewhat scruffy-looking old man in a black robe interrupted the class, with slightly wrinkled hands beckoning gently.

Instructor Ruolin was also relieved when she saw the person coming, "Students, self-study, Dou Zhe's courses must not be left behind."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the classroom under the eyes of the students.

"Tutor Ruolin, tell me you should give them a few more days off. They have just started recruiting students and started teaching."

Afterwards, the old man smiled lightly.

"Elder Huo, I feel that being strict with them is to be responsible for their future safety..."

Instructor Ruolin said, this elder came to him, it must be because of Xian Ling'er, before he finished speaking, he interrupted.

"Ahem, this is not important. Where is the freshman with the fire spirit body that the old man Bing said? Let the old man see if he has the potential to become a pharmacist. You can't be preempted by that old man Yan."

Elder Huo let out a dry cough. Students have their own blessings. What he needs now is to recruit a talented student for their department.

Instructor Ruolin listened and smiled, these elders had a very tricky eye for choosing disciples, and said, "He's in my residence, I'll take you there now to have a look."

Xian Ling'er, she feels pretty good, and she is extremely talented. If she can get into the eyes of this elder, it is not impossible for her to use earth-level exercises. She also hopes that Xian Ling'er can become a high-status Alchemist, the future is bright.

Finally, let the students learn independently and lead the elders back to their own residences.

After leaving the teaching building, after a while, he rushed to a tutor's apartment.

"Elder Yan!"

Not far from Ruolin's teacher's residence, Ruolin saw an old man wearing a red robe engraved with several flames. Unlike Elder Huo, this old man was not so sloppy.

"Elder Huo!" After Tutor Ruolin saluted, a handsome young man who was walking with Elder Yan also bowed respectfully to the old man beside Ruolin.

Elder Huo looked at this man, took a step forward and threatened: "Old Yan, don't even try to compete with me for your disciple."

"Hehe, old man Huo, has the student agreed to follow you? Moreover, he may not be the material of a pharmacist." Elder Yan replied with a chuckle.

Afterwards, the two looked like they were about to start bickering, and Instructor Ruolin said, "The two elders don't need to argue. We'll see each other after we meet."

Listening to Teacher Ruolin's words, the two old men and the young man also nodded. The young man focused more on Teacher Ruolin. Beauty is attractive everywhere.

Afterwards, the three of them came to Ruolin's mentor's house.

"Hey, what a strong soul force, haha!"

When Elder Huo took a step, he felt an unusual soul force, and laughed heartily.

Elder Yan frowned slightly, and said: "Hmph, with soul power, you may not be able to become a pharmacist."

Afterwards, several people entered the room where Xian Ling'er was, wanting to see the talent of this fire spirit student...

(End of this chapter)

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