Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 539 Alchemist Talents

Chapter 539 Alchemist Talents

Knowing that it was Teacher Ruolin who came back, Xian Ling'er also withdrew her perception, but he didn't know that it was the so-called soul power.At present, Tutor Ruolin is the best person to him, as well as the pair of sisters beside him.

"Uh... I want to scare people to death!"

Suddenly, Xian Ling'er opened her eyes, causing Xue Ni, who was quietly staring at him at the head of the bed, to exclaim like a frightened rabbit.

Yijia, who was only trembling slightly, was also shocked by Xue Ni's exclamation, and her weak heart trembled twice. She wanted to consider whether she should break up with this guy.


Then, there was a sound of opening the door, and the two girls looked at it curiously. It stands to reason that Teacher Ruolin shouldn't be coming back at this time, but...

The first one to walk in was Tutor Ruolin.

"Wake up!" Seeing Xian Ling'er who had already sat up, Teacher Ruolin also smiled slightly and asked.

"Well, I made Teacher Ruolin worry." Xian Ling'er returned with a smile. He always remembered the kindness that Teacher Ruolin had shown him.

Afterwards, following Teacher Ruolin, there were two old men in their 30s and [-]s, and a young man about [-] years old.

"Elder Huo! Elder Yan! Senior Zhuo Yun!"

Seeing the two people who came in, Xue Ni and Yi Jia saluted respectfully, and cast reverent gazes at the young man named Zhuo Yun.

Zhuo Yun, Elder Yan's direct disciple, possesses a fire-attribute combat skill, and has received the true instruction of Elder Yan. He is already a seven-star fighter before he turns 25. This year, he will be the No. 1 up.

All three of them nodded slightly, which was their response to the two students.

Xian Ling'er looked at these people, he didn't know them, so naturally she wouldn't salute them.

"Two elders, this freshman has just entered school, maybe..." Instructor Ruolin looked at this scene and explained for Xian Linger, hoping not to leave a bad impression on them.

No matter where Xian Ling'er is accepted, it has a smooth future.

Xueni and Yijia also knew about this, but this time, two such giants were attracted at once, which shows the importance they attach to Xian Ling'er.

The two elders waved their hands. They wouldn't have trouble with a freshman, and a student with a fire spirit physique, so he was a genius after all.

"Little girl, get out of the way first." Elder Huo couldn't wait any longer, walked to the bedside, and said kindly to Xue Ni.

It's just that his sloppy appearance is a bit unflattering.

"Ah... oh!" Xue Ni looked at this scene and was shocked for a while, then got up quickly, not knowing what to say.

After Xue Ni stepped aside, the others looked curiously. Elder Yan knew that if this student had such a talent, he would not be able to snatch it away, because he is just a fighting king with a fire attribute. That's all, the other party is a Dou Huang powerhouse, and he also hoped to become a noble alchemist.

"Cough!" Sitting down, Elder Huo coughed in embarrassment. After all, this is still a woman's boudoir, and seeing that this student is a female student.

"This student, I don't mean any malice. You can stretch out your hand and let the old man let me have a look... Cough, just to check whether you have wood attribute fighting energy in your body. If you have, then you have a bright future. "

In the end, Elder Huo embarrassingly explained his purpose clearly under the crowd's onlookers.

Xue Ni, a young girl, tried her best not to laugh out loud, seeing Elder Huo stammering in front of Xian Ling'er, such a scene was rare.

"En!" Xian Ling'er in the curtain responded softly.

Afterwards, the blue gauze curtain was gently rolled up, and a beautiful woman with black hair and loose shoulders appeared in front of everyone with a soft face.

"Such a stunner is simply rare in the world!"

The young man named Zhuo Yun was also shocked. Seeing Xian Ling'er's face, Xue Ni and Yi Jia, the two girls, and the mature Ruo Lin seemed to be his foil.

The two old men were also attracted. Looking at Xian Ling'er who looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, as for the chest, it was just right.

Xian Ling'er smiled lightly, because he was used to the fact that many people were always shocked by his appearance. There was only one secret that no one knew, and that was: he was a man!
Xian Ling'er stretched out her hand lightly.

"Huh? Elder Huo?" Seeing that Elder Huo didn't come back to his senses, Xian Ling'er shook her hand slightly and said.

At this moment, Elder Huo suddenly had the idea that even if he didn't have the talent for refining medicine, he wanted to accept it, not for anything else, just for such a beautiful disciple, who would be pleasing to the eye if he was with him.

"Uh... good!"

Finally, Elder Huo came back to his senses, and gently put his wrinkled hand on Xian Ling'er's smooth and delicate hand.

The young man named Zhuo Yun looked at him praying in his heart, hoping that this proud man would not have the talent of a pharmacist, so that he could become his junior sister, then...

"Huh?" Just as he was dreaming, Elder Huo also penetrated into Xian Ling'er's body, feeling the strong fire element fighting spirit, and was also slightly surprised. The rest of the elements seemed to be absent, and the elements in his body seemed to be only Fire is left.

After exploring for a long time, without the support of the fighting energy of the wood element, it is difficult to become a pharmacist. The soul attribute of a person is already determined at birth, and it is rare to have two attributes at the same time.

Just when Elder Huo was about to take back his soul exploration, a burst of pure green attracted him deeply.

"Hahaha!" With back his soul power, Elder Huo couldn't help it, and became ecstatic. Yes, he was very crazy and excited at the moment.

If you don’t experience the fighting spirit of fire in Xian Ling’er’s body, you don’t know how strong he is, it’s close to the level of a fighter, and the last stream of pure wood attribute is even stronger than when he entered the level of a pharmacist. Rich.

Everything is clear, Xian Ling'er has the talent to be a pharmacist, seeing Elder Huo's ecstatic appearance, the talent is obviously not low.

"Zhuo Yun, let's go!"

Finally, Elder Yan said with a sigh.

"Yes, teacher!" The young man was also unwilling, but the teacher's order was hard to disobey.

Moreover, Elder Huo's strength is stronger than his teacher. If his teacher reaches the level of Douhuang, he may still be able to fight for it. Besides, who doesn't want to become a pharmacist?
"Son, are you willing to be my disciple? I'm a sixth-rank pharmacist!" Finally, watching Elder Yan leave, Elder Huo said proudly, sixth-rank?Not to mention the alchemy rate, the fifth-rank alchemy rate is still over sixty.

"Rank [-]!" Xueni and Yijia were already shocked, and envied Xian Linger very much, why not them.

Instructor Ruolin smiled lightly, she didn't expect that Xian Ling'er really had that talent, seeing that Elder Huo gave her the name of the sixth rank, it was obvious that Xian Ling'er's talent was not low.

Xian Ling'er looked at the old fox-like Elder Huo and resisted a little, but he didn't know how high he was. She looked at Tutor Ruolin, if she thought it was okay, then so be it.

Elder Huo didn't know that in this guy's eyes, his own sixth grade was not worth as much as a word from mentor Ruolin.

In the end, seeing Teacher Ruolin nodding with a smile, Xian Ling'er also sensed Teacher Ruolin's expectant gaze, thought for a while, and said:
"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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