Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 540 Advance to 7 Stars

Chapter 540 Promoted to Seven Stars
"it is good!"

"Okay, call the teacher to listen?"

After Xian Ling'er agreed, Elder Huo said hello again and again. At this moment, like a child who got candy, his expectant eyes hung on Xian Ling'er's soft and beautiful face.

When Xian Ling'er heard this, she resisted instinctively, and also instinctively wanted to slap the old boy.

Looking quietly at Tutor Ruolin, she saw that she was also looking forward to looking at him. Finally, Xian Ling'er helplessly shouted: "Teacher!"

Elder Huo could hear the helplessness in Xian Ling'er's voice, but he didn't care that the master-student status had already been decided.

"Ahem, dear student, I came out in a hurry for my teacher, and I didn't bring you any gifts, but I know about your affairs, and you don't have to worry about the exercises."

Seeing that Instructor Ruolin still had a few students still there, Elder Huo coughed awkwardly, and made a verbal promise that even if he didn't make a move, the academy would give him a low-level or so mysterious exercise.

"Oh, let's take this 'Spiritual Fire Ring' as a small gift." Elder Huo also wondered, why accepting a disciple is like facing a big man, or is he too excited?

Elder Huo took out a fiery red ring engraved with exquisite inscriptions, and handed it to Xian Ling'er, and then, with a smug smile on his face, he left here.

Instructor Ruolin was also surprised, that ring is a treasure, even she doesn't have the financial resources to get it, only this rich and oily Elder Huo is qualified.

Instructor Ruolin smiled wryly, and she had to deal with the next thing.

Both Xueni and Yijia were stunned, pharmacist, seeing that the person who was close to her as a sister more than a month ago has now become the pharmacist that everyone aspires to be.

"Okay, don't worry, Xian'er is not that kind of person!"

Seeing the worries of Xueni and Yijia, Instructor Ruolin chuckled, but she couldn't figure it out. After all, people's hearts are unpredictable, and no one can be sure. It will become aloof and arrogant.

"Teacher Ruolin..." Xue Ni moved lightly to Teacher Ruolin's side, hooked on Teacher Ruolin's shoulders and said in a delicate voice, which was different from her straightforward temperament.

Afterwards, Lingling looked at Xian Ling'er, and asked with a little grievance: "Xian'er, after you become a pharmacist, you can't forget me and Yijia."

"No way!" Xian Ling'er shook her head, and replied with a smile. During the short two months together, Xue Niyijia gave him the feeling of being a family member, and he would naturally not forget it.

After receiving Xian Ling'er's response, the two sisters started to go back to deal with their own affairs under the playful gaze of Ruo Lin's teacher.

"Ling'er, we should be preparing for the opening ceremony tomorrow, and then the Academic Affairs Office will arrange you to the Alchemy Department."

After Ruolin's mentor's two proud disciples left, he began to talk to Xian Ling'er.

"Well, thank you, Teacher Ruolin!" Xian Ling'er nodded and said gratefully. As for the fiery red ring in his hand, he didn't know how precious it was.

Looking at Xian Ling'er who was playing with a Zhenmena ring, Teacher Ruolin smiled, and almost forgot that this student picked it up by herself.

Then, stretching out that soft and delicate plain hand, temporarily took the fiery red ring, and put it on the slender middle finger of Xian Linger's right hand for Xian Ling'er.

"This is a space ring. This one is hard to come by. When using it, just inject some battle energy. You can also attach your soul imprint, so that others cannot open your space ring."

Instructor Ruolin explained to Xian Ling'er with a hint of envy, that this is the advantage of having a good teacher, as soon as she makes a move, it is a treasure that is hard for her to obtain.

Envy is nothing but envy, Xian Linger is still the student she brought back, thinking about it, after Elder Huo finds out, he will also owe Tutor Ruolin a huge favor.

"Okay, let's live in the college with peace of mind. You don't have to go to the dormitory for the freshmen. When you get to the Alchemy Department, your treatment may be better than mine." Instructor Ruolin said with a light smile.

Xian Ling'er looked at Teacher Ruolin with a mature charm, now she looked more like a tender girl, and he liked admiring such a beautiful woman very much.

Instructor Ruolin looked at the smiling Xian Ling'er, and continued, "This alchemy department is independent from the outer courtyard and the inner courtyard..."

Listening to this, Xian Ling'er also asked suspiciously: "Teacher, does Canaan Academy have inner and outer courtyards?"

"Of course, but well, if you get Elder Huo's advanced exercises, you'll know what's going on within a year." Instructor Ruolin didn't say it directly, and whetted the little beauty's appetite.

Regarding the matter of the inner courtyard, if Xian Ling'er reaches the strength next year, she can also enter that place. That's where the real geniuses gather.

"Okay, tomorrow is the opening ceremony. If you want to go around, you can let Xiao Yu go with you. If you don't want to go out, you can stay in my yard and have lunch with me. Otherwise, in the future I don’t know if there is still a chance.”

Instructor Ruolin said with a smile, there was also a sense of reluctance, Xian Ling'er was picked up by herself, and they have lived together for nearly two months, even if it is a dog, ah bah, it has feelings.

"Teacher, I will come to see you when I have time." Xian Ling'er smiled, and followed Xue Ni and the others, hugging this tender mentor gently.

Instructor Ruolin also hugged him, patted him on the back lightly, and said, "It's good to have your words, the instructor still has things to do, you can also relax around."

After she finished speaking, she still didn't want Xian Ling'er to go out. As long as he was such a disaster to the country and the people, if he went out, he might attract many bees and butterflies.

Afterwards, Xian Ling'er watched Teacher Ruolin leave, returned to the bed, and sat up cross-legged. The environment here is good, and he doesn't like too noisy environment, so it's a good time to practice.

He closed his eyes and felt the strong fighting spirit in his body. He found a few strands of psychic liquid, and he was also curious. Fighting Qi transforms into liquid, which is the sign of becoming a fighting master.

Meditatively practicing, Xian Ling'er carefully compressed the Dou Qi into a liquid state. He didn't know that after a whole morning of practice, the Wood Dou Qi that Elder Mu left in his body was transformed into his Dou Qi. This time of cultivation, he directly reached the level of Seven Star Fighter.

At noon, Instructor Ruolin came back. Seeing Xian Ling'er who seemed to have never been out, she also smiled lightly. She took two simple lunches and ate simple with Xian Ling'er.

After noon, Xian Ling'er still didn't go out. If Xue Niyijia hadn't arrived, he might have continued to practice at home, but no one knew that he had broken through to Seven Stars.

Familiar with the environment of Canaan College, Xue Ni took him around the teaching building, the apartment for freshmen, the dining area of ​​the college, and of course, the Canaan City outside the college. After a day of shopping, Xian Linger felt Legs are a little sore.

"Xian'er, I need to buy things in the future. The ones here are better, practical, and..."

Looking at Xue Ni who was constantly introducing her, she also smiled slightly, remembering her innocent appearance at the moment.

One day, just like that.

The next day, the opening ceremony began!

(End of this chapter)

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