Chapter 541

The huge square is bustling with people.

The crowd was crowded, Xian Ling'er looked at these freshmen who were like her, gathered from all directions, and saw them chatting with each other's partners, talking and laughing.

After a while, more than a dozen tutors, including Tutor Ruolin, came before this group of scattered freshmen, and saw that they were all holding a novelty scroll in their hands.

"Hello, my name is Bing Gan, and I'm the tutor of Huang Jie's Class [-]. Next, those whose names I read will stand in front of me and line up in a line."

More than a dozen tutors lined up in a row. To the left of tutor Ruolin, a middle-aged man with an average appearance but a strong body said, his voice was full of vigor and resonant.

"Guang Lin, Sha Xin, Zhao Lin..."

He opened the scroll and began to read names one by one.

"Brother Lin, I'm in the same class as you!"

"Really, brother Zhu, you and I will supervise each other more in the future."

Afterwards, the two freshmen who were named seemed to know each other, and they all walked up to the mentor Bing Gan, and lined up consciously.

After a few minutes, there was a line of nearly [-] freshmen in front of Instructor Bing Gan.

"Teacher Ruolin, it's your turn."

After he finished roll call, he said to the mature and gentle tutor Ruo Lin beside him, his eyes were also full of admiration.

"En!" Instructor Ruolin also nodded, and then she spread out the scroll in her hand, and the melodious voice began to spread to the ears of each student. As for the assignment of students, whoever recruited them basically taught them. .

"The second class of Huang Jie, Xiao Xun'er!"

After clicking on this name, I saw a woman in an elegant purple dress, leaping forward like a swift.

Her appearance immediately attracted a lot of attention, and some freshmen were envious. Forget about the beautiful tutor, there is still a stunning beautiful student, and they all regret from the bottom of their hearts, why they are not from the second class of the yellow rank.

Instructor Ruolin also smiled slightly, and she still hasn't picked out the more charming person. Although Xian Ling'er joined the Alchemy Department, she is still her student at present.

Elder Huo will not intervene in things like the opening ceremony. As for students who want to become students of the Alchemy Department, they still have to pass the assessment, unless they all have the fire spirit physique like Xian Linger, who are naturally close to fire .

"Xie Jiake, Xian Linger..."

Afterwards, Instructor Ruolin continued to read the names of her students calmly. The name of the boy in black shirt who asked for leave for a year was already on her list. As for whether to roll the roll, that was her business.

Xian Ling'er heard his name was called, and walked over slowly, not like Xiao Xun'er, he just didn't enter the crowd.

However, when he appeared, there was another howl of a hungry wolf.

"My God, why! Why don't you put me in the second class!"

"Aww, the peerless twin sisters!"


The scene started to yell, and the male students let out a burst of wailing, and the students whose names were called were all proud of having such beautiful mentors and beautiful classmates.

"Ruolin, you are really there, and you have to do something like this every time."

On the right of Tutor Ruolin, a woman with a brown complexion smiled and said, her appearance is not bad, but the color of her skin conceals her beauty very well.

"Hehe, Spiritual Teacher Lin, it seems that your students also have one or two good-looking female students, so you can't just envy me." Teacher Ruolin smiled and covered her mouth slightly. After all, there are thousands of students here. .

Instructor Lin Ling, her friend, is also close to the strength of a five-star great fighter, and his fighting spirit is of the earth attribute. Due to the early years, the current skin color is different, but his figure is comparable to her own.

Next, it was the roll call of the third class, and Lin Ling became serious, and began to call the names of more than 60 students.

The further you go, the potential is great. As for the students behind, some potential students are also uncommon dark horses, because they know that hard work can get more resources.

There are nearly [-] classes, all of which have been sorted out. After the opening ceremony, they will formally accept the teaching of the academy. The academy combines theory and practical courses, which is very helpful for their balanced development.

"Everyone be quiet, next, I invite the vice president to give a speech!"

The loud voice of Bing Gan, the instructor of Huang Jie Class [-], spread, and all the students calmed down.

Thousands of eyes looked at the rostrum in unison, and only then did they notice that there were more than [-] elderly people there.

Afterwards, an old man in the center stood up wearing a black robe of the dean, and he had a kind and approachable smile on his face.

"Students, I am very glad to meet you in the academy. My name is Hu Qian, the vice president of Canaan Academy. As for the president, he has traveled in a wider continent. His strength is higher than that of Douzong. Hehe, I believe that if you all work hard, your achievements will not be lower than those of King Dou..."

The deputy dean was eloquent, and Xian Ling'er was a little sleepy, but when he saw on the high platform, besides his new teacher, Elder Huo, there were actually two other teachers who were as strong as the teacher. old man.

After half a day, those students were all full of fighting spirit, as if they had been pumped with chicken blood, imagining that one day they would become strong fighters at the level of Da Dou Shi and Dou Ling.

There are still quite a few people who can maintain a normal mentality. Of course, they all desire to become stronger in their hearts. However, if you want to become a strong person, it is not enough to have a fighting spirit. You must have unwavering determination and opportunities .

"Next, I invite Elder Huo Lin Yuhuo, the head of the Alchemy Department, to speak."

After Hu Gan finished speaking, he felt a lot of admiring gazes, hehe smiled, and hoped that this year's students could surprise him more.

"Fire Lin language?"

Xian Ling'er nodded when she heard her new teacher's name, it wasn't too unpleasant.

"Hey, the vice president has already said that I am from the Alchemy Department. After half a year, our Alchemy Department will start recruiting students. As long as they are qualified, they can become an excellent alchemist that people admire! "

Elder Huo said domineeringly, his alchemy department is independent of the inner and outer courtyards, but he also needs to add some new blood. After half a year, these students with the lowest level of Dou Qi will be promoted to fighters. Harsh conditions will not affect the normal teaching of the outer courtyard.

Finally, after Elder Huo finished speaking, the scorching noon had passed. Fortunately, they were all geniuses at the eighth stage of fighting spirit.

In the end, a few more elders spoke, and for the rest, the instructor of that class would briefly introduce them, so that even the elders of the academy would not know each other.

Except for the vice president, the rest of the speeches, the students are running out of patience.

"Tomorrow, the class will be held, and each student must not be late, otherwise, it will be dealt with according to the rules of the school! Disband!" Bing Gan finally said.

"Phew, the meeting is finally adjourned, or I'll be an adult."

All the students breathed a sigh of relief.

"This beautiful classmate, your name is Xian Ling'er, right? Can we have a meal together?"

"Miss Xun'er..."

After the dissolution, some male students started to strike up a conversation.

Seeing Xiao Xun'er's handling method, Xian Ling'er imitated it, and directly flashed out of the crowd without paying any attention.

After flashing through the crowd,

"Xian'er..." Xueni and Yijia recruited to themselves, and then they laughed and said, "It's like this every year, and the vice president doesn't have any creativity."

Xian Ling'er nodded in agreement, the opening ceremony... is finally over.

(End of this chapter)

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