Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 546: Earth Rank Cultivation Technique: Spiritual Flame Art

Chapter 546
Elder Huo said with a smile: "It's just raising fire!"

Afterwards, another door was pushed open, and the two continued to go deep into it. Xian Linger walked all the way, there are many secret passages in this secret room, and there are other treasures presumably, Elder Huo led him down the road, good thing , are often hidden in the deepest part.

"Keep the fire?" Xian Ling'er was puzzled, as for how to raise the fire, he had never thought about it. Does the fire still need to be raised?

Elder Huo smiled and did not continue to explain.

Xian Ling'er did not continue to ask, because Elder Huo had already said earlier that it seemed difficult to obtain this advanced exercise.

Passing through three doors, six secret passages, and nine traps, the two finally came to a cold stone door.

The stone gate is like a piece of unmelted black ice. In a place where the fire element is rich, it still exudes such a cold feeling, which shows the magic of this gate.

"This is the yin and cold stone gate, used to resist the residual heat emitted by that exercise." Elder Huo glanced at Xian Ling'er and smiled.

Xian Ling'er was also a little surprised when she heard it, it was just a skill, but it needs such a stone gate to resist, isn't it like a sea of ​​fire in there?

What Xian Ling'er thought was correct, there was indeed a sea of ​​flames inside, and in the sea of ​​flames stood a stone tablet mixed with scarlet and black, and the cultivation technique was inside the stone tablet.

If it was the real Elder Huo, he definitely wouldn't let a genius like Xian Ling'er take risks. He still had the earth-level exercises, but he just wanted to hide this weird exercise.

"Teacher, how do I get in?" Xian Ling'er touched the cold stone gate, but didn't feel any discomfort, just a little cold.

"I'll open the door later, so you just take the opportunity to go in." Elder Huo said.

Xian Ling'er nodded, stood beside Elder Huo, stood beside him, and treated it seriously. Xue Ni's practice is only the advanced yellow-ranked exercises, and Xiao Yu's is the same. If he Those who have obtained the ground level, the speed of cultivation is likely to be faster than the method of breathing.

"Boom!" Elder Huo's aura unfolded, and the aura of Dou Huang stunned Xian Ling'er. Dou Huang is worthy of being the top powerhouse in this continent.

Xian Ling'er also guessed that if her teacher, Elder Huo, made a move, those strong men who intercepted them in the Black Horn Region would also be vulnerable.

"Go in!"

Elder Huo was lucky enough to push the stone door open, Xian Ling'er bowed at the sound, and quickly entered the stone door facing the fiery breath.

Xian Ling'er entered it, and saw a black stone tablet standing in the not-so-small space of [-] meters. It seemed that it was his intrusion. The stone tablet suddenly became scarlet, like a piece of iron that was burned red.

"Shhhhh!" A burst of flames burst out from all around, and in the blink of an eye, it wrapped itself layer by layer.

Xian Ling'er didn't feel any heat, but felt very kind. This fire, like a child acting coquettishly on her, clings to him tightly.

"Could it be... the fire spirit physique?" Xian Ling'er was also puzzled, and murmured, but she didn't know that these ordinary fires, not to mention hurting his body, couldn't even burn his sleeves.

After going in for a while, "Elder Huo" was waiting outside without any worry in his eyes.

"Good apprentice, every world has its own rules, you need to follow it first, and then break it!" the Huo elder murmured.

This is also the reason why he personally found this exercise for Xian Ling'er. Coming here is also the starting point of Xian Ling'er's experience.

He chose the best one for him. As for how to go on, it depends on Xian Ling'er herself.

In the secret room, Xian Ling'er walked towards the stone tablet with ease, and then sat cross-legged around it, using her own perception to explore the special exercise that the teacher said.

The powerful perception fell on the stone tablet, like a mud cow entering the sea.

After a while, Xian Ling'er increased her perception of soul power until her head was a little dizzy, and she slapped the stone tablet for the last time, "How do you cultivate this?"

Anyway, the teacher didn't mention the time limit. After being slightly puzzled, Xian Ling'er calmed down and began to think about the secrets of this advanced exercise.

Just as he was deep in thought, a flame suddenly touched his face, itching slightly, Xian Ling'er grabbed the flame, and suddenly stopped.

"That's right!" Xian Ling'er suddenly realized, and sat up calmly again, not caring about the mysterious stone tablet, but feeling the rhythm of the flames.


Being in the sea of ​​flames, feel the law of the flames, every time it spews out, the rhythm of contraction is different.

Sitting for a whole day, Xian Ling'er was in the sea of ​​fire and had a fire spirit physique that was naturally intimate with fire. Even if she didn't have the skills to practice, the battle energy in her body would not be slow to rise.

Day after day, Xian Ling'er sat cross-legged calmly, just vomited and swallowed, a month passed, and Xian Ling'er didn't realize that his cyclone had all gathered gasification liquid.

"One piece, one relaxation, and the cycle goes back and forth;"

"The sky is round and the place is round, there are moments to find;"

"The continuous, endless, and nourishing fire is the spiritual flame, and the method written is called the 'Spiritual Flame Jue'."

Finally, after a month of comprehension, Xian Ling'er finally understood the trick, and slowly opened her eyes. There seemed to be two red flames beating in her bright black eyes.

"Boom!" Suddenly, the stele vibrated and moved upward automatically.

Xian Ling'er was overjoyed, and took a closer look at the stone tablet. He knew the conditions for becoming a pharmacist, so he went the wrong way when he came in. Soul power is a good arm after all, but it can also lead people into misunderstandings.

"If you want to practice this tactic, you need to use the spiritual flame first. If there is no spiritual flame to assist, even though it is an earth-level skill, it is also classified as a low-level skill. The spiritual flame is the most heavenly and earthly fire, followed by the beast fire on the monster's body."

"Natural spiritual flame, only one kind can be accepted, don't be greedy for more, remember!"

Xian Ling'er read this line of words in shock, this is the method of raising fire that the teacher said, what is the heaven and earth different fire?Also, there are flames on Warcraft?
My own knowledge is still too little, and Xian Ling'er plans to read more theoretical books after she goes out to increase her knowledge.

"Spiritual Flame Jue, a ground-level exercise that focuses on accumulating natal flames. It increases with the level of natal flames, up to a high-level earth-level."

It was only after Xian Ling'er practiced that she realized the horror of this exercise, which requires absorbing flames into her body.

He knows the level of monsters. Corresponding to the level of human beings, they are divided into nine levels. If the flame is raised to the highest level, it is equivalent to a ninth-level monster. What he knows, a fourth-level monster is equivalent to a strong fighting spirit Well, Tutor Ruolin is still a great fighter.

After Xian Ling'er practiced once, the speed of fighting energy entering her body was a thousand times faster than that of the method of exhaling breath. It's just a pity that there is no natal flame, otherwise the level can be judged.

However, after having the skills, the speed of cultivation has been greatly improved, once again looking inside the situation of her own cyclone, this time, Xian Linger was shocked,
The dou qi in the cyclone turned into fiery red liquid, which was more solid and solid than the gaseous state.

"Have I broken through as a Dou Shi?"

(End of this chapter)

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