Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 547 Residence

Chapter 547 Residence
"Have I broken through as a Dou Shi?"

After being shocked for a while, Xian Ling'er smiled embarrassingly again, touched her smooth nose slightly, and thought to herself: It seems that Xue Niyijia can't let Xue Niyijia know about her cultivation, otherwise, it will hurt their cultivation. of weak minds.

He also got the exercises, so it's time to go out now, but Xian Ling'er doesn't know how long it has been since he sat down, and thinking about it, it won't be long. .

Standing up slowly, flicking her snow-white robe slightly, after doing this, Xian Ling'er walked to the edge of the stone gate, stopped, and was thinking: "Should I knock or shout?"

"Boom!" Just as he thought for a short time, the heavy stone door opened, and a familiar but huge breath belonged to his teacher, Elder Huo.

Bowing his body, Xian Ling'er saw the right time and started to go out. As for the Spiritual Flame Jue, as the teacher said, not everyone can learn it. Regarding the natal flame, he thinks it is better to find the heaven, earth and different fire first. The current practice The speed is beyond the reach of the students of the academy.

After Xian Ling'er bowed out, the Shimen fell down with a "bang".

"Ling'er, have you learned?" His teacher, Elder Huo, looked at him and asked with a smile. However, the strong fighting spirit in his disciples cannot be hidden from him. No matter what he says now, it is also the strength of the Dou Huang .

"Yeah, teacher, how long have I been in there, and what is this heaven and earth strange fire?" Xian Ling'er nodded, looked at Elder Huo's piercing eyes, asked about the time, and the strange fire. fire situation.

The cultivation of the Spiritual Flame Jue requires a kind of flame as the natal flame, and the strange fire of the heaven and earth is the best fire, and he doesn't know whether to look for the strange fire or the secondary beast fire.

"You've been in there for more than a month, and about this strange fire,"

"It is a powerful flame that has been formed for thousands of years in this world. It is the king of all fires. It may be a cluster of flames carried in the center of a meteorite that fell from the sky. It may be in the depths of a volcano that has been calcined for thousands of years. The lava ground fire, every kind of strange fire is extremely violent, but it is the best flame for refining medicine, so countless alchemists flock to it, but this strange fire is something you can meet but not seek, and it is difficult to subdue it!" Huo The elder stroked his beard and spoke leisurely, but there was a trace of disdain hidden in his eyes.

Xian Ling'er was also shocked when she heard it, and she had a certain understanding of different fires, but Elder Huo didn't elaborate so much, and he didn't ask too many questions. Maybe the teacher doesn't have such a powerful flame.

Regarding the beast fire, he also learned from the stone tablet that it was the fire from the monster. Perhaps, it is not weak. As for how the alchemist refines medicine, he is also very curious.

"You will know about these in the future. The teacher will take you to your residence first, and settle down. As for the courses with Instructor Ruolin, when did you become a second-rank pharmacist? Go back."

Elder Huo knew what Xian Ling'er was thinking, that this world was still perfect, but he wanted to go on step by step.

"Yes, teacher." Xian Ling'er responded, followed Elder Huo and started to go out, and passed through many secret passages, and the soul force was deployed, but she couldn't detect anything inside.

In the end, I suppressed my curiosity, thinking that he would know in the future.

Back at Elder Huo's office, the wall fell down again, as if it hadn't been moved, and Elder Huo walked out directly, Xian Ling'er followed quietly.

After leaving the room door and entering the small automatic space, the two of them landed together, and Xian Ling'er suddenly felt as if her body was floating upwards.

Finally, after the two walked out of this building, Elder Huo directly led him to the place where the mentor lived.

As soon as she stepped into it, Xian Ling'er sensed the surrounding fire element, which was much weaker, but it was also pure enough to be directly absorbed.

As they walked, Xian Ling'er asked in confusion: "Teacher, isn't this the apartment where the tutor lives?"

"Well, but you are my disciple, I can't let you live with those students, it is relatively quiet here, you should have discovered that it is also good for your cultivation, and it is close to my office , if there is anything you don’t understand, you can come to me at any time.”

Elder Huo replied indifferently, if he was not afraid that those elders would be dissatisfied, he would have built a high-end villa for him to practice.

"Well, thank you teacher!" Xian Ling'er nodded gratefully, knowing that Elder Huo did this for his own good, and the mentor lived in a separate building, so no one would disturb him when he was practicing in it.

Elder Huo also shook his head and smiled, and led him over.

The two walked along the path to a clean and tidy independent house on the far left, which also had three or two bedrooms.

"Okay, Ling'er, you will live here from now on, and you will start learning how to refine medicine tomorrow. I will go back today and sort out some materials for you."

Elder Huo brought the obedient apprentice to him, and said, "It's been a month since I came here, and the other students have already adapted to life in the academy, while my own disciple just got the exercises.

However, the battle qi in his body was a few blocks away from them. After becoming a Dou Master, his battle qi was enough for him to become a second-rank pharmacist.

"Okay, teacher, I'll see you off!" Xian Ling'er nodded, and followed Elder Huo out again, all the way to the door of the teaching building, and Elder Huo let him go back.

When Xian Ling'er returned to this residence alone, she pushed open the door of a room in the middle, and there were beds, lamps, tables, chairs, etc. inside.

Then, I looked at the other two rooms, and suddenly felt that he was alone, which was a pity. Then I found that there was a smaller house with very special construction materials. It was on the far left side. Can not be found.

Xian Ling'er pushed the door open and went in, relying on the faint sunlight, she saw a black furnace with three small openings.

"Could it be that this is the medicine refining cauldron? How do we refine medicine?" Xian Ling'er looked puzzled and murmured to himself, but he knew too little about pharmacists, and felt strange and familiar, as if he It's like refining elixirs with such a similar furnace.

After looking at it for a while, I didn't find any firewood or other things to make a fire. There were very few things, only a stove and a tuanpu sitting on it.

After walking out, he chose the house in the middle as his room. As for the other two rooms, if Xue Niyijia and the others came to find him, he could let them rest here.

Thinking of those two sisters, Xian Ling'er seemed to miss him a little bit, "I don't know, will the teacher teach me tomorrow's class in person?"

He was alone, Xian Ling'er had no choice but to speak to the air.

It felt very quiet and didn't feel hungry at all. Fortunately, Xian Ling'er began to sit up on the bed. He had only practiced the Spiritual Flame Jue once, so let's spend this day in practice.

Having made up her mind, Xian Ling'er wanted to stabilize her cultivation, and break through to Dou Shi in one fell swoop, which was unexpected to him.

After settling down, Xian Ling'er began to practice, and also began to look forward to tomorrow's class...

(End of this chapter)

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