Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 548 Refinement

Chapter 548 Refinement
After entering the state of cultivation, Xian Ling'er practiced for another day. He didn't wake up until the next day when there was a slight sound from the surroundings.

"This..." After waking up, I just checked my cultivation results. After all, I practiced in this teacher's residence, and the fire element is rich, but this inspection made me dumbfounded.

Because, my fighting spirit seems to have reached the bottleneck again, and there is no sense of resistance to the familiar faint breakthrough, and this is just a day and night of cultivation.

In the end, Xian Ling'er attributed the reason to the advanced exercises she had obtained. Who knows, he is the key to the rapid improvement of fighting energy, and the exercises are only for guiding.

After stretching her body, Xian Ling'er also planned to go to see the class in the Alchemy Department, and learn the alchemy technique that everyone in the Dou Qi Continent envied.

"Squeak!" Xian Ling'er opened the door of her room, and a ray of warm sunlight from the east fell on him.

The rising sun is full of vigor and vitality, which symbolizes the beginning of a new day.

"Hey, is that the department chief's disciple? He looks really charming. He's only fifteen or sixteen years old. He's already a fighting master, but he's also a genius."

"Hehe, that's not it, Teacher He, let's just watch the show. I don't know that he can't help but pass the challenge of the pill idiot in the alchemy department. He has always wanted to become the disciple of Elder Huo."

Five or six mentors, dressed in correct pharmacist robes, were attracted by the appearance of the fairy after seeing the fairy, and then they all started to discuss with their colleagues.

Xian Ling'er overheard their conversation. It seems that they all know that they are the disciples of Elder Huo. It seems that her teacher has done a lot of publicity for her.

"Good morning, mentors!" He greeted politely.

"Morning!" As instructors, the students all greeted politely with smiles, and they all replied in unison.

Xian Ling'er smiled slightly, and the instructor was just envious and jealous, not too bad in his heart, then closed the door and walked over to the teaching building.

"Good conduct,"

"The strength is not bad, and the fire attribute on his body is also very strong,"


After Xian Ling'er left, these mentors all commented. They were envious of Xian Ling'er but also had some approval. If they were at this age, they might not even be a Dou Shi.

"What are you doing here, don't you have to go to class?"

Then, a serious voice came, followed by a handsome middle-aged man, who was also wearing a pharmacist's robe, but the badge on his left chest was four Silver streaked.

If Xian Ling'er is still there, then one can see the strength of this person at a glance, the strong Dou Ling, yes, is the strength after the Great Doushi.

"Mr. Zhang Ji, we are discussing the department head's disciples, and we are going to teach."

"let's go!"

This group of instructors looked at the person and said respectfully, then they all rushed to the teaching building.

After they left, the instructor named Zhang Ji smiled slightly and said, "It's interesting, it seems that our Alchemy Department is going to produce a peerless genius!"

Afterwards, he also rushed to the teaching building. He is the instructor of the fourth-rank pharmacist among the tutors. He is in charge of the second-rank pharmacist course for the students with the strength of Dou Shi. It can be said that he is the top of the tutors.

When Xian Ling'er came out, more than a dozen students hurried over in disheveled clothes.

"Huh!" When they saw Xian Ling'er, they gasped in surprise and became obsessed with it. She was dressed in white clothes and snowy clothes, her long black hair was tied with colorful knots, and her soft face was like the lover of their dreams. But breasts are...

This does not affect their appreciation of beauty.

"Let's go, the instructors are coming soon!"

Suddenly, a stronger student yelled, waking up the other students. He wore a badge with two silver stripes in his messy alchemist robe.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to turn around and take a look at Xian Ling'er. At this moment, he actually believed in love at first sight.

Seeing his obsessed eyes, Xian Ling'er smiled jokingly, because her own smile was so powerful, but she had tried it on Xueni and Yijia.

Seeing these students, they all hurriedly divided into two teams and went up the stairs on the left and right, while Xian Ling'er walked directly to the left of the two doors in the middle.

"Hey, classmate, you can't go there. It's reserved for the head of the alchemy department, the head of the alchemy department, and the Xuanjie instructor."

A student who woke up those students before shouted at Xian Ling'er.

Xian Ling'er was also slightly surprised, there are so many restrictions on this thing?However, he had to go up. He didn't know if the stairs could lead directly to the fifth floor.

Then, he pressed his hand down.

The student looked at Xian Ling'er, a strange and charming face that he had never seen in the student apartment since they met, and couldn't help but pause.

"Could she be new here..."

Yes, he guessed correctly, and Xian Ling'er had already entered the small space, and finally she gave the student a faint smile.

After being stunned for a while, the student seemed to hear the footsteps of the instructors, and finally ran up in a hurry.

After waiting for a while, Xian Ling'er reached the fifth floor. When she got to the door of her teacher's office, it was unlocked.

"Teacher!" Seeing Elder Huo who seemed to be waiting for a while, Xian Ling'er asked.

"Well, here we come, come here, and start learning medicine refining." Elder Huo said with a slight smile, and then opened a secret room of about [-] square meters, inside which was a familiar three-mouthed black furnace. .

"This is a third-level medicine refining cauldron, named 'Black Flame Cauldron'. In the medicine refining department, this is a special trial cauldron for the third-grade alchemist assessment." Elder Huo began to explain, "The corresponding number of small mouth , is different grades, the alchemy cauldron has eight grades in total, and the higher grade alchemy cauldron is used for alchemy, which can not only increase the rate of alchemy, but also give certain characteristics to the pill."

At the end, Elder Huo added, "But the higher the level of the refining cauldron, the rarer it will be."

"Teacher, is that a sixth-order alchemy cauldron?"

Xian Ling'er listened intently, looked at the six-mouthed small black cauldron that Elder Huo had lifted up before, and asked.

"Well, that is the sixth-level "Black Meteor Cauldron", which is the special alchemy furnace for the master to refine medicine. When you become a third-level pharmacist, I will give it to you." Elder Huo laughed.

This is indeed his most commonly used high-grade cauldron, but he also has a seventh-grade alchemy cauldron in his collection, and he just wants to show it off.

"The teacher gave me the medicine cauldron, so what will the teacher use for refining medicine..." Xian Ling'er planned to refuse. As for becoming a third-grade pharmacist, he didn't think too much about it, and he has not even entered the school yet.

"As a teacher, there are naturally other furnaces. Next, let's start learning and refining!"

Elder Huo waved his hand, and a ball of fiery red flames sprang out from his hand. He waved again, and the six-port cauldron immediately appeared in front of him.

Afterwards, he said to Xian Ling'er: "Operate the exercises, use fighting energy, and condense flames."

Xian Ling'er nodded, concentrated her attention, and performed the exercises, a fiery red battle energy gathered in her hands, and suddenly, her hands felt warm.

"Pfft!" A dark red flame gathered in the palm of his hand.

"Lead the flame into the medicine cauldron!" Elder Huo said and demonstrated again.

Xian Ling'er immediately followed suit, but Elder Huo didn't wake up. After Xian Ling'er's flame went out three times, it finally lit up in the medicine cauldron.

"Okay, Ling'er, you can refine these iron spirit leaves first." After Elder Huo finished speaking, his slightly wrinkled hands swept across Xian Ling'er, and pieces of iron-like leaves appeared on Xian Ling'er. In front of Linger's eyes.

This quantity is no less than two hundred pieces!


(End of this chapter)

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