Chapter 549

Xian Ling'er breathed out, feeling that it would not be difficult for him to refine these hundreds of silver iron leaves.

Elder Huo stroked his beard and watched from the side. Then, he bowed down beside Xian Linger, and his slightly wrinkled hand swept across the other side of Xian Linger. Huang's ancient book appeared in front of Xian Ling'er.

"Duqi Continent Medicinal Materials Record..., Dou Qi Continent Advanced Medicinal Materials Record, Dou Qi Continent Tiancaidibao Encyclopedia..."

Xian Ling'er saw that these piles of ancient books were as tall as he was sitting.

"If you want to learn how to refine medicine, you have to learn to distinguish the medicinal materials. You must read these books carefully. In a few days, the teacher will test you, and...refinement!"

Elder Huo smiled quietly, and then put on a serious look and said, because this disciple's talent is so good, he needs to be sharpened.

"Yes, teacher!" Xian Ling'er smiled wryly, but still nodded in response. Following Elder Huo's example, he raised his other hand, and the Naring on his finger flashed a faint fiery red, and he took all the books into his hand. Inside the fiery red "Spiritual Fire Ring".

Elder Huo nodded slightly, supervised Xian Ling'er's refinement, and knew that he had started immediately, and the speed of refinement was even more proficient than a fourth-rank or fifth-rank pharmacist.

After half a day, the homework was done, and Elder Huo had something to say: he can leave after refining.

Xian Ling'er put away the hundreds of extremely pure iron spirit leaves, and found that the refining time was a bit long, but it was also very easy, as if determined by her teacher.

"Since the teacher said that you can go back, then I will go and see how other students are in class?" Xian Ling'er finished this, murmured, and said to herself in her heart: just go and see, go back and read the book.

Then, he walked out of the office and searched for a while, but he didn't find the corridor to go down. Finally, he sat in the small automatic space and went down.

Walking slowly into it, Xian Ling'er raised her clean little hand and pressed the button with "four" engraved on it.

The small space descended slowly, and stopped after a while. The door also opened by itself, and Xian Ling'er came out.

"Refining medicine requires the fusion of attributes. When refining elixir, adding ice-type magic cores requires auxiliary medicinal materials to balance the energy of the magic core..."

"Refining medicine, you must first extract the purest energy of the medicinal materials and fuse them..."

In the classrooms on both sides, the voices of those instructors teaching can be heard.

Xian Ling'er was quickly attracted to the class that joined in the refining of ice-attributed magic cores. Ice and fire are incompatible, and ice-attributed magic cores are refined with fire, so they are not afraid of the furnace.

Afterwards, Xian Ling'er quietly walked to that classroom, and noticed a sign with "Yellow Seven" engraved on the door of one of the classrooms.

"Class Seven of the Yellow Class?" Xian Ling'er also knew that the Canaan Academy was divided into two classes, the Yellow Class and the Xuan Class.

The class of Xuan rank is regarded as excellent, and it is also a class for old students, while the class of Huang rank is generally a new student, and the tutors are also divided into yellow rank tutors and Xuan rank tutors, and the treatment is different.

Half a year later, the Department of Alchemy will recruit new students to the Outer Academy. This group of yellow-rank students will be transferred to the Xuan-rank class after half a year, and the veteran students of the Xuan-rank class will either enter the mainland or enter the so-called The inner court".

Xian Ling'er watched from the back corner, there were still three or two vacancies, and there were only ten to twenty students in a class.

After finding a seat to sit on, Xian Ling'er also listened to the class seriously, always drawing inferences in her mind, and suddenly found that the instructor was a little slow in lecturing.

Finally, in order to use the time rationally, Xian Ling'er quietly took out a "Record of Dou Qi Continental Medicinal Materials" from her ring and read it.

On the first page opened, there is a dense catalog of medicinal materials, "Healing grass, healing root, Tribulus terrestris..."

Then, I turned to the first medicinal material. The book described the appearance of this medicinal material in detail, as well as the records of the efficacy of the medicinal material, as well as its taboos, all clearly written.

Just like that, Xian Ling'er watched quietly while listening to the class, feeling that the day was fulfilling, and when they finished class, she had almost finished reading the medicinal materials.

Relying on her strength as a fighting master, Xian Ling'er slipped out first without being noticed by other students, re-entered the small space, returned to the first floor, held the book again, and planned to finish reading it.

"Boom!" When the small automatic space landed on the first floor, there was a light sound, the door opened automatically, and Xian Ling'er walked out.

At this moment, nearly fifty students had already come down, and they were all attracted by the people in the middle path.

"It's you!" Afterwards, a voice came, Xian Ling'er seemed to be familiar with it, but when she looked, wasn't that the most powerful young man among the disheveled students she met when she came to find her teacher.

"Well, class is over." Xian Ling'er smiled lightly, nodded, and then, under the gaze of dozens of pairs of eyes, walked out of the gate of the teaching building.

Holding the book in her hands, Xian Ling'er gradually walked away. The direction she was heading was the direction where the mentor lived.

"Go away, a group of perverts!" After Xian Ling'er's figure disappeared, the young man who had called out before said to his partner.

"Jiang Tao, do you guys know each other? Are they boyfriend and girlfriend? Tell me the truth!" Afterwards, a few students came back to their senses and put the young man on their arms, asking questions.

The young man named Jiang Tao also couldn't laugh or cry.

"Hehe, A Biao, big fish, don't make trouble. Tang Dong and Qin Ling can testify. It's just that I almost met late today. She..." Jiang Tao explained, but finally stopped.

He is also curious about Xian Ling'er's identity, she might be the department head's disciple, and he is only a second-rank pharmacist, if he can enter here, if he can't enter the inner courtyard for further study, even if he goes out, Most of the students are second-rank pharmacists.

At this moment, he felt a little inferior. Even though his Dou Qi was one or two stars higher than his classmates, there were still students from other classes, especially the top three classes, who were third-grade alchemist students with one or two great fighters.

Finally, I started to go back with my classmates. After all, people are like iron and rice is like steel!
Xian Ling'er also returned to her residence, and also found a box of lunch and a box of vegetables on the small wooden pier in front of her door.

Bringing up the lunch box and entering his residence, Xian Ling'er enjoyed his lunch without hesitation. As for the afternoon, he had to go there to continue studying. As for whether to start refining medicine or continue refining, he didn't know.

In the afternoon, other students go to the pharmacy for practical courses. A lot of low-level medicinal materials are for the students to consume. Of course, the pharmacy department will deduct some of the refined medicine as a fee.

Afterwards, Xian Ling'er did not practice, but looked at the books describing medicinal materials, waiting for the arrival of the afternoon...

(End of this chapter)

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