Chapter 550
In the afternoon, it will arrive in a blink of an eye.

Xian Ling'er's book has only been read halfway through, and as for the book on Dou Qi Continental Medicinal Materials, he has already firmly remembered it.

"Hmm... I don't know if the teacher taught me how to make medicine in the afternoon class." Xian Ling'er smiled lightly after stretching her willow waist.

After tidying up the books, I didn't bring the book of Dou Qi Continental Medicinal Materials with me. I've finished reading it, and I'll wait for the others to finish reading before returning them to the teacher.

He took the empty lunch box that he had finished eating, put it on the wooden pier when he walked to the door, and then walked to the teaching building, but this time the teaching building was a little deserted.

Once born, twice acquainted, Xian Ling'er went up to the fifth floor and came to Elder Huo's office.

"Hehe, the class in the afternoon is a bit different," Elder Huo said with a smile as he looked at his smart disciple, and then changed the tone, "It's still refining, but the medicinal materials refined this time are different."

After Elder Huo finished speaking, he took out hundreds of black iron-like leaves beside Xian Ling'er.

"Black Iron Spirit Leaf!"

Immediately, Xian Ling'er saw the difference in the leaves. After reading the medicinal material record, she knew that this pile of black iron spirit leaves was much more difficult to refine than the morning iron spirit leaves.

Afterwards, Elder Huo continued to take out at least five hundred kinds of different low-level medicinal materials, Xian Ling'er only knew two-thirds of them, and one-third did not know.

"Let's start refining. I've already arranged your theoretical course. Go to Class [-] of Huang Jie tomorrow. Come here to study in the afternoon and evening."

After Elder Huo finished all this, he said to Xian Ling'er that he was afraid that this disciple had made too much progress, and he had nothing to teach him in this continent. With this arrangement, he could delay it for at least a year or so.

"Yes, teacher!" Xian Ling'er nodded and replied, first refining the black iron spirit leaf, as for other medicinal materials, it should be enough for him to refine until night.

Elder Huo also brought a lot of jade bottles, and these extracted spiritual liquids can still be used for alchemy after they are filled.


He skillfully controlled his fire-attribute fighting energy, turning it into a fiery red flame. The strength of the flame was controlled by his soul power, while the pure wood-attribute fighting energy kept the flame active.

The black iron spirit leaf was first refined to the purest level under the fiery red flame.

Before you know it, dusk is approaching.

Xian Ling'er felt that her dou qi and soul power seemed to have improved a little, and she was refining them tirelessly.

"Gold Needle Grass, Fengling Leaf, Bailingyun..." Xian Ling'er first picked out the familiar medicinal materials to extract the pure energy of the medicinal materials, and then put them into exquisite jade bottles.

In the end, when refining those unfamiliar medicinal materials, some of them didn't know their attributes and points to be paid attention to, which wasted a lot, so Xian Ling'er could only refine them carefully.

Night is also coming. After Xian Ling'er finished refining, she also breathed a sigh of relief. Her spirit has been tense, and she can finally relax.

Xian Ling'er stood up and saw that Elder Huo was no longer there, and Xian Ling'er also tidied up carefully, and only started to leave after cleaning the furnace.

After leaving the teaching building, Xian Ling'er went straight to her residence. At the end of the day, she suddenly felt that she had very little time to go out. No wonder she seldom saw students from the Alchemy Department outside.

After returning to the residence, he took off his snow-white robe, took a comfortable bath, and then began to practice.

"Tomorrow, the class will officially start!"

When she felt that she was about to break through, Xian Ling'er stopped and did not continue to practice, but lay on the bed, thinking about tomorrow, his teacher arranged a class for him.

With some anticipation, he closed his eyes and fell asleep slowly. The Spiritual Flame Art was also working on its own. It was not in the state of cultivation, but it was comparable to a night of practicing the method of breathing.

"Boom boom boom!"

Early in the morning, Xian Ling'er heard a knock on the door.

"Wait a minute!" Xian Ling'er opened her eyes and replied, then she straightened her shoulder-length hair and did not tie a colored knot.

Slowly walked to the door, opened the door, and the white sky came into view, and the person who knocked on the door was a handsome man about 30 years old.

I saw that the robe on his left chest was wearing a badge with three silver stripes. His strength was at the level of a five-star great fighter, which was about the same as that of Tutor Ruolin.

"Hello, who are you?" Xian Ling'er looked at the person coming, she was also puzzled, and she had a little guess, but she still asked.

The man was startled for a moment. Hearing Xian Ling'er's question, he smiled calmly, "Hi, I'm the tutor of Class [-] of Huang Jie. My name is Dong Lai. You can also call me Dong Lai Tutor."

"Today, I'll take you to other places in the Alchemy Department, and I'll take you to the first class when it's time for class."

Xian Ling'er nodded, said to wait a moment, after tidying up, closed the room, and went out with the mentor.

The first place to go is the instructor's cafeteria. In the central part of the instructor's residence, there are many daily necessities there, which is very convenient for the instructors.

Xian Ling'er looked around the cafeteria, which was like a small market, and thought about the student's residence, which is not the case.

The two walked into the cafeteria, and along the way, Xian Ling'er and the mentor also had a brief understanding.

Instructor Donglai was a student in the Canaan Alchemy Department a few years ago. After reaching the third-grade alchemist, he stayed in the academy as an instructor.

As for his classmates, a few stayed in the academy, and the rest went out to make a living. If he could reach the fourth-rank pharmacist, then he could also be directly promoted to a black-rank tutor.

The two went to a window and ordered a breakfast together, only then did Xian Ling'er know that the meals here are all provided for the tutor and there is no charge.

"After eating breakfast, go out for a walk, and it's time for class. In our first class, there are still a lot of outstanding students. In half a year, at least two-thirds of the students will be able to enter the second-grade alchemist level. .”

Instructor Donglai and Xian Linger found a place to sit down, and began to enjoy breakfast, and also explained to Xian Linger the teaching situation of their class.

"En!" Xian Ling'er nodded, and began to eat breakfast slowly. As for becoming a second-rank pharmacist, this is what he wants to achieve.

After eating, the two walked again. This is the instructor's residence. As for the time for class, they are not afraid of those students seeing it.

Moreover, there are basically few mentors who started as early as they did.

In the end, he chose a quiet small pavilion to stop, and Xian Ling'er also started to practice, and the strong fighting spirit she exuded surprised Donglai Mentor.

"As expected of the disciple that the head of the department favors!" He secretly sighed in his heart, judging from the color of his grudge, he could naturally see that the level of skills Xian Ling'er cultivated should not be low.

After practicing for a while, Xian Ling'er finally couldn't help breaking through, and the Dou Qi in her body had reached the level of a two-star fighter.

This breakthrough shocked Instructor Donglai for a while. The strength of Dou Shi, if the alchemy course keeps up, he will be a second-grade pharmacist. Maybe in two years, Xian Ling'er will be able to reach the third-grade pharmacist.

After Xian Ling'er's practice was over and her fighting spirit was stabilized, many instructors had already started teaching, and instructor Donglai also smiled:
"Let's go, get ready for class!"

(End of this chapter)

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