Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 552 Susan Shan

Chapter 552 Susan Shan

"Blue scale fir, this is the main medicinal material for refining the second-grade elixir. It seems that this Dong Leng noodle is going to make an example to others!" The pure girl beside Xian Ling'er stood up and muttered.

Even though she racked her brains, she didn't know how to answer, because she, a first-grade pharmacist, passed the test by luck.

Xian Ling'er thought about it, and she seemed to see this kind of medicinal material. When refining medicine, a low-level medicinal material is needed to protect its spirituality.

Glancing quietly at the instructor on the stage, and then at her new deskmate nervously scratching the table, Xian Ling'er said in a weak voice: "When refining, add the essence of the spirit protection grass that has been refined in advance. !"

The pure girl named Yu'erhong with a long braid heard it, as if she suddenly saw the light in a dangerous dark night, she looked at Xian Ling'er in disbelief, this guy didn't even have the robes of an alchemist of.

"When refining, add the essence of the spirit-protecting grass that has been refined in advance!" Afterwards, Yu'erhong followed Xian Ling'er's prompt and said to Donglai's mentor.

Instructor Donglai nodded slightly as he listened. He didn't know whether he was approving the female student or Xian Ling'er.

"The answer is correct. Sit down." Instructor Donglai said.

Yu'erhong also heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at Xian Ling'er gratefully, but this time she didn't dare to speak again.

"As a pharmacist, you must first understand the characteristics of the medicinal materials. Sometimes, refining a single medicinal material will be counterproductive. Although the guardian spirit grass is a first-class medicinal material, it is indispensable for the main material refining of many second-grade elixirs. ..."

Instructor Donglai continued to explain, glanced at Xian Ling'er, but didn't pay much attention, after all, he was the department head's disciple.

Xian Ling'er also nodded when she heard it. Before that, he wasted a lot of medicinal materials when he refined it, which seems to be the reason.

In this way, he divided his mind into two tasks, listening to his tutor's theory while increasing his own knowledge. Time often passes the fastest when you are serious.

After a while, it was time for class to end. After the instructor left, the students began to become active.

"Xian Ling'er, thank you just now!"

After Teacher Donglai left, the girl named Yu'erhong also stood up, stretched her willow waist and said respectfully.

Xian Ling'er smiled slightly, "Student Yu'erhong, I'm all to blame for this. If it wasn't for me, you might not have been called up to answer the question."

"You can just call me Xiao Yu'er. If Yu'er is red, it's all my father's fault for choosing such an ugly name." Yu'er said to Xian Ling'er with a smile on her red face.Regarding her name, judging by her expression, I can't tell whether I like it or not.

Xian Ling'er also nodded, Xiao Yu'er, and then said: "Well, my two elder sisters call me Xian'er or Ling'er, Xiao Yu'er, you can call me that too."

Xian Ling'er said that regarding the name, he also thought of mentor Ruolin, and Xueni and Yijia, three women with their own characteristics.

At this moment, after the instructor left, these students were reluctant to leave, but hoped to take a closer look at the new students who had transferred.

I don't know if this beauty will get tired after watching too much, but this is the first time we meet, if you get tired, it may take a little longer.

Afterwards, a handsome young man came striding forward, accompanied by a gentle and refined young girl.

"Okay, it turned out to be you, who dared to lie to me last time!" The young man then stared at Xian Ling'er, but his voice was questioning.

Xian Ling'er looked at this young man, and it seemed that his voice and appearance were a little familiar, and suddenly his image came to mind, wasn't he just the infatuated person in my sloppy question that day.

"Hehe, classmate, it's not that I'm trying to lie to you, it's that Sister Xiao Yu doesn't want to see you, otherwise, why would she leave in a hurry." Xian Ling'er smiled awkwardly, and then said,

"Besides, Sister Xiao Yu brought me to report to the Alchemy Department, and she left me at the door because of you. You think I can't be angry. If it were you, would you be angry?"

"This..." At this moment, the young man was speechless, recalling that he had only discovered Xiao Yu's aura a month ago, and when he rushed away, this little beauty was left at the door.It's really unreasonable.

Knowing that it was unreasonable, the young man also said: "Then you shouldn't have lied to me, you made me run so far for nothing, and I almost chased her to her classroom."

"Okay, Lu Mu, who doesn't know your infatuation, this is a new classmate, so don't worry about it." The quiet and elegant woman who came with Lu Mu smiled indifferently at the young man. .

Xian Ling'er looked at this girl, she looked like a lotus flower, she was graceful, her body was exquisite and graceful, three thousand black hairs were like a waterfall running vertically behind her, if she took off the alchemist's robe and put on an elegant long skirt, Maybe it will be more elegant and moving.

"Yes, student Lu Mu, I'm sorry."

With this classmate opening her mouth, Xian Ling'er knew she was wrong, she didn't expect this guy to keep chasing her, but she was slightly surprised and apologetic.

Lu Mu heard that there were steps down, waved his hand, and said, "Okay, for the sake of apologizing to beautiful Shanshan, I won't bother with you."

Afterwards, Lu Mu walked out of the classroom very clearly, he was the first one, and afterward, there was another girl with a charming figure whose delicate body could not be concealed by a loose robe, also walked out. out of the classroom.

"Hehe, I really don't know why Shanshan and Yu'erhong are together, and I don't know if this fairy is also a vase, a genius, shouldn't be with a genius!"

This is the words of that girl who also wears the badge of a second-rank pharmacist. She is about [-] years old, and she is a second-rank pharmacist. If you think about it, her talent is on the high end in the pharmacy department.

Xian Ling'er didn't care, although he heard it, and even though he was not a real alchemist yet, he believed that he would surpass them in the future.

The elegant girl who may be called Shanshan who came did not care, she gave people a restrained and intelligent appearance, as for the one who left, she did not hide it.

"Xian'er, let me introduce you. This is my good sister, Susan. Did you see that, a second-grade pharmacist?" Afterwards, Yu'erhong pulled the quiet and elegant girl to introduce herself with a smile.

Looking at her proud appearance, it seems that the second-grade "Glory" of this girl named Susan is hers.

"Little Yu'er, you should also work hard. You have already broken through to Dou Shi. If you don't work hard, we will be separated in half a year and we will be separated."

Su Shanshan flicked Yu'er's red smooth forehead lightly, and said with an elegant smile.

Looking at Xian Ling'er again, he was also impressed by his soft and beautiful temperament, and stretched out his slender and white hand, "Hello, my name is Susan, you can call me Shanshan, class is over, let's go have dinner together Bar."

"Well, hello, my name is Xian Ling'er, you can call me Xian'er or Ling'er." Xian Ling'er also stretched out her hand.

I shook hands with that white and soft hand, the soft touch makes people love it, and so does Susan. This simple handshake has already dispelled her guess. Xian Linger's appearance, voice and skin are obviously not what a man should be. some.

Afterwards, the three of them went together and left the classroom under the eyes of those male students. Xian Ling'er also wanted to visit the students' cafeteria. It was right to see more.

(End of this chapter)

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