Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 553 1 Months

Chapter 553 One Month
The student's canteen is not in their residence, but an independent two-story building about a hundred meters away from their residence. In their residence, male and female students are separated, and five people live in a dormitory.

Xian Ling'er followed Yu'erhong and Su Shanshan to the student cafeteria, and the three went directly to the second floor. From their mouths, they learned that the food quality on the second floor is better, but the cost is not low.

The three came to a window,
"Auntie, let me have a serving of Chinese cabbage, a serving of fried pork with lettuce, and a serving of lotus root." Susan was the first in line, and she ordered the names of three cuisines.

The auntie inside has neat hands and feet, and the portions of the dishes are very generous, especially the fried lettuce with meat.

"I'll go find a seat first, Xian'er, here's the card for you." When she walked past Xian Ling'er with all the dishes in her hand, she handed a blue crystal card in her hand to Xian Ling'er .

Xian Ling'er smiled awkwardly, and took the card in her hand. To his embarrassment, he didn't seem to have a single gold coin in his ring except for the book that recorded the medicinal materials.

Looking at the slightly embarrassed fairy, Susan smiled gracefully, and then found a place closer to here.

Xian Ling'er was playing with the cyan crystal card with Yu Wen in her hand. There were only two ripples. This crystal card was issued by the Alchemy Department at the same time. The card is obviously only eligible to be held by a pharmacist like Susan who has passed the second-grade test.

Black crystal card students need to recharge the amount by themselves, but after becoming a first-grade pharmacist, the income from refining the medicinal liquid during the practical class will be included in their crystal card, and can also be exchanged for gold coins.

Generally speaking, the currency system of the Alchemy Department is relatively complete, similar to the common crystal card in the mainland, and this crystal card can be used in Canaan City.

Afterwards, I went to Yu'erhong to order food. I saw that she was not as elegant as Su Shanshan, but she did what she wanted, raised her green finger, and kept lighting. She couldn't remember the name, so she had to say: "This... this... this... And that..."

Afterwards, the rice cooker aunt quickly finished typing, and entered a value of "thirty" in a dark box, before Yu'erhong took out a blue crystal card with only one pattern.

"Drip!" There was a soft sound, and then she took her rich meal, looking a little salivating, but she didn't walk away.

"Hey, Xian'er, although I don't have as much money as Shanshan, a rich little woman, I can still afford this meal." Yu'erhong handed over her card with the meal, and looked at her new card. At the same table, he said that he liked it from the bottom of his heart.


"I know, but it's up to you to swipe that card, take it."

Only then did Xian Ling'er open her mouth to say that he already had the card given by Susan, but Yu'erhong didn't seem to want to give him a chance, so she stuffed the card into his hand, and then walked towards Susan in a cool way.

"Hmmm, pretty girl, are you a new student?"

Xian Ling'er also felt the remaining warmth in Yu'er's red card, and when he hesitated, a kind voice came.

Xian Ling'er looked, and in this window was a 40-year-old aunt who looked ordinary but was easy to get close to. She knew about the enrollment of Canaan College. Xian Ling'er is regarded as Yu'erhong and Su Shanshan's younger sister.

Xian Ling'er smiled slightly and nodded, "Auntie, I also want a piece of Chinese cabbage, a piece of fried pork with lettuce, and... lotus root."

Xian Ling'er thought about the name of the dish Susan ordered. As for the trick of Yu'erhong, it didn't seem to work, because he didn't know what it was when he looked at the delicious dishes inside, and the meat should not be ordinary meat. It's from Warcraft.

That auntie was not slow, and the weight she gave was almost the same as that of Susan, which also surprised Xian Linger secretly. Could it be that the aunt in the cafeteria is also a fighter?But there is no trace of vindictiveness.

If he asked this question, the aunt's answer would be: I know you well!

Yu'erhong, who was already running over there, also stopped when she saw that Xian Ling'er was cooking, because she had a boring bet with Susan Shan: bet whose card Xian Ling'er would swipe.

On Xian Ling'er's side, he was talking to his aunt in a low voice, and he also knew about the bet between the two girls, so he hesitated, now...

I saw that he brushed Susan Shan's first, and then Yu'erhong.

He asked Auntie to split it twice, so this time the bet was even. As the owner of the cyan crystal card, Su Shanshan, she didn't care about Yu'erhong. It stands to reason that she should have the upper hand.

Afterwards, Xian Ling'er came over, sat down, and handed the two cards back to their owners.

"Xian Ling'er, let's have a meal, why do you have to brush separately!" Finally, Yu'erhong, who couldn't sit still, finally asked.

When Xian Ling'er heard it, she smiled lightly, "Because I have better hearing." Then, her eyes showed true feelings: "Besides, you are all good friends I met on the first day, I don't want any of you to lose. !"

Hearing the impeccable and moving words, Susan was a little surprised, raised her clear eyes, and looked at Xian Ling'er.

But Yu'erhong was relieved, and said: "Okay, since you are so considerate of us, I won't argue with you, alas, I have to share an extra meatball today."

Afterwards, put two tempting meatballs on the dinner plates of Xian Linger and Susanshan respectively. Xian Linger and Susanshan simply smiled, and the boat of friendship set sail like this.

Sometimes eating alone lacks some fun, but with three people, Xian Ling'er feels joy from the bottom of her heart, because a partner, a person's life cannot be lonely, and everyone needs one or many people who can accompany him.

On a simple morning, the three parted temporarily at the entrance of the cafeteria, and Xian Ling'er returned to his residence alone, continuing to read the books that recorded various medicinal materials.

In the afternoon, it came quietly.

In Elder Huo's office, Xian Ling'er came again, and seemed to have gotten used to it.
"Ling'er, in the next month, you can continue to refine. As for your courtyard uniform and crystal card, I will let Teacher Donglai bring it to you." Elder Huo simply ordered, He saw everything about his disciples.

"Well, thank you teacher." Xian Ling'er was overjoyed when she heard this, and she no longer had to embarrass herself by asking Su Shanshan and Yu'erhong to give her crystal cards.

Elder Huo smiled, this guy shook his head and left.

The next day, Xian Linger arrived in class,
Yu'erhong rushed towards him, "Xian Ling'er, you can do it, you won't even go to the experiment class, it was the instructor's permission, tell did you do it!"

"Ahem, this is a secret!" Xian Ling'er thought she knew something, and replied with a dry cough. The fact that he is the department head's disciple is really a secret until now.

"Hmph, is it a secret that I can't even know about my tablemate?" Afterwards, Yu'erhong folded her hands on her chest and asked with her beautiful eyes.

Xian Ling'er nodded lightly with a little grievance.

"Yeah, I just want to skip class, every day alchemy makes my pretty face black!" Yu'erhong started to go crazy, but her deskmate was a special case.

Xian Ling'er also smiled wryly, the amount of practice she has practiced should be about the same as yours.

Fortunately, Yu'erhong didn't keep asking, otherwise she couldn't help but want to tell him, and in the end she just said: I was refining medicine elsewhere; this tablemate calmed down.

Listening to lectures and reading books in the morning, eating together at noon, refining in the afternoon, and refining in the evening, this is my life, and Xian Linger has adapted to it.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed like this, and Xian Ling'er is also looking forward to it, he can finally start refining the elixir...

(End of this chapter)

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