Chapter 557 First Grade Alchemist
"Mr. Zhang Ji?"

Xian Linger shouted in a low voice,
Zhang Ji was stunned for a moment, and then he came back to his senses and said, "Ah... oh, Xian Ling'er, you have passed the assessment. Wait a minute, the instructor will get you your alchemist's robe and badge for you!"

Xian Ling'er nodded, knowing that her robes should be changed, and her grade badge. She passed the pharmacist's first-grade test. As for the second-grade assessment, she still needs to study.

Afterwards, Zhang Ji entered a secret room without a number plate, and when he came out again, he had an additional robe of a pharmacist in his hand, and a silver badge engraved with the model of the alchemy tripod.

"Xian Ling'er, you have passed the examination, and you will be a first-grade pharmacist in the future. This is recognized by the Canaan Academy, and it has a certain degree of persuasion in the Northwest Continent."

As Zhang Ji said, he handed over the robe and badge to Xian Ling'er.

"En!" Xian Ling'er nodded in response. After getting the alchemist's robe and badge, there are still three days of vacation. You can go to see Xueni and Yijia first, and the mature and attractive Ruo Lin's tutor.

As for the old robe, Xian Ling'er chose to return it to the Alchemy Department.

After all, the price of making a pharmacist's robe is not low. You can also choose to return it to the pharmacy department, or not. Expenses, simply put, are saving money for it.

After putting on the new robe, it is very comfortable and cool. It has the effect of warming in winter and cooling in summer. It seems that there is also a faint medicinal fragrance, which can make people feel refreshed and clear.

"Mr. Zhang Ji, the students are going out first."

Xian Ling'er bowed to Zhang Ji and said that he had already finished the exam. As for the money for the three pills, after deducting the cost, there was still a little profit for him.

Xian Ling'er's net worth is no less than 50, and he won't care too much about the little money, and of course he won't waste it. After he becomes a second-rank pharmacist, he can refine a second-rank elixir and sell it for a fortune. Thousands of gold coins.

Zhang Ji nodded, still a little shocked in his heart, he couldn't help admiring the department head's vicious eyes, such an evildoer is really the brightest star in the alchemy department.

Looking at the departing Xian Linger, it seems that he is not yet 16 years old, this is the youngest first-grade pharmacist in the mainland, and he can be regarded as the youngest fighting master.

He suddenly felt that Xian Ling'er's future was so bright. With the guidance of the department head and amazing talent, at his age, he should be able to become a sixth-grade alchemist. He didn't even dare to think about it.

But Xian Ling'er didn't think so much, his current Spiritual Flame Art is running automatically, breaking through is like drinking water, it's an ordinary thing, and what he devotes most of his energy to is refining medicine, as for that The high-level fighting skill of the Xuan level, Manhuozhuhua, has also been introduced, but there is no chance to use it.

"Xian'er, come out, Yipin!"

Yu'erhong was so bored, she was the first to see Xian Ling'er coming out, but she didn't pay attention, Xian Ling'er didn't go in for long.

Xian Ling'er's robe has been changed, and there is also a badge with a silver pattern on her chest. Su Shanshan's usually elegant appearance can't help showing a shock on her face. At this moment, she already has another idea in her heart , the head of the department...

"How is it possible!" Lin Yuru was also shocked, how long did Xian Ling'er come to their class, only two months, and he didn't go to the experimental class, he couldn't believe it, he really became a first-grade alchemist.

"Hehe, everything is possible, our beautiful Banhua, you just don't want to believe that there are people beyond people, and that there is a sky beyond the sky." Lu Mu, who was beside her, replied.

Moreover, Lu Mu was also shocked, because Xian Linger completed the assessment in almost half the time of theirs. You must know that his talent is not bad. After two years in the academy, he will definitely be able to reach the level of Da Dou Shi. Level, reaching the third-rank alchemist.

"Humph, congratulations!" Lin Yuru snorted at Lu Mu first, and then congratulated Xian Ling'er.

It's not that she can't accept others, but she just wants Xian Ling'er to come to her. He thinks that a genius should just be with a genius.

But her congratulations really surprised people a little. When everyone looked at her, she started to leave with a cold face. She had already finished watching, so naturally she didn't need to stay any longer.

"Thank you, classmate Yuru!"

Xian Ling'er looked at the beautiful and enchanting Lin Yuru's back, chuckled lightly, and her soft voice reached her ears.

He didn't feel bad for this lonely class flower. On the contrary, he still admired her. She is a very hardworking person. In class, she listened attentively to the instructor's lecture. After class, she was also seriously refining the elixir .

Lin Yuru paused, attracted by the soft voice, but still pressed her pink lips tightly, thinking of Yuerhong's lazy appearance, she still started to leave angrily.

"Congratulations, Xian'er," Lu Mu first congratulated with a smile on his face,
"Lu Mu, can you call Xian'er? Don't call me so kind, we don't know your little thoughts." Yu'erhong pinched her willow waist and looked at Lu Mu with willow eyebrows.

Lu Mu smiled awkwardly, it was really difficult to meet such a little pepper, but for the person he likes, he went all out,

"It's just your mouth," Susan said with a flat smile to Yu'erhong.

They all knew about Lu Mu, and they could be regarded as infatuated. He is a dignified second-grade pharmacist, and his status is not low, but he seems to like to hang himself on a tree.

"Liu Wei Wei, Shan Shan, I'm afraid that this guy will have an idea for our Xian'er." Yu'erhong said to Susan, sticking out her little tongue playfully.

Xian Ling'er smiled calmly, and said to Yu'erhong and Lu Mu: "No, Lu Mu is not bad, but I'm too impatient, Lu Mu, I can't help you with your matter."

At this moment, Lu Mu had no choice but to smile bitterly, and then left.

Just like what Xian Ling'er said, he was too impatient, but when he thought of that girl's pretty face, exquisite body, and slender sexy legs, I'm afraid there are still many rivals in love, so it's better to strike first.

Afterwards, there were only three sisters left, and Xian Ling'er also became a first-grade pharmacist. This time, Yu'erhong asked him to treat her. Susan seemed to be happy to take advantage of him, and followed Yu'erhong.

One day passed like this, and almost none of them went out of the scope of the alchemy department.

Xian Ling'er returned to her residence, looked inside her body, and it seemed that there had been a qualitative change.

As soon as he thought about it, he circulated the strong fiery red fighting spirit in his body, and a charming red mandala flame flower emerged from the bottom of his feet. On the 36 petals, there were already twelve crystal clear fiery reds that contained rich fire element violent energy .

Withdrawing this flame flower, he felt that half of the fighting energy in his body had been mobilized. Currently, he can only use this powerful fighting skill twice.

Wearing a comfortable robe, Xian Ling'er didn't forget to take a bath, let herself fall asleep easily, and wait for tomorrow's vacation and the person she wants to see.

(End of this chapter)

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