Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 558 Goodbye, Tutor Ruolin

Chapter 558 Goodbye, Tutor Ruolin
The next day, Xian Ling'er woke up very early,

Because he wanted to surprise that tender and gentle mentor Ruolin. In the medicine refining department, besides refining medicine, he also seemed to be refining medicine. This time he went out to ask Ruolin mentor some things.

Putting on your own alchemist's gown, although it is more conspicuous, but wearing it also has its advantages. The alchemy department uses it as a uniform, and it is also because, if you see that others are already first-rank or second-rank alchemist, you no,
This is the role of encouragement. I must have what you have. Sometimes, geniuses have to compare themselves to see who will be the first to break through to another level. This is also a kind of healthy competition in the dark.

After leaving his residence, he walked for a while and came to the gate of the Alchemy Department. The gatekeeper was an old man in his 70s or [-]s, with ordinary clothes and appearance.

When Xian Ling'er passed by, she was only a little surprised, because there was a familiar smell, like the smell he noticed after the last assessment.

"Good morning!" Xian Ling'er smiled slightly, greeted the old man, and then went to the students of the outer courtyard.

The old man nodded, looked at Xian Ling'er walking away, and then smiled: "Are you quite vigilant, and your soul power is not bad, at least it has reached the level of a great fighter."

The old man murmured softly, and Xian Ling'er would have smiled silently if she knew it, because his perception was still much restrained. Of course, this was taught to him by his teacher, Elder Huo.

Xian Ling'er walked out of the Alchemy Department and followed a road to the outer courtyard, the residence of Ruolin's mentor.

"Hehe, Teacher Ruolin, I'm back. Now, I have indeed become a first-grade pharmacist." Xian Ling'er hurried on her way, glanced at a badge on her chest, and murmured.

Mentor Ruolin is a woman who makes people dream about, and he feels like a teacher and a friend, approachable and approachable.Maybe, it has something to do with her innate water attribute grudge.

There are almost no students on the path to take, because it is too early.

Finally, he came to the tutor's residence, the familiar environment, and the room where he slept, the tutor seemed to leave him empty.

The powerful perception came out and entered the room of tutor Ruolin. On an exquisite bed, inside the water-blue curtain, a beautiful woman in her thirties was sleeping soundly.

Xian Ling'er looked at the familiar face again, remembering how Ruolin took care of him when they met for the first time, she couldn't help but smile slightly: "Teacher Ruolin seems to have not woken up yet, it's better not to disturb her old man, haha!"

If Ruo Lin heard this, she would definitely get angry back at his beauty. After all, that beautiful woman wouldn't care if others said she was old?

Xian Ling'er took out a book of complete medicinal materials in Ruolin's mentor's yard. He had almost finished reading the low-level medicinal materials, but he still had to memorize some natural treasures, rare ones, and practice.That is impossible.

In this way, early in the morning, Xian Ling'er read the book seriously. As for looking at Tutor Ruolin's sleeping face, he never thought about it. He also regarded Tutor Ruolin as his sister and teacher.

After a while, Xian Ling'er heard the small voices in the room, sensed it, and couldn't help blushing, because he saw that his mentor Ruolin was changing...

At this moment, I can't calm down even after reading a book. I think of the jade-like skin, which is tender and elastic.


With a soft click, the door opened.

Instructor Ruolin is wearing her instructor's robe, ready to start the work she loves, but Meimu looks at her yard, and there is a beautiful figure, who seems to be a beautiful person she has dreamed of in her dreams. Since he left, she seems to be sleeping It's not stable anymore.

"Teacher Ruolin!"

Xian Ling'er smiled slightly, and shouted, the faint blush on his face hadn't dissipated, so that his young and childlike face appeared even more, and his soft and beautiful face had an extra heart-pounding blush.

Teacher Ruolin also trembled slightly, then smiled, hearing that familiar sentence from Teacher Ruolin, she thought that she was still a teacher.

Afterwards, Xian Ling'er imitated Xue Ni's bad move, put her arms around Mentor Ruolin's feminine waist, and threw herself into the arms of her tutor.

"You really have learned all the shortcomings of that guy Xueni." Instructor Ruolin smiled tenderly, pointing to the beauty's embryo that was close to her chest with Xian Xiansu's hand.

However, she didn't seem to resist in her heart, and she was like this with female students, but it made many male students in her class envious, only wishing she wasn't a girl, otherwise...

"Hee hee, don't you miss mentor Ruolin?" Xian Ling'er smirked, revealing a pure and beautiful smile, instantly capturing Ruolin's tender heart.

"Spoof, I've been away for three months, and I haven't come out to see me, my mentor." Ren Xianling'er hugged her, and after Xian Linger let go, she became worried again,

Seeing the obvious badge on Xian Ling'er's chest, he said: "It seems that you have worked very hard and became a first-grade pharmacist in three months. This has never been done in Canaan Academy."

The most important thing is to be surprised by Xian Ling'er's talent and Huo Ling's physique. It's hard for me to perceive the fluctuation of Xian Ling'er's fighting spirit now, and I don't know what level Xian Ling'er has reached. I think I should become a fighter Alright.

"Well, these three months..." Xian Ling'er began to speak aggrievedly. After Teacher Ruolin listened, she also exuded a radiance of maternal love, feeling that Xian Ling'er was suffering, but Xian Ling'er still Not telling the truth.

In the end, there was another sentence of comfort from Ruolin's mentor: Only when you have endured hardships can you be a master and let him remember it in his heart.

Instructor Ruolin was also curious about what level of skills and fighting skills Xian Ling'er had cultivated.

Xian Ling'er also told her without reservation, Lingyan Jue, Manhuo Zhuhua, and fighting skills, and showed her how to use them.

After reading it, Instructor Ruolin said: "It seems that your teacher is teaching you very hard."

This sentence almost made Xian Ling'er choke on the air. It seemed that her teacher was very confident in her, and Xian Ling'er didn't plan to tell her tutor Ruo Lin.

"Okay, follow the instructor to have breakfast, and then take you to the fighting skill hall. After the instructor finishes class, let Xueni and Yijia come to you. Those two guys didn't whisper you in my ear."

Instructor Ruolin gently rubbed Xian Ling'er's beautiful hair and smiled.

Xian Ling'er also followed her, and after a while, the teacher and the student began to head to the instructor's cafeteria.

The appearance of Xian Ling'er also made her feel better, like a sudden warm sun shining into her heart.

Having breakfast with Tutor Ruolin, Xian Ling'er also found that her appetite improved a lot, and then came to a holy place in Canaan Academy, the Fighting Skills Hall.

There are many yellow rank fighting skills here for students to browse or learn. Of course, there are still certain restrictions. Generally, students can only learn the lower and intermediate levels of the yellow rank, which involves the students' admission potential.

For ordinary students, it is not bad to be able to obtain the middle-level fighting skills of the yellow rank, because only some families can have this, and ordinary people will not have the fighting skills to learn, except for opportunities.

Ruo Lin took Xian Ling'er with her, and then said to him: "Your authority is to browse the highest level of Huang Rank high and low fighting skills."

"Well," Xian Ling'er nodded, knowing that Teacher Ruolin was going to class, she gave her a hug, and then watched her go.

He already has the skills. As for the fighting skills, there is only one kind. Regarding what Instructor Ruolin said, he was looking forward to it. Looking at the three straight and powerful words "fighting skills hall",
Xian Ling'er walked straight in, and with his "S" level authority, he could obtain a high-level yellow-level fighting skill in the fighting skill hall.

(End of this chapter)

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