Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 564 Reading

Chapter 564 Reading
After reading it, Xian Ling'er silently wrote down the characteristics of each level, and then slowly closed the book "Detailed Notes on Fighter Levels".

At this time, Xian Ling'er had a clear understanding of the division of strength in the Douqi Continent, and based on the explanations from Xue Ni and Ruolin, she further deepened her impression.

Putting the book back to its original place, Xian Ling'er continued to read, there were rows of books, Xian Ling'er wished to finish them all,

"Explanation of fighter strength levels!"

"A summary of the fighter's actual combat!"


The yellowish books are what Xian Ling'er lacks. He is too eager to understand the world and understand some truths.

As time passed, Xian Ling'er also read dozens of books, all about cultivation, and an introduction to combat experience.

"The Encyclopedia of Beast Fire!"

In the end, it seemed that I saw a book that attracted me more.The beast fire and the strange fire are all that I want to know. The strange fire in this world is extremely rare, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see it.

As for the beast fire, he had never seen it before. This visit to the library was really the most correct choice, even more valuable than the fighting skill hall and the high-level yellow-rank fighting skill.

Some couldn't wait to take it out, Xian Ling'er slowly opened the book, and there was such a note on the first page:
Beast fire, produced by some powerful monsters, has a violent flame attribute, which is even more violent than the flames condensed by the fighting spirit of ordinary fighters. If you subdue it, it can improve the efficiency of refining medicine for alchemists, and increase your attack power in battle ...

"No matter how you look at it, it's better than what people can condense by themselves," Xian Ling'er murmured to herself after reading it.

Afterwards, continuing to flip through, the first flame came into view, which turned out to be a strange purple flame.

The Nine Nether Underworld Fire, which is said to come from the Nine Nethers, is born with the Nine Nether Nether Sparrows. It is powerful enough to ignite all souls and creatures.

This monster is extinct!
When Xian Ling'er saw the last line, she couldn't help sighing, why did such a powerful monster become extinct.

Looking at this strange purple flame, it looked familiar, Xian Ling'er couldn't help but take a few more glances, and then turned to the next page.

Black magic fire, produced from black monsters, has a black body, has a psychedelic effect, and is powerful...

Black Warcraft, extinct!

This last line of words made him dumbfounded again, why are these powerful monsters extinct.

As for this question, only after he became a second-rank pharmacist will he understand why the mighty monsters are extinct.

Xian Ling'er continued to watch, monster flames of different colors flashed past Xian Ling'er's eyeballs, Xuan Jin Fire, Poison Demon Fire,..., Peach Blossom Fire...

A thick yellowed book with abstract pictures was enough to make him obsessed, and before he knew it, it was time for class to end.

Xian Ling'er was very reluctant, and continued to look at the book, from which she also memorized the names of many strange monsters.

Xian Ling'er didn't stop until the two sisters Xueni and Yijia arrived.

Looking at Xian Ling'er who seemed like a bookworm, Xue Ni said helplessly: "Xian'er, you can borrow this book, you don't have to stay here to read it all the time."

"Really, then I can take some back to the Alchemy Department. Sister Xueni, Sister Yijia, can you do me a favor?" He Yijia said.

"What are you talking about? We are your older sisters. Come on, don't say one favor, even a hundred will be fine." Seeing Xian Ling'er begging, Xue Ni pinched her waist with her hands and replied.

Yijia also nodded slightly. They are older than Xian Linger, and they were saved by Xian Linger when they returned to school. Now they have received so many pills from Xian Linger. will refuse.

Xian Ling'er also smiled lightly, she didn't expect them to care so much.

Then, he said softly: "Actually, I just want to find a book about different fires."

"Different Fire!"

Xue Ni also exclaimed when she heard it, and then quickly covered her pink lips with her bright hands, as if to block the sound.

Yijia also frowned slightly, this strange fire is extremely hard to find, but to an alchemist, it is like a treasure, Xian Ling'er just entered the alchemy department not long ago, why did she want to know about the strange fire so much.

"Cough, Xian'er, I have seen this thing of strange fire. According to rumors in the mainland, strange fire is hard to find, so don't pay attention to it. Even if there is no strange fire, you can also Become a high-level alchemist."

Xue Ni calmed down a bit, and then persuaded Xian Ling'er, afraid that this guy would have the idea of ​​playing something illusory like Alien Fire.

"Sister Xueni, what are you thinking about? I just want to find out, and I don't intend to look for it." Xian Ling'er smiled lightly. It seems that both Xueni and Yijia know about the strange fire, but she doesn't know up.

In fact, people who spend some time in the mainland know about alchemists, who know about alchemists, and that there are such things as strange fires. Only Xian Ling'er has no such memories at all.

"Oh, you can only find out about this by asking the librarian. He can consult the entire library's collection, which is related to one of his fighting skills."

Xue Ni breathed a sigh of relief and said slowly.I thought this guy was going to find a strange fire.

Only Xian Ling'er knew in his heart that it was impossible for him to go out now, and he didn't know where to go. He still wanted to stay in the academy and continue to study alchemy.

Hearing what Xue Ni said, he was also curious about the administrator's fighting skills.

Afterwards, the three of them came to the counter at the door together,
"Hello, I want to borrow these five books!"

Carrying five thick books, Xian Ling'er put them on the counter and said politely.

And the administrator was looking at a book of Dou Zhe's annotations, pulled out a form, and said leisurely: "Just fill in the form!"

Xian Ling'er looked at the administrator and thought to herself, isn't this person afraid of filling in the books by herself? But when she thought about it carefully, as a student of Canaan Academy, would she have to cheat when borrowing some books?

Lifting the pen on the counter, Xian Ling'er also filled in her own information, which was the information that Tutor Ruolin had prepared for him and left in the second class of Huang Jie in the outer courtyard.

"Hello, I would like to borrow another book about different fires. I wonder if you can look it up for me?" After filling it out, Xian Ling'er said to the administrator.

"Your authority is not enough." Regarding Xian Ling'er's words, the administrator continued to look at his book, as if knowing that Xian Ling'er would not give up, and added, "If you want to borrow this kind of advanced books, you need a deputy. Dean, or an elder's approval!"

"Well, thanks!"

After Xian Linger found out, she thanked her and left with Xue Niyijia.

The administrator put down the book and looked at Xian Ling'er's back, "It seems that there are not many such polite students. Alas, he is still in the Department of Alchemy. The rules are like this. I hope he will not be entangled in this."

He also knew that many talented alchemists with ideals would find it difficult to find a strange fire in their entire lives, and even if they found it, they would be eaten away by the strange fire and die, wasting their lives in vain.

When Xian Ling'er left, she wanted to ask Ruolin's teacher, if she had no other choice, she had to ask the teacher.

(End of this chapter)

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