Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 565 Fight

Chapter 565 Fight
Classroom building!

After Tutor Ruolin finished teaching, she did not return directly to her residence, but purposefully went to the dean's office of the college. This trip was for him. I don't know if it was because of the teacher-student relationship, or because of my mind. In that inexplicable thought.

Walking down the classroom building, she went straight to the direction of the library, but there was some deviation from the direction to the library. As a tutor, she knew what was hidden in the library.

After going through a series of circuitous paths, I finally came to the office building.

This is not the first time for her to come. She has the qualification to apply for a Xuan-level tutor, so her status in Canaan College is naturally different.

Familiar with the road, he came to the dean's office and stopped outside the door.

"I don't care, you bought it for me when you said I broke through."

"Oh, Xiaojia, grandpa is already preparing it for you, wait for two more days..., yo, little ancestor, don't pull my beard again..."

Accompanied by a clear and melodious girl's voice, a voice like a kind old man also came out.

Everything was put into her ears, and she sighed, maybe the material of this door is not good.

"It seems that the little demon girl wants to change the weapon in her hand. I don't know that the principal is now...haha." Instructor Ruolin muttered, and then imagined the scene of the deputy principal being pulled by his granddaughter's beard, and couldn't help but smile. you.

"Boom boom boom!"

Even though their grandparents were making trouble, he wanted to fight for some resources for his students. Afterwards, Instructor Ruolin politely knocked on the door of the dean's office.

"Okay, someone is here, Xiaojia, stop making trouble, and I will give it to you when I'm ready!"

"Hmph, then wait for another two days, when the time comes, those who dare to get Xun'er's attention will be severely beaten."

"You don't look like a girl, how can you marry in the future..."


Instructor Ruolin waited patiently for a while, waiting for the matter inside to be resolved.

After a while, a tall girl in a fiery red dress came out. The most obvious thing was her long hair, which was the same color as her clothes, and the girl's delicate body, which was bumpy and sloppy. charming.

"Teacher Ruolin!"

The girl saw Ruolin, and shouted directly, she didn't expect that the person who interrupted her bargaining with her grandfather was actually Teacher Ruolin, and she was a little aggrieved when she came out.

"Well, Hu Jia, is it surprising?" Instructor Ruolin smiled softly, looked at the girl whose expression suddenly changed, and said, "You should strive to break through to Dou Shi sooner, as for that girl Xun'er. She'll take care of things herself."

"That won't work. Xun'er's affairs are mine. Instructor Ruolin, I'll go there first. The old man is waiting for you inside." The girl smiled, and playfully touched the instructor's willow waist, Then, he ran away in a hurry.

Instructor Ruolin shook her head and smiled helplessly. This group of female students are all like this. It seems that she also likes to get close to students. In Canaan Academy, she is probably the most popular instructor among male and female students. up.

After the girl left, Ruo Lin also went directly into the dean's office.

The deputy dean already knew who the person was.

Sitting in a comfortable chair, the gentle old man asked, "Ruolin, tell me, what's the reason you're here again."

Hu Qian was the vice president who gave a long speech at the opening ceremony. He squinted his seemingly confused but piercing eyes and looked at the mature female tutor who came in.

Instructor Ruolin listened, met the mature eyes, and said with a smile: "Hehe, it seems that the vice president understands me."

"What do you understand? If it wasn't for the student you said, Yan, who is a talented student, I wouldn't approve such a vacation, and ask for a year off..." The vice president began to say.

Thinking of that strange student made this instructor worry a lot, and he knew her difficulties, so he immediately asked, "Tell me, what else is there."

Thinking of my good granddaughter, since the arrival of the one named Xiao Xun'er, she has not been very close to him, and that female student has an unusual background, and she is also very attractive in the academy.

Then, he picked up the tea on the table and prepared to take a sip,
"It's about a student in our class, the one who was recruited into the Alchemy Department by Elder Huo as an exception. I want to win a middle-level Xuan-level fighting skill for him!" Instructor Ruolin watched as she was drinking tea. The deputy dean said calmly.

"Pfft! Cough," Dean Hu listened, sprayed the tea, then quickly wiped it clean, and asked in surprise, "Ruolin, what are you talking about? Profound-level intermediate? You know, you have been working for the academy for many years." Thanks to his contribution, he obtained a middle-level mysterious fighting skill."

Compared with the Huang rank, the Xuan rank is a qualitative leap. With the same cultivation level, practicing a fighting skill that is one level higher than the opponent is the key to victory.What's more, there are not many students who have Xuan-level fighting skills. Apart from a few students, there is also my own good grandson...

Profound-level middle-level, it is rare to lose it in the black corner area, no wonder he is so surprised, what is this Ruolin doing,
"Vice President, you must know that when we returned, Xian Ling'er beheaded two strong fighters at the fighting spirit level and a dead fighter at the fighting master level who was not weaker than me. Only by breaking the deadlock can we protect Qian Ling'er." Hundreds of students arrived at the academy."

Instructor Ruolin said, then paused for a moment: "This contribution is enough to obtain a middle-level Xuan-rank fighting skill. I think the middle-level Xuan-rank is not enough, and an advanced Xuan-rank should be required."

"This... Ruolin, didn't that student be recruited as a disciple by Mr. Huo... Elder Huo? That guy is so rich that he won't treat him badly, so you don't have to worry about it." Hu Gan said awkwardly.

"However, Elder Huo has been teaching him how to make medicine, but he didn't teach him many fighting skills. He is only a first-rank pharmacist now, and he has only two days to come out before he chooses a yellow-rank fighting skill, so..." Ruo Lin said, looking at her beautifully Xiang Huqian means you understand.

Looking at Ruolin's persistent gaze, Hu Gan said angrily: "This old man, is he still so stingy? Wait, a first-grade pharmacist?"

From anger to shock, it has only been three or two months since the newborn period.

Instructor Ruolin nodded with a slight smile, and Hu Gan had no choice but to praise in her heart: What a fucking genius...

"Deputy principal, look..., is it worth it for a genius who may grow into a sixth-grade pharmacist in the future?" Afterwards, tutor Ruolin added in a soft voice. About this, she never thought about it, only I just want to fight for Xian Ling'er.

"Well... old man Huo should leave his disciples with high-level Xuan-level fighting skills. Even if he hasn't taught the ground-level ones yet, he will teach him in the future. Xuan-level intermediate, intermediate..."

Hu Qian suddenly thought, such talented students are naturally worth cultivating. Although the Alchemy Department is independent of the inner and outer courtyards, it is also a part of the Canaan Academy.

Finally, after thinking about it, this student is qualified based on emotion and reason, and he also sold a favor to Ruolin, saying: "Okay, I will grant you a warrant tomorrow, and take him to the fighting skill hall to choose a mysterious rank Fighting skills."

Instructor Ruolin also nodded with a smile, got Hu Gansongkou, and achieved her goal. At least, she won a mysterious mid-level fighting skill for Xian Ling'er.

After that, she left the vice president's office and headed for her own residence. As for the good news, she couldn't wait to tell that beauty, but she kept it in her heart...

(End of this chapter)

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