Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 567 Doing a favor to the tutor

Chapter 567 Do Your Tutor a Favor
"En!" Xian Ling'er withdrew the colorful long sword in her hand, nodded to Tutor Ruolin, and returned a soft smile that was splashed with cold water.

When the attack landed on her face, Xian Ling'er seemed to have known the ending. As expected, Teacher Ruolin didn't use her real strength, but she didn't turn over her cards either. Hua is his strongest attack, his strongest hole card.

After returning to the room and entering the bathroom, Xian Ling'er did not practice the Spiritual Flame Art after taking a comfortable bath, but let it run naturally, not only because the combat energy obtained from this practice is more pure, but also because he lacks a kind of natal flame.

Regarding his natal flame, his teacher didn't mention it, but asked him to find it by himself, leaving him a huge room for choice. The current low-level earth level is enough to surpass many students in the academy.

With a flash of reddish light, Xian Ling'er took out a book with the words "Anecdote of the Mainland" written on the cover from the spirit fire ring, and began to read it carefully.

After a while, Xian Ling'er has been silent in the sea of ​​fantasy knowledge in the Douqi Continent, the exotic flowers and plants, birds and beasts in the Douqi Continent...

"Boom boom boom!"

"are you asleep!"

A soft voice, tender like water, enough to ecstasy, came along with a knock on the door.

"Not yet, Teacher Ruolin, what's the matter?" Xian Ling'er closed the book, it was already late at night, logically, Teacher Ruolin should be ready to rest after bathing.

After thinking about it, Instructor Ruolin said that she would take him to a certain place tomorrow. Does the instructor want to come and tell him now?

Afterwards, Xian Ling'er got up and opened the door of her room.

Instructor Ruolin was outside the door, looking at the beauty who appeared in front of her eyes, and said with a smile: "Hehe, can't the instructor come to see you if he is fine?"

"No!" Xian Ling'er shook her head and said, looking at Teacher Ruolin's appearance at the moment.

I saw her like a fairy just out of the bath, untouched by the world, her voice was sweet like a girl, her figure was polished by years, and her slim figure was vividly highlighted under a long blue dress.

The slightly steamy hair and the loose shoulder straps of the long skirt seemed to be hanging down. Under the moonlight, her white skin could be seen clearly.

"It's really tempting!" Xian Ling'er silently swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and praised from the bottom of her heart, only feeling that there was a commotion and heat in her own cyclone.

He could only confide his heart from the bottom of his heart, he didn't dare to get close to Teacher Ruo Lin at this time, otherwise, as Xiao Yu said, would he be able to resist the tenderness of Teacher Ruo Lin.

"Ling'er, do the teacher a favor." Looking at Xian Ling'er who had been staring at her for a while, she returned to a calm expression. Teacher Ruolin took a step forward and said to Xian Ling'er.

This step brought the distance between the two closer. Listening to Teacher Ruolin's pleading, how could Xian Ling'er refuse? He didn't even think about refusing in the past, because everything now was given by Teacher Ruolin. .

If it wasn't for Ruolin's tutor back then, he wouldn't have come to Jianan College, wouldn't have known Xueni, Yijia, Xiao Yu and others, and wouldn't have known about this continent, and it would still be so wonderful.

"Well, teacher, tell me, I will do my best to help you." Afterwards, Xian Ling'er nodded, looked at Teacher Ruolin's beautiful eyes, and said resolutely.

Being watched by this student, a faint blush rose on Teacher Ruo Lin's cheeks.

"Since I went out to recruit students, and now, in half a year, the vindictiveness in my body has broken through two stars one after another. I think it is because of you. Now, you are going back soon. I want you to help me break through to Eight-star Great Fighter." Instructor Ruolin said softly.

At that time, she had already half-stepped into a six-star great fighter, and it was only a matter of time before she broke through, but getting along with her for two months made her even better after she came back.Now, after spending three months, I have reached the bottleneck, and it will take a lot of time to break through.

Because Xian Ling'er's breath, within his surroundings, can relax people's body and mind, and quickly enter the state of cultivation, so she plans to try it when Xian Ling'er is about to go back. If she can break through, it will be natural it's the best.

"But teacher, my teacher hasn't taught me that kind of elixir that can improve my strength." Xian Ling'er was also puzzled, thinking that teacher Ruolin needed him to refine some elixir to improve.

"What are you thinking, I want to practice by your side, let's go in and talk, listen to me." Instructor Ruolin raised her jade finger, lightly tapped Xian Ling'er's forehead and said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, she walked into Xian Ling'er's room, and after closing the door, Xian Ling'er couldn't help feeling a little uneasy when she saw him and Tutor Ruolin alone.

I learned from the book that there are many ways to improve strength, the simplest and most common of which is to practice slowly by relying on exercises, and the second is to take heaven, material and earth treasures, or elixir that can improve strength made by alchemists. The last is to explore the ancient secrets, find treasure lands with sufficient aura, practice, and other ways to improve.

Anyway, there are a lot of them, and Xian Ling'er can't figure out why mentor Ruolin asked her to help her break through, and besides, her fighting spirit attribute is incompatible with hers.

Pulling the puzzled Xian Ling'er, the two sat cross-legged on the comfortable bed, facing each other, "Raise your hands and practice the exercises."

Teacher Ruolin's voice sounded, and Xian Ling'er followed suit. When running the Spiritual Flame Art, fiery red elements condensed all over her body.

After a while, Teacher Ruolin, who was surprised for a while, also raised her hand, facing Xian Ling'er's slender and charming hands.

Sensing the delicate and soft hands of Tutor Ruolin, Xian Ling'er trembled slightly, but under his pitch-black eyes, he saw two auras of light red and blue resisting each other.

"It seems that Teacher Ruolin really wants to break through, but if she is too aggressive, it will affect her future strength improvement," Xian Ling'er thought to herself.

Ruolin also knew this, otherwise she wouldn't have come to him tonight, because he was going back soon, maybe it would be another three months, or half a year after the next meeting.

Instructor Ruolin also felt Xian Ling'er's jade-like hand, a fiery heat mixed with pure ice cold, and then, she gritted her teeth.

"Teacher Ruolin, you,"

Xian Ling'er was also frightened, for mentor Ruolin actually absorbed his battle qi.

Instructor Ruolin frowned, cold sweat dripped from her forehead, and then said seriously: "Ling'er, help me control your fighting spirit!"

Helpless, Xian Ling'er had no choice but to do it to the end, a powerful perception invaded Ruolin's mentor's body, guiding her fiery red battle energy.

"Is this the Lingjing of Master Da Dou?" He came to the cyclone of Instructor Ruolin, and in the cyclone, a diamond-shaped crystal like a blue crystal stood in Instructor Ruolin's body.

"Water element?" Afterwards, Xian Ling'er was also slightly surprised when she saw that there were still a few traces of azure elements moving towards the blue rhombic crystal in her fighting spirit.

Afterwards, she controlled it seriously, she didn't know if mentor Ruolin would break through, but these fiery red grudges must not let them invade the blue rhombus.

Fragrant sweat flowed down both sides of her cheeks, Ruolin was a little surprised, Xian Ling'er could enter her own cyclone, that would be even better, she was more than half sure of breaking through.

(End of this chapter)

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