Chapter 568
Being in the cyclone of mentor Ruolin, the consumption of his perception power at this time, that is, the soul power is not small.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a slight explosion shook the already exhausted Xian Ling'er. Fortunately, Teacher Ruolin did not resist his intrusion, otherwise she would have been shaken out.

I saw that the blue rhombus seemed to have expanded a bit, and there were more than a dozen transparent crystal needles as big as embroidery needles.

"Phew, it seems that the mentor is about to succeed, and the Eight-Star Fighter is one step closer to Dou Ling." Xian Ling'er breathed a sigh of relief and murmured.

Xian Ling'er also had a certain understanding of the characteristics of fighters of different levels. At this moment, mentor Ruolin's diamond crystal shaped like a sea urchin was a sign of becoming a fighting spirit, but it also made him feel a little strange.

In the next moment, they controlled the fiery red battle energy that belonged to them, and left together under the order of "seeing off guests" from mentor Ruo Lin.

With his soul power back, Xian Ling'er was also a little tired. He didn't know that he could do this. Seeing the successful instructor Ruolin, he also felt relieved. He hoped that the instructor could break through to the fighting spirit level as soon as possible.

"Huh, it actually succeeded!" After stabilizing the Dou Qi in her body, Instructor Ruolin was also a little happy, as she had just discovered a trace of ice attribute in Xian Ling'er's Dou Qi.

With this, after absorbing it, and complementing it, it really succeeded in one fell swoop, how could it not make her happy.

"Well, I wish the teacher will become a strong fighter as soon as possible. In the future, Ling'er may need a teacher to protect her."

Xian Ling'er looked at Tutor Ruolin whose cheeks were covered with sweat, just admired her, and then sincerely congratulated and teased her from the bottom of her heart.

Instructor Ruolin also took a slightly angry look at this beauty. It will take a lot of time to become a strong fighting spirit. Within a year, she is not sure, unless...

"Looks like I'm going back..."

Instructor Ruolin glanced at the long skirt soaked in her own sweat, and said reluctantly.Compared with breaking through, she didn't want to be in such a mess. Fortunately, she could get one of the two.

"Wait, Teacher." Xian Ling'er also pulled Teacher Ruolin who was about to get up, and then, in the flip of her hand, a ball of slightly hot battle energy that was light red like a flame radiated out.

"Let your fighting spirit out!" Looking at this scene, Instructor Ruolin said in surprise.

This is obviously going to reach the level of a big fighter. Could it be that Xian Ling'er has already... She couldn't believe it, but she could see clearly when Xian Ling'er broke into her cyclone. It's a state, anyway, it's not something she can see now.

Seeing the surprised mentor Ruolin, Xian Ling'er controlled the light red fire-attribute grudge, and said with a slight smile, "No, it's just a little skill."

It was indeed just a small trick, he didn't seem to know what was going on when he let out his fighting spirit. As a five-star fighter, he had just learned of the existence of fighting spirit Shayi.

Instructor Ruolin returned with a gentle smile, looking at this beautiful and monstrous student, who had slowly accepted all his amazing things.

It was hot, swimming all over her body, and Teacher Ruolin felt a fiery hand gently stroking her, wiping away her fragrant sweat. After a while, there was a burst of warmth, and Teacher Ruolin couldn't help but her ears turned red, looking silly Xian Ling'er felt a little helpless.

In the blink of an eye, I dried Ruolin's teacher's sweat, and found that Ruolin is even more attractive. At this moment, she is really like a ripe red and attractive peach, making people want to take a bite.


Xian Ling'er swallowed immediately, embarrassing the two of them.

"You guy, you look so charming. Sometimes, you trick yourself into believing it, but it seems that you have accepted it." Instructor Ruolin looked at Xian Ling'er, sighed softly, knowing the truth of the matter, But I can't believe it.

"Teacher, you already know me..."

Xian Ling'er was also startled, and asked, but stopped after asking halfway.

Instructor Ruolin gave a slight smile, which was very touching, and then slowly said: "Of course, you can only fool Xue Ni and the others now. The instructor is more than ten years older than them, so naturally he knows."

"Also, every time you look at me, your eyes are wrong. It's very strange, just like when I came here in a long skirt."

Already known, Xian Ling'er scratched the back of her head in embarrassment, and then said: "Teacher, I didn't even know if I was a man at first..."

Instructor Ruolin smiled slightly, how do you know that you have lost your memory after "playing"? It seems that you don't want to blame him. Seeing his pure and beautiful face is really disappointing.

"Well, think about how to treat them in the future. After all, they all have to grow up, and they will always find out in the future."

Instructor Ruolin looked at Xian Ling'er, and said jokingly, she finally got it out, as if she had gotten in too, "You have been in the academy for three months, and after one year, the inner court trials, I believe you will be able to enter the first round." Fifty people, go to the inner courtyard to take shelter when the time comes, and everything will be solved when you become a Dou Ling or a Dou Wang powerhouse."

Instructor Ruolin said.He didn't directly tell him that in Douqi Continent, douqi is respected and strength is respected. After he becomes a Dou Ling or Dou Wang powerhouse, I believe that the Xue family and Yi family will not be so stupid as to reject a powerhouse above the Dou Ling level. Pharmacist's.

Xian Ling'er nodded. She didn't expect that Teacher Ruo Lin had already thought about it for herself, but the inner courtyard...she kept it in her heart, so I'll ask Yu'erhong again when the time comes.

"Thank you, Teacher, for helping me keep it secret. Teacher, you plan to stay with me..." Seeing that Teacher Ruolin had exposed herself, she didn't get up to leave, Xian Linger couldn't help asking softly.

"That's right, you're leaving tomorrow, and I don't want to sleep in the house after you leave," Instructor Ruolin knew what he was going to say, and said, "Don't think too much, I only treat you as a woman."

I only treat you as a woman!Xian Ling'er couldn't laugh or cry when he heard that, now he naturally wouldn't say what I'll show you, what a real man is, because he doesn't remember who he is.

It seems that there are still three or two hours before dawn, and Tutor Ruolin looks lazy, lying on the bed that still smells of him.

"Go to sleep for a while, I'll take you to a place tomorrow," Instructor Ruolin looked at Xian Ling'er in a daze, and said. As for the place, she didn't tell Xian Ling'er either.

"Well," Xian Ling'er responded awkwardly, thinking: How can anyone sleep when you are here.

Then, too, lay down,
But just as soon as he lay down, he was hugged by a hand.

"The instructor only treats you as a girl," Instructor Ruolin murmured, and then kissed Xian Ling'er's forehead lightly, "Okay, rest, hide well, don't show your fox tail, Even in the situation just now, even if you say no, the instructor will believe it, haha."

After finishing speaking, she even laughed jokingly, and Xian Ling'er finally realized that it was the mentor who tricked him, and it was only because he was too naive.

Now that the mentor said so, Xian Ling'er did not refuse, and fell asleep peacefully in Ruolin's arms. Before falling asleep, he thought about when he would become a fighting king...

(End of this chapter)

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