Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 569 Waiting For You Here

Chapter 569 Waiting For You Here

This night, Xian Ling'er slept peacefully. He didn't open his eyes dimly until Teacher Ruolin woke up. His dark eyes looked at Teacher Ruolin, who still had an attractive charm. He originally liked to wake up early. Ruolin, this day seems to be an hour or two late.

"Hey, your battle qi has become much more stable. I really don't know if you are a human being or a panacea!" After getting up, she looked at Xian Ling'er who opened her eyes dimly, and noticed the change in her battle qi. muttered.

In the end, regardless of whether he is human or not, she only knows that he is only her student. When Teacher Ruolin thought this way, she was deceiving herself in this way. She didn't want to believe in Xian Linger's gender, nor would she. Force him to stay.

If it were someone with stronger selfish desires, she might regard him as a treasure and make good use of him. If she kept Xian Linger by her side, within a year, she might directly break through to The strength of the Dou Ling level.

"Okay, little slob, get up." Instructor Ruolin smiled slightly, and pushed Xian Ling'er who was still lazily asleep.

"Hehe, Teacher Ruolin, you don't have to go to class today." Looking at the beautiful and charming Teacher Ruolin, Xian Ling'er also joked that she didn't have to go to class, and as for sleeping, it was just sleeping.

"The tutor also wants to skip class, can't you, get up!" Looking at the playfully provocative Xian Ling'er, Tutor Ruolin pulled her face down, pretending to be majestic and said, and then stretched out her white hand, Pick up Xian Ling'er.

A female fighter like her who practiced water-attributed skills not only had a softer appearance, but also a softer personality.It is impossible to be angry, because their state of mind has reached the legendary state of still water, and it is obviously not a trivial matter that can make her very angry.

"Haha, of course it's fine." Xian Ling'er was kindly picked up, but she didn't get angry, and said with a chuckle.

After washing up for a while, Teacher Ruolin took Xian Ling'er to eat breakfast. She didn't know that Xian Ling'er didn't need to eat, but she definitely needed something to eat.

The two left the residence, went straight to the instructor's restaurant, ordered a few breakfasts, and began to eat.

I don't speak, so it's very quiet here.

After eating breakfast, Xian Linger asked curiously: "Teacher Ruolin, where are you taking me later?"

"You'll know when you go, I guarantee you're no stranger to it." Instructor Ruolin chuckled, and said to Xian Ling'er, like a playful girl.

Xian Ling'er smiled helplessly, looked at Ruolin's mentor's mature and pretty face, and let her go,
After eating, the two left the tutor's dormitory and headed to the fighting skill hall, but the road was a bit off.

Ruolin's residence,

After Xian Ling'er and Ruo Lin left, two fresh-looking female students in school uniforms broke in, and saw that there was only a closed and unoccupied house left.

These two are Xian Ling'er's "good sisters", Xueni and Yijia.

Only when Xian Ling'er was around, she wouldn't stay in bed. Now that she came here early in the morning, but she was gone, she couldn't help wondering: "Hey, did Teacher Ruolin go to class? It shouldn't be, why is Xian'er not here anymore?" ?”

Yijia, who was relatively quiet, thought for a while, and then said, "Maybe, Teacher Ruolin took Xian'er to the restaurant."

"It's possible, Yijia, let's go!"

Xue Ni won't think so much, just go and have a look, there is still so much time before class,

Pulling Yijia, the two hurried to the tutor's restaurant, it's still early,
However, mentor Ruolin and Xian Ling'er didn't know all of this, and mentor Ruolin didn't know that she stayed in bed and woke up so early.

Xian Ling'er followed Instructor Ruolin, very puzzled, this is not the way to the fighting skill hall, he knows the way to the fighting skill hall, but now it has deviated, and does not know where Instructor Ruolin will take him, what will Instructor Ruolin Is it not good for yourself, and you won't sell yourself.

Xian Ling'er thought secretly happily, and it was also comforting herself, even if she was sold, she would still be sold by Tutor Ruolin, it wouldn't be a loss anyway.

After walking for a while, Instructor Ruolin also found Xian Ling'er who was secretly smiling, staring at his soft face with beautiful eyes, and asked, "Ling'er, what are you laughing at?"

"'s nothing, I just thought of something happy," Xian Ling'er shook her head, and said to Tutor Ruolin.

Instructor Ruolin was slightly puzzled, and afterward, she stopped haggling with him, and went in again to choose the Mysterious Rank fighting skills, which she chose for her students.

Glancing at Xian Ling'er, he said, "Ling'er, wait here for the tutor, and the tutor will come back as soon as he goes."

"Well, Teacher, Ling'er must be waiting for you here," Xian Ling'er nodded, approached Teacher Ruolin lightly, gave her a reluctant hug, and then whispered in Teacher Ruolin's ear.

Tutor Ruolin was hugged and teased by this woman-like beauty, she couldn't help blushing, thinking: Is this deceiving myself, knowing that he is..., and still like this.

"You, no one in shape, I'm leaving."

Teacher Ruolin's face was slightly hot, she broke away from Xian Ling'er's embrace, and then started to go to the building.

Xian Ling'er looked at Teacher Ruolin who was going away in puzzlement, thinking in her heart: Teacher, don't you think of me as a woman?Of course, regarding the matter between men and women, the current him is like a blank sheet of paper.

Xian Ling'er also began to wait. As for the building, he also had some guesses. The classroom building was not here, and Teacher Ruolin didn't take him in, which meant that it was not the destination of this trip.


Afterwards, after realizing something was wrong and finding that it was not malicious, Xian Ling'er also waited quietly, took out a roll of books to read,
Instructor Ruolin has already entered the office building, and came to the door of the most upscale room. Just when she was about to knock on the door, a voice came out:
"The door is open, come in!"

Tutor Ruolin was not surprised, and directly opened the door and went in.

Looking at the "friendly" Vice President Hu Gan, Instructor Ruolin smiled and said, "Vice President, do you think that warrant is..."

"You, I know you're in a hurry, and you're ready," Vice President Hu Gan smiled helplessly, looking at Ruolin who had a seductive posture, "That little guy is not bad, Elder Huo has really good eyesight."

As Hu Gan said, he took out a black token made of unknown metal, engraved with inscriptions of many different directions, and handed it to Tutor Ruolin.

Instructor Ruolin looked indifferent, took the token with both hands, and said: "Hehe, it seems that the vice president has already seen it."

"Go, I believe that this year's inner court trials, he can shine!" Hu Qian waved his hands and said haha, as if he was tired and wanted to sleep again.

Instructor Ruolin also withdrew respectfully, Huqian knew that she would come early, and she also knew that Huqian was ready, after all, she said that she would come the next day, this is her style of doing things.

After taking the warrant, Tutor Ruolin also left the office building and started heading towards the direction where Xian Linger was waiting...

(End of this chapter)

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