Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 571 Xuanjie Fighting Skills: One Sword

Chapter 571

Speeding up her pace, Xian Ling'er didn't hang around these mid-level profound-level fighting skills outside, if it were an ordinary person, she would definitely stop and take a good look at them, after all, they are all mysterious-level fighting skills.

Finally, almost at the end of a part of the fighting skill groove, Xian Ling'er stopped, and he browsed the row of middle-level mysterious fighting skills.

"Mysterious-level intermediate fighting skills, rock-cracking saber technique!"

"Mysterious-level intermediate fighting skills, soul-suppressing spear technique!"


"Mysterious-level intermediate fighting skills, combined swordsmanship!"

Finally, Xian Ling'er's gaze rested on this sword technique, and the intuition that brought him here fell on it.

Having found a suitable fighting skill, Xian Ling'er immediately raised his hand, wanting to take out this sword fighting skill, but because his power estimation was wrong, when his hand touched the energy shield, it was caught by the A thin layer of energy shield ruthlessly bounced off.

Instructor Ruolin looked at this scene, and recalled the scene when she first came to obtain Xuan-level fighting skills. The defense level of this energy shield was almost at the level of a great fighter. At that time, she was also a big fighter. Fighting master, but it is also a waste of strength.

Of course, there is another way, that is, the warrant you brought can directly break through the energy shield, but generally those who can come up have a certain strength, and it is beneficial and harmless to challenge it.

Instructor Ruolin just looked at whether this monstrous student would be in such a mess, and then resentfully looked at the scene where he could take away his fighting skills with a black token.

"Hehe, Instructor Ruolin is still around, I can't let the instructor laugh." Xian Ling'er murmured in his heart, different from what Instructor Ruolin thought, he thought he should be able to open it.

With an indifferent appearance, he turned his head and said to Tutor Ruolin, "Teacher Ruolin, step back first."

Instructor Ruolin chuckled, nodded and stepped back a few steps, leaving him a certain space to play.

Seeing Tutor Ruolin backing away, Xian Ling'er burst out with fiery red fighting energy, covering him all over, looking from a distance, like a burning man.

The fighting flames seemed to know what the master was thinking, and cheered and danced. At this moment, Xian Ling'er's aura had actually risen to the level of a peak fighter.

"Is this a secret method!" Instructor Ruo Lin was stunned.The secret technique is an extremely rare fighting skill that can instantly increase one's combat power, similar to Xian Ling'er's current situation.

Thinking of Xian Ling'er's teacher, she also felt relieved.

Xian Ling'er felt the surging power all over her body, as for the secret method, he didn't know, he just stimulated all the battle energy in his body.

Concentrating the surging battle energy on her right fist, Xian Ling'er looked at the energy shield and punched it hard again.This is a black-rank fighting skill, not the yellow-rank fighting skills on the first three floors.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, but luckily the sound insulation here is very good.

Slightly fluctuated a few times, but the energy shield hadn't shattered yet, Xian Ling'er had to frown slightly, and sighed: "It's so hard!"

In the end, in the blink of an eye, three streams of fiery red solid sword energy were condensed, fiery red and crystal clear, "Advanced fighting skills of the yellow rank, three absolute swords to kill!"

Three sword qis converge on the right hand, the main attacking sword qi complements the two defensive ones, Xian Ling'er is like holding a red long sword, and the two defensive sword qis are wrapped around his hand like a small snake superior.

This time, Xian Ling'er made a real move, and smashed hard with her right hand,
"Boom!" "Puff!" There was another shock, accompanied by the sound of the energy shield breaking, and he finally succeeded.But Xian Ling'er's battle qi was also exhausted. Fortunately, his skills were not low, and his battle qi began to recover continuously.

Ruolin really wants to ravage him at this moment, this monstrosity, why don't you break it and let the mentor play it for once.

In the end, she reluctantly approached Xian Ling'er, intending to help him.

"No need, Tutor Ruolin." He thought to himself, but he refused. This consumption is not enough for him to lose his standing.

Instructor Ruolin gave him a blank look, and withdrew the hand that supported him, then took out the black token, and put it into the groove while taking out the middle-level profound fighting skill.

Instructor Ruolin covered her mouth and smiled gracefully after finishing all this, "Well, actually...there is a key, haha."

"Mr. Ruolin, why is she so playful, shouldn't she..." Xian Ling'er couldn't help complaining when she saw that Teacher Ruolin was smiling prettily.

He just thought about it for a while, and then showed a resentful face, let Teacher Ruolin look at it, and let her laugh enough.

"Okay, don't laugh at you, look at this fighting skill, the instructor may not have time to teach you, you can ask your teacher to teach you when you go back, remember, don't practice it yourself, it is easy to go wrong."

Instructor Ruolin also laughed enough, took this volume of fighting skills, and handed it to Xian Ling'er.Xian Ling'er wanted to reach out to take it, but Teacher Ruolin withdrew it and warned her seriously.

Fighting skills are the same as kung fu practice, they both need someone to guide them, one absorbs fighting energy, the other uses fighting energy, there is a similarity between the two, and it is also very easy to make mistakes, there are not a few fighters who go crazy and die.

Xian Ling'er saw that Tutor Ruolin was so serious and serious, with concern on his face, he nodded and agreed, "Yes, Tutor Ruolin, don't worry."

Instructor Ruolin nodded, knowing that this student was still a simple and obedient student, so she also handed over the fighting skills to him.

Xian Ling'er took the scroll of fighting skills and opened it. The introduction inside is: "Xuan-level intermediate fighting skills, combined swordsmanship. On the basis of certain sword skills, you can reach the state of having a sword in your hand and a sword in your heart. It is for the unity of human and sword, so it is called the "Unity of Swordsmanship."

After reading it, Xian Ling'er murmured: "There is a sword in your hand, and a sword in your heart. Human and sword are one!"

After reading it, Ruolin praised, "It seems that the person who created this fighting skill must be a swordsman!"

Weapons are only used by ordinary people for fighting. This person is obsessed with swords, so he has such a comprehension. This is why Tutor Ruolin praised him.

"Okay, put it away first. Mysterious-level fighting skills need one more year of practice than yellow-level fighting skills. Don't worry, let's go out!" Instructor Ruolin looked at Xian Ling'er and said casually, afraid that Xian Ling'er was worried not enough time.

Xian Ling'er nodded, put away the volume of Xuan-level fighting skills, and returned the same way with Instructor Ruolin. As for the Three Absolute Swords of Immortal Killing, there was no need to carry it anymore, and Xian Ling'er planned to return it.

Instructor Ruolin didn't stop him either, but the administrators were a little stunned. It was a high-level fighting skill in the Huang rank. The student borrowed it for two days and returned it. When he saw Instructor Ruolin, he didn't say much. Continue to perform his duties.

The two walked side by side in the academy, like a pair of sisters, but they looked like younger sisters, much prettier than older sisters.My elder sister is more mature than my younger sister, and has more feminine charm.

As they walked, the two came to the edge of a grove. At the moment, the students were in class, and the grove was usually lively at night. Suddenly, Tutor Ruolin called to stop Xian Linger,

(End of this chapter)

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