Chapter 572

"Huh? What's the matter, Teacher Ruolin."

Xian Ling'er also paused, her heart beating faster, she didn't know that she came to this grove unexpectedly, whether it was on purpose or not.

Teacher Ruolin's cheeks were also a little hot at the moment. Today was the most irresponsible day for her. She chose not to go to class because of a monstrous student.

But thinking that I will not be able to see this student again for a period of time, I can't help but feel a little disappointed. The feeling for him is the kindness between teachers and students, the intimacy between friends and sisters, or the intimacy of lovers.

"I am a tutor!" Calming down silently in her heart, Tutor Ruolin smiled tenderly and said, "The tutor missed class today because of you. Go to Canaan City with the tutor?"

"Of course, I'm going back soon, I'm a bit reluctant to part with Teacher Ruolin!" Xian Ling'er also nodded and smiled softly.

Immediately, he also breathed a sigh of relief, approached Tutor Ruolin, and gave her an intimate hug.

"After you go back, study hard and don't discredit me, my tutor." Tutor Ruo Lin was hugged and scolded me.

"Students obey!" Xian Ling'er said with a smile as she put her arms around her delicate willow waist.

In the Alchemy Department, he has always studied hard, the extracurricular books and classroom knowledge are not behind, and the teacher taught him the alchemy technique.

Teacher Ruo Lin walked out of the woods and the college, and came to the wider and bustling Canaan City. In fact, the Canaan College is located in the Canaan City.

"Ling'er, you've been promoted to a new class, and in a place that eats people and doesn't spit out bones, you must not be soft-hearted, except for those you trust. Although, there is a prohibition in the college: students who are also members of the Canaan College are not allowed to harm each other .But sometimes people can do anything for profit.”

"Remember, the heart of defense is indispensable. Sometimes being kind to the enemy is being cruel to yourself!"

Walking side by side with Xian Linger, Tutor Ruolin began to teach, Xian Linger is her student, and also her favorite student.

"Well, Ling'er remembers."

Xian Ling'er nodded, she believed Ruo Lin's teacher's words more than her own teacher's words, she believed everything.

It's just a kind of intuition, telling himself that Teacher Ruo Lin will not hurt him. This feeling seems very familiar, but he can't remember it. He used to believe in a person like this. That person seems to be very beautiful...

On the road, the two of them were walking, and they ignored the gazes they cast, and no one came up to disturb them, because Teacher Ruolin was still wearing a teacher's robe.

There were a few students who greeted each other, but Teacher Ruolin nodded and dealt with them, and then continued to tell Xian Linger about the power of the Black Horn Region.

The place of this experience is the junction of the Black Emperor Sect and the Demon Flame Valley forces. The Canaan Academy is targeting a place this time, Black Mosquito City!
During the training process, Dou Ling and Dou Wang level powerhouses will not make a move, because the Canaan Academy is watching them, but in the Black Corner Region, there are also many Dou Shi Da Dou Shi powerhouses.

Sometimes, those at the master level can only be reduced to bodyguards or gatekeepers to earn a certain amount of income.

Use people to comment on the people in the Black Corner Region: those who can survive in the Black Corner Region are extraordinary people.

This time to relax, Xian Ling'er learned a lot about the dangers outside from Teacher Ruolin. This time, it seemed that Teacher Ruolin told him the most.

Bury the gratitude in my heart in the deepest part of my heart, just like Teacher Ruolin said, if you want to repay her, you must at least become stronger.

Talking dry, the first thing Xian Ling'er can do is to take mentor Ruolin to the best herbal tea house, drink a cup of herbal tea, and quench her thirst.

As for lunch, Tutor Ruolin also chose to eat outside, but the other two waited hard.

After one morning, Tutor Ruolin and Xian Linger returned to the academy on foot, and when they passed a small forest, Ruolin chuckled lightly and said, "I don't know why, I feel very happy today."

"Because...Mr. Ruolin, this is the first time you've been absent from class," Xian Ling'er also smiled and teased. Sometimes, he also wanted to skip a class or two to see how it felt.

"Yo, dare to tease me, look at it,"

Instructor Ruolin jokingly said, as if she was about to fight.

"I hide!" Xian Ling'er suddenly dodged like a cunning little fox, dodging behind the tree.

Instructor Ruolin went to look for it, and Xian Linger flashed to another lesson.

Instructor Ruolin got a little anxious, the beauty on her chest trembled slightly, and murmured: "Little guy, you're good at hiding."

As for Xian Ling'er, behind Tutor Ruolin, she was tiptoeing up to Tutor Ruolin.

Ruolin also showed a hint of cunning at the corner of her mouth. At this moment, her heart is like a girl like Xue Ni. Her heart has been opened to this soft-looking student.

Xian Linger planned to give Tutor Ruolin a hug on the back, and planned to hug her again when she went back, because Xian Linger knew that Tutor Ruolin would not miss class in the afternoon.

Just when she came into contact with Tutor Ruolin, Tutor Ruolin turned around sharply.

At this moment, Xian Ling'er felt as if she had been electrocuted, and the moist feeling of her lips fascinated him.

Teacher Ruolin, he hugged her, but at this moment, the four lips meet,

"Mentor, I... um!"

Xian Linger wanted to say something, but his mouth was blocked again. At this moment, he felt very delicate, he liked it very much, his heart beat faster,

Ruo Lin also guided him jerkyly, both of them were novices.

Finally, the two separated.

Looking at Xian Ling'er, thinking of the scene just now, she couldn't help but blushed a little more on her face, and cursed herself: What is this for?

"Ling'er, do you like your mentor?"

In the end, she had to bite her red lips tightly and asked, as if she was afraid of being rejected. If she calmed down, she would naturally know how Xian Ling'er would answer.

"Well, Tutor Ruolin is the best person in the world for Ling'er." Xian Ling'er nodded, and the subtle feeling from before lingered in her heart, and she couldn't get rid of it for a long time.

"Well, when you go out to explore and meet more beautiful women in the future, you can't dislike your mentor for being old."

Hearing the desired answer, she showed a flowery smile, and Tutor Ruolin suddenly took Xian Ling'er's slender hand and walked slowly together.

At this moment, Tutor Ruolin is not confident about her beauty anymore.

As the two walked, they saw the familiar house appearing, and both lamented the short distance of the journey.

"Ling'er, the tutor has always reserved the house here for you. If you want to come out to play, then come out."

"Yes, mentor."

The two were talking, and then two beautiful figures hurried out of the house, causing Ruo Lin to stare blankly, she even forgot that there were these two.

"Teacher Ruolin, I haven't seen you all morning. Where have you been?" Xue Ni and Yijia walked up together, and asked Ruolin with their arms around each other.

Dazed for a moment, Instructor Ruolin smiled wryly, and when she looked at the fairy, she also gave him a slightly complaining stare, why is she so womanly, and these two silly girls can only take one step at a time.

"The instructor also went to relax, I wonder if you have half a day off today..."

"Excellent performance!"

Ruolin jokingly laughed, and Xue Ni raised her scallion-white jade hand and said with a shivering appearance.

In the end, Ruolin approved their half-day vacation, and hoped that Xian Ling'er could also have a good day.

At the end of the day, tired and happy, under the embrace of Ruolin and Xue Niyijia, I took the leave!
(End of this chapter)

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