Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 573 Understanding the Different Fire

Chapter 573 Understanding the Different Fire
"Xian'er, come out and find us if you have more time!"

When Xian Ling'er and Xue Ni embraced goodbye, Xue Ni whispered to Xian Ling'er, the sincere friendship in her voice could not be faked.

"Yes, maybe we can meet again after the promotion." Xian Ling'er chuckled lightly, feeling the lady's devil figure, then looked at the delicate Yijia and the mature mentor Ruolin, and cast a different look , said slowly.

Afterwards, Xian Ling'er walked a short distance, waved to them, and said goodbye to them reluctantly, and walked further and further away.

"Xueni, Yijia, Xian Ling'er is now a six-star Doushi, you have to work hard to break through to Doushi as soon as possible, if you can study and practice hard, when he comes out again, the instructor will give you a vacation! "

Watching Xian Ling'er leave, Instructor Ruolin said to her two female students who were as close as sisters, that she was encouraging them.

Xian Ling'er, a fighting master who is less than 16 years old, in the inner court selection competition half a year later, as long as Xian Ling'er is lucky and doesn't meet those old students who have been brushed down, he should be in the top ten of a place.

After half a year, Xian Ling'er may be able to break through to the Great Fighter, but she will definitely be able to defeat the average Great Fighter. Ruolin still has confidence in Xian Ling'er. Who else can fight.

Instructor Ruolin even thought of the inner courtyard. Students who can enter the inner courtyard will have a qualitative leap after they come out. Xian Ling'er should be able to become a fighting spirit, a fourth-rank alchemist by then. up.

Such an excellent man, and his soft and beautiful appearance, probably fascinated many women, or rather, fascinated many men.

"Six...six-star fighters!"

Xueni and Yijia murmured in shock, how enchanting this must be.

In fact, Xian Ling'er is only half a foot into the six-star at the moment, not the six-star that Teacher Ruolin said.But with real strength, the average Nine Star Fighter can't compare with him.

Yijia's delicate face became more determined in an instant. Looking at Tutor Ruolin, she said, "Yes, Tutor, we will work hard."

Xue Ni also understood, nodded and said: "I will too!"

Xian Ling'er has the resources of the alchemy department and advanced skills, this is where the gap lies between them. They can only catch up if they work harder, or they may not be able to catch up, but the distance difference will not be too big.

Instructor Ruolin nodded, looking at the two students with great fighting spirit, she also set a difficult task for herself: before the start of the next inner court selection competition, try to break through to Fighting Spirit!

The three-day vacation was very fulfilling, and everything passed quickly. Xian Ling'er returned to the alchemy department again, looking at the building in the shape of an alchemy cauldron from afar.

"Xiao Yu'er, Shanshan, I'm back."

Fortunately, here, there are two friendly classmates, a proud class flower, and an infatuated genius alchemist.

Putting away her unhappiness, Xian Ling'er strode into the Alchemy Department, passed several familiar paths, and came to the instructor's dormitory.

Entering it, your own home appears in front of you, with a familiar smell, it seems that your own smell still remains inside.

Open the door, and Xian Ling'er enters inside,

As night came slowly, Xian Ling'er took out a simple book, sensed the volume of Xuan-level intermediate fighting skills, and suppressed the idea of ​​wanting to read it. Now, what he wants to do more is to read this book. This book was given to him by Ruolin's tutor.

The cover of this book is wrapped in a black paper cover, which is said to be waterproof and fireproof, but the records inside are not very comprehensive.

Xian Ling'er turned a page and murmured: "The strange fire between heaven and earth can finally understand you!"

Some can't wait, the Spiritual Flame Jue needs the best natal flame, which is the legendary flame.

"Heavenly Fire Appears, Ten Thousand Fires Submit!"

In a word, Xian Linger was shocked,

Turning over a page, the first flame that came into view was a deep yellow flame, no different from ordinary flames, "Xuanhuangyan, ranked No. 20 and third in the list of strange fires!"

There are very few records. As for where it will be born, there is no detailed record. Xian Ling'er knows from the ranking that there are at least 23 of this strange fire now.

Turning to the next page, a red flame in the shape of a beast appeared faintly, imprinted in Xian Ling'er's eyes, "The Spirit Fire of the Thousand Beasts, ranked No. Made of coagulated blood!"

"Beast soul? Beast blood?" Xian Ling'er was puzzled. He hadn't come into contact with these. As for those monsters, when he returned to school, he had seen them in the monster mountains and the primeval forest in Canaan Academy. few.

Xian Ling'er ignored it directly. As for the beast soul, he guessed it was the soul of a monster, but he didn't know how to collect it.

On the next page, there is a black and white flame, not so much a flame as a pair of fish biting each other's tails.

"Yin and Yang dual flames, ranked No. 20, born in the void of the universe, yin and yang, the origin of everything in the world, is the law of nature."

"The yin and yang double inflammation born in the source is a form of the source, the dual power of life and death, the yang fire saves people, lives endlessly, and the yin fire kills people, leaving no bones left!"

At this point, Xian Ling'er took a deep breath, and finally had a general understanding. I didn't expect the strange fire to be so terrifying, and it was really so powerful!

Remember this flame again, but he has no intention of looking for it. He was born in the void. At least he must reach Dou Zun before he can touch that kind of state.

On the next page, there is a strange green flame, somewhat similar to Beast Fire Nine Nether Fire. The air of endless poisonous miasma, it takes a hundred years to become a spirit, and a thousand years to form, it is highly poisonous, and it will kill you if you touch it!"

The more Xian Ling'er looked at it, the more frightened she became. These flames were so unique, so unique to the extreme, none of them could be subdued by ordinary people.

Suddenly, he felt that if his natal flame was a different flame, it was hard to say whether he could resist it, but its power was not bad.

Ranked No. 19, Green Lotus Fire, a flame that exists in the lava in the center of the earth. It takes ten years to become a spirit, a hundred years to form, a thousand years to become a lotus, and when it is mature, its color is blue...

Where is the center of the earth, Xian Ling'er doesn't know, she can only guess that it is the center of the earth, this kind of flame is really hard to find,
Shaking his head, he turned to the next page with a wry smile, curious to learn about it, but after understanding it, his confidence was shattered.

Wind Fury Dragon Flame, ranked No.18, was born in the eye of the flame tornado in the ancient desert. It has no fixed place of appearance and is extremely rare. The combination of wind and fire turns everything it goes into a sea of ​​flames.

"Windfury Dragon Flame, ranked No.18, shouldn't be weak. There are more deserts in the west, so we can look for it in the future."

I silently wrote it down. Fortunately, I asked Teacher Ruolin before I left, and Teacher Ruolin also found this book for me. Otherwise, I don’t know when I will know the existence of the strange fire.

Decided to look for Fengfury Longyan as her natal flame in the future, but Xian Ling'er continued to look curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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