Chapter 574
On the next page is a dark red flame, volcanic stone flame, the No. 17 strange fire, born in the terrifying volcanic stone. No.16, Huoyunshuiyan, a cloud-shaped flame with the power of water...

Xian Ling'er turned two pages in a row. The strange fire with the power of water has refreshed his understanding. Even he thought that water and fire are incompatible, but now, there is a special case.

Keep looking, No.15 is a dark blue flame.Haixinyan looks extremely mysterious, the flame rises and spreads like clear sea water, and the faint ripples are like water waves.


"Unfortunately, there are no records of the top eight strange fires, and there is No. 10." Xian Ling'er said with some regret after reading it.

The ninth-ranked Sanqian Yanhuo is so terrifying. It is known as an undead body and has a strong recovery ability. As for the eight different flames in front, it should be even more terrifying.

After closing this book, Xian Ling'er knows everything she wants to know, and as for what she doesn't know, she will explore it later.

"Well, let's rest for a while, let's let go of this strange fire." Xian Ling'er put away the books and lay down on her comfortable bed.

Slowly, controlling myself to fall asleep,

The next day, Xian Ling'er got up to wash up again, and went to class with some anticipation, looking forward to seeing Yu'er's blushing pretty face at the same table.

Xian Ling'er got up very early, and the early breakfast on the tutor's side was prepared for the tutor.But he had no choice but to take a detour to the cafeteria of the students, just to meet them better.

"Hehe, I don't know if I will meet Xiao Yu'er." Xian Ling'er suddenly laughed as she walked.

Entering the cafeteria, Xian Ling'er ordered some steamed buns and the like, and ate them briefly. After eating, she took out a book and read it. This time, it wasn't the book his teacher gave him, such as the Encyclopedia of Medicinal Materials. Instead, they were books from the mainland that were taken out of the library.

Xian Ling'er was waiting in a remote place by the window. There were more and more people in the cafeteria, and they were all wearing first-grade pharmacist robes. As for those without quality, it was rare!

"Today is the fourth day, and where did this fairy go?"


"Shanshan, tell me something."

After a while, two female students also came in wearing a pharmacist's robe, one of them was full of resentment,
The other one is very quiet, she exudes wisdom inside and out, and her demeanor is extraordinary, as can be seen from her second-rank pharmacist robe.

"I've already said what needs to be said. There must be someone else's business." The witty woman named Shanshan said calmly.

Unfinished, but also gave her an indifferent smile.

Both of them ordered a breakfast, but there were some differences. The female student named Shanshan's breakfast was a bit bland.

"Good morning, two sisters!"

Just as they were choosing their seats to sit down, a soft voice came, and after another look, there was already a beautiful woman with long black hair and shoulders sitting opposite them.

"Pfft! Smelly Fairy..."

When the female student who had a rich breakfast saw this beauty, all the food she had just prepared was gone, and turned into anger and joy.

"Haha!" The elegant woman covered her mouth and smiled lightly, not as careless as the one next to her.

The "beauty" that appeared was Xian Ling'er, and he sensed it when Yu'erhong and Susanshan appeared.

"I left one for you!" Xian Ling'er looked at Susan who covered her mouth and chuckled, and handed her a boiled egg in her hand.

Susan nodded, but didn't say thank you, because if she said it, her feelings would fade.Looking at the familiar scene, without the boiled eggs he prepared, it seemed that he lost his appetite.

"Xian'er, where's mine?" Yu'erhong looked at her and asked jealously, looking at him with her little cherry mouth puffed out.

"It's already been warmed up for you," Xian Ling'er suddenly smiled, and raised her other hand, a light red flame was wrapping a roasted chicken leg with a perfect color and fragrance.

"Hey, let me just say, how could there be Shanshan without me." Yu'erhong took the chicken leg and started to chew on it.

"Eat, eat, not afraid of gaining weight? Become a big fat fish."

"Hehe, no, Shanshan, you are the top student in our class, why don't you know that I can't get fat unless I lose my fighting spirit."

Su Shanshan made a joke, and Yu'erhong answered her seriously.

"Xian'er, tell me the truth, where have you been these three days?" Yu'er Hong, who was gnawing on a chicken leg and had no ladylike image, questioned.

"I didn't go anywhere, but the teacher gave me a few days off, and I went to see my friends in the outer courtyard." Xian Ling'er replied with a smile.

Yu'erhong snorted softly, "Hmph, don't tell us either."

"Ahem, I thought three days would pass quickly,"


After a question and an answer, the three of them started to go to class after the two had finished eating.

Walking into a familiar classroom and looking at the faces of familiar classmates, Xian Ling'er felt that the classroom was the best, with a "learning" atmosphere.

After a while, the familiar cold face of Donglai Tutor appeared. Everyone looked at it and guessed that Donglai Tutor was changing his form just now...

"Before the lecture, let me tell you one important thing."

Instructor Donglai said to his eighteen students with a straight face.

Class [-] of the Huang rank will become a class of Xuan rank in the future, and naturally there will be many geniuses among them. Of these eighteen, half of them will definitely enter Class [-] of the Xuan rank.

At this time, Xian Ling'er also put down her books, looked at Dong Lai's instructor, and listened carefully. It should be about the promotion experience, and this experience is also equivalent to the promotion exam.

"The annual promotion experience is about to begin. Regarding this experience, it is related to the assessment for you to upgrade to the Xuan-level class and continue to study in the academy."

Entering the Alchemy Department, you have two years to study basic alchemy courses. Everyone has two chances. Those who can enter are all qualified fighters, so it is naturally strict.

"Our pharmacists mainly cooperate with the students from the outer academy to investigate the Black Mosquito Sect's stronghold in the Black Mosquito City. The academy will distribute the medicinal materials. Your task is to refine the elixir during the experience and give students a material guarantee."

"Next, we need to pay attention to the details. Alchemists can't prepare pills in advance, but students from the outer courtyard can..., and if you really can come back one, you have to come back decisively and report the situation to the inspector. This time Experience through..."

Instructor Donglai talked endlessly, every time the students he leads can be intact, that is, he has to be careful, there is only one life, and being responsible to the students is to be responsible to oneself.

"There is less than a month left. I hope you can improve a little bit more. A little improvement in the alchemy rate is to ensure the smooth passing of the experience! Alright, get ready for class!"

After the lecture, Instructor Donglai gave the students a few minutes to calm down, and then began to lecture seriously.

Xian Ling'er also picked up the book again, memorizing the precautions that Teacher Donglai said, and the strange rules, which seemed to be somewhat different from what Teacher Ruolin told her.

But things shouldn't be that simple, as soon as his eyes fell on the book, a note flew over.

(End of this chapter)

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