Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 575 Captain

Chapter 575 Captain

Looking at the paper ball in front of him, there was still a trace of fire-attribute grudge, and he didn't ignite it. Its owner was Xian Ling'er's deskmate, Yu'er Hong.

Xian Ling'er looked at Yu'erhong, only to see Yu'erhong nodding her head, glancing at Tutor Donglai who was lecturing out of the corner of her eyes, fearing that another question would wake her up.

"Xian'er, you must choose me for promotion and training!"

Xian Ling'er opened the note, looked at the inexplicable sentence, then looked at Yu'erhong, she nodded and gave herself an inexplicable smile, and then "listened to the class" seriously.

Xian Ling'er put away the note, and then seriously listened to the class and read the book, everything was the same as usual.

And the time in the classroom is passing by bit by bit.

It was time for class to end suddenly, but Dong Lai's instructor didn't say anything, and no one left first.

"Ahem, Lin Yuru, Lu Mu, Su Shanshan, Shenlao, Shi Zhicheng, and Xian Linger stay here, and the rest are dismissed."

Instructor Donglai looked at his [-] students, said solemnly, and named six of them, Xian Linger and Su Shanshan.

"How could this fairy be left behind? Could it be that he is stronger than Mo Bai?"

"Hehe, let's go, let's see who will join him when the time comes, he is so beautiful, maybe some brain-dead will join him?"


Xian Ling'er ignored all these subtle discussions, he was just curious, in class, he was very low-key, and usually he would burn all the love letters that others quietly stuffed in his place.

Also because of Su Shanshan, no one dared to do anything to him, everything was very peaceful, today Donglai Tutor even called his name.

There is also that Mo Bai, a one-star fighter who is striving to become a second-rank pharmacist just after Mentor Donglai named the names of these five people. The students in the first row are almost all two-star fighters. He has become a real second-grade pharmacist.

"Xian'er, I'll be waiting for you downstairs."

Yu'erhong looked at Teacher Donglai, like a mouse seeing a cat, and retreated with the others after speaking, as for staying to eavesdrop, they didn't dare.

"Xian Ling'er, come forward and sit down!" Instructor Dong Lai said to Xian Ling'er in the last row, seeing that the people had almost left.

Xian Ling'er nodded, went up to the second row, chose a seat and sat down.

That Shenlao, and the two male students Shi Zhicheng, watched Xian Linger come up, a little unnatural, curious and at the same time more ashamed, because among those who wrote love letters to Xian Linger, Just the two of them.

"I hope all of you can pass the promotion experience. Fortunately, Xian Ling'er has transferred to our class, so that I can make more reasonable arrangements."

Instructor Donglai looked at the six students and said, if Xian Ling'er didn't come, he could only let Mo Bai stay.

Afterwards, Mentor Donglai asked, "Except for Xian Ling'er, you all know the rules, right?"


Susan Shan and the other six replied in unison.

Instructor Donglai nodded, "Xian Ling'er is the strongest among you. In the sixth team, he is the general captain. Lu Mu and Lin Ruyu are the vice-captains..."

Instructor Donglai said, except for Su Shanshan, the other four were stunned. You know, Lin Ruyu and Lu Mu are both four-star fighters, and Xian Linger is stronger than them?That's more than five stars.

"...So, after class, you choose your teammates. One person leads two students. You must ensure their safety and go through this experience together!"

Finally, Teacher Donglai also finished speaking.

It was the six strongest students in their first class of Huang Jie who protected the remaining twelve students who were relatively weaker.

"Okay, class is over!" After finishing speaking, Instructor Donglai said to them, as for whether to obey Xian Ling'er, he was afraid that these five students would not disobey his order.

Xian Ling'er looked at Su Shanshan, and Su Shanshan also looked at Xian Ling'er, smiling slightly, as if there was a tacit understanding.

After Teacher Donglai said that class was over, the two walked out of the classroom side by side. When they were about to go down the stairs,

"Xian Linger, wait!"

Then, a pleasant and arrogant voice came.

Xian Ling'er and Su Shanshan turned around and saw that it was Lin Yuru, the class flower. Behind her, Lu Mu also followed leisurely. Behind Lu Mu, there were two male students, Shen Lao and Shi Zhicheng, who shrank their necks.

Xian Ling'er was puzzled, and asked softly, "Student Lin Yuru, what's the matter with you?"

"What strength do you have?" Lin Yuru looked at Xian Ling'er and asked directly.

Xian Ling'er looked at Su Shanshan, only to see Su Shanshan smiled lightly, shrugged her shoulders, as if you could figure it out.

"Five stars!" Xian Ling'er finally said calmly, without saying that in a month, she should be able to reach six stars.

When Lin Yuru heard this, she took a deep breath. Xian Ling'er was indeed the strongest among them, but seeing that young face, she couldn't believe it. Is there such a young Dou Shi?
"Sure enough, the position of the captain is given to you." After Lin Yuru finished speaking, she passed Xian Ling'er and went downstairs alone.

"Hey, hehe, Xian Ling'er, come on, I'm optimistic about you, Yu'er's..." Lu Mu also stepped forward, with a flattering look.

Xian Ling'er took Susan and went straight downstairs, because there was a good sister waiting for them.

Lu Mu was making fun of himself. Recently, he found that he really liked seeing Xian Ling'er, and he struggled with it for a long time. In the end, he firmly believed that Xiao Yu was his "first love".

When Xian Ling'er came down, she saw Yu'erhong bored in a corner, waiting for Xian Ling'er and Su Shanshan.

"How is it?" Seeing Su Shanshan and Xian Ling'er coming down, Yu'erhong hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"Xian'er, do you say it or should I say it?"

Susanshan chuckled, looked at Xian Ling'er and asked.

"You tell me," Xian Ling'er was puzzled, what did you say, you all know it, and you may have experienced a promotion experience, so you can only say this to Susan.

"Xiao Yu'er, Xian'er is the captain of the team this time, do you want to be on the team with me, or with Xian'er?" Su Shanshan smiled lightly, looked at Yu'erhong, and asked with a smile.

"Captain!" Yu'erhong was also surprised, she thought it was Lin Yuru, but she didn't expect Dong Lengmian to trust Xian Ling'er so much, but she also had a choice in her heart.

After recovering, he said to Susan Shan and Xian Ling'er, "It's so hard to choose, what if one of you blames me?"

"Okay, don't play around, you and Xian Ling'er should be in a team, he just transferred here not long ago, he usually just plays with us." Su Shanshan said indifferently, "Xian'er, as for the other teammate, wait for us After completing the team formation, he will row to your team, don't worry."

Xian Ling'er nodded, Susan seemed to have thought about herself, she also smiled slightly when she saw Yu'erhong.

No wonder, those classmates said so, the top five are all "student masters", naturally many people are willing to form a team with them.

After the morning class was over, they naturally went to the place that belonged to the students, the cafeteria.Eating is the most important thing in life.

Xian Ling'er who was walking was thinking, "Talk to the teacher in the afternoon, one month's preparation time, to participate in the second-grade pharmacist..."

(End of this chapter)

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