Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 576 Raw Bone Pill

Chapter 576 Raw Bone Pill

In the afternoon, it was Xian Linger's practical class!
Xian Ling'er tidied up her clothes and went out. After all, his class location was different from others'. After leaving her residence, she went to the teaching building.

The road he had traveled for several months made him feel familiar. Finally, he entered the familiar office again and looked at the familiar teacher with bright eyes.

"Teacher!" Xian Ling'er bowed and saluted, and he was quite respectful to this teacher.

Elder Huo not only taught him advanced exercises, but also taught him an advanced fighting skill that is difficult for others to obtain, the already superb alchemy technique.

Elder Huo nodded, looked at Xian Ling'er and asked, "Well, Xian'er, did you enjoy the three-day vacation?"

Xian Ling'er nodded and replied, "Happy!"

Elder Huo stroked Rushuang's beard and asked, "Before you start refining medicine, what do you want to ask?"

Xian Ling'er nodded, took the first to take out the volume of Xuan-level fighting skills, and combined them into one sword technique.

As for the basic practice route, he memorized it all, but he just listened to Ruo Lin's teacher and didn't dare to practice casually.

"Teacher, this is a Mysterious Fighting Skill that Instructor Ruolin won for me in the outer courtyard. I want to let the teacher teach me how to practice it in my spare time. It can also be regarded as a preparation before being promoted to a higher level."

Xian Ling'er said, and then said: "Teacher, before being promoted to a new class, I want to take the second-rank pharmacist assessment as soon as possible and become a second-rank pharmacist."

"Okay, but you have to meet my requirements as a teacher." Elder Huo nodded slightly, and took a scroll of fighting skills from Xian Ling'er.

As for becoming a second-grade pharmacist, his disciple had already achieved it, and he was afraid that he would have nothing to teach him, so he let him refine it like this.

Looking at this volume of fighting skills,

"You bastard, after you pass the second-rank pharmacist assessment, I will teach you a mysterious fighting skill. In fact, as a pharmacist, fire is our strongest attack method." Elder Huo snorted, Said Xian Linger.

Xian Ling'er scratched her head in embarrassment, thinking that Elder Huo was blaming herself for blaming him for not teaching him another advanced fighting skill.

"Do you have any other questions?"

Seeing Xian Ling'er in embarrassment, Elder Huo didn't have a temper, and asked, such a little beauty, the embryo disciple looked more pleasing to the eye.

Xian Linger thought for a while,
Afterwards, he took out the book that recorded more than ten kinds of different fires, and said: "Teacher, this is a book that records different fires that I took from the library, and I plan to find the No. Yan, as the natal flame, "

Elder Huo looked at the book, pushed it, and signaled Xian Ling'er to take it back.

Seeing that Elder Huo didn't take the book to read, Xian Ling'er thought that the teacher knew about it, and thought so, his teacher is a sixth-grade pharmacist, so he should pay some attention to the strange fire.

Obediently took back the books, as for the issue of the strange fire, it depends on what the teacher said, and now he still has to complete his "study" in the college.

"About the issue of different fires, you don't need to worry, unless you can reach the level of Douwang, let's start refining medicine, this time refining is a second-grade pill." Elder Huo said indifferently.

"Yeah!" Xian Ling'er nodded, indeed, her own strength didn't seem to be enough to subdue such a terrifying strange fire.

Next, it's time to refine the second-grade elixir.

This time, the second-grade elixir that Elder Huo taught him to refine was Bone Bone Pill, a healing elixir. Compared with the first-grade elixir, the effect of the second-grade healing elixir must have the same qualitative leap.

Elder Huo refined medicinal herbs one by one, almost twice as much as first-grade pills.

Afterwards, a light blue crystal was thrown into the alchemy cauldron. That light blue crystal was a water attribute magic core. As for what kind of monster it was, Xian Ling'er couldn't tell.

At this moment, he has a question, why do you need to add the magic core of the monster when refining the elixir? He knows very little about the magic core, but he can still see the attribute energy in it.

After a while, a faint scent of medicine wafted out, and Elder Huo put away a jade crystal elixir the size of a longan.

"Hey, this is the second-grade elixir, raw bone elixir." He casually threw the white jade-colored elixir to Xian Ling'er, "Next, it's up to you to refine it. In the afternoon, first refine [-] pills." , refine [-] pieces tonight, and then, as a teacher, I will take some time to teach you how to practice fighting skills."

"It's teacher!" Xian Ling'er nodded obediently.

After putting away the elixir, he began to take out his exclusive alchemy cauldron, and a red flame entered the furnace cauldron.

Sheng Gu Pill, as the name suggests, can regenerate flesh and blood, and its medicinal effects are relatively comprehensive. Whether it is an internal or external injury, one pill is good for it, and two pills are good for it.

The main medicinal material is raw bone grass, and that light blue magic core.Thirty pieces, Xian Ling'er didn't know that her teacher went there to find so many second-level magic cores.

Remembering the refining steps of Elder Huo just now, he grabbed the raw bone grass, put it into the medicine refining cauldron, and started refining.

I saw that medicinal material entered into Xian Ling'er's increasingly powerful flame, and burned to ashes, leaving only a drop of light yellow liquid.

Elder Huo was on the side, looking at the volume of fighting skills leisurely, not worried about his disciple failing or frying the furnace, and let him play freely.

If it were an ordinary pharmacist, the teacher would teach them by hand, and Xian Linger's here is just a demonstration.

In a short while, Xian Ling'er had already refined everything that needed to be refined, and was just short of fusion.

"It's done!" Concentrating on merging, Xian Ling'er watched a pill take shape, not overjoyed.

He took out a jade bottle and put the first second-grade elixir that he refined into the exquisite jade bottle. A second-grade elixir was worth more than a hundred gold.

Put away the elixir, Xian Ling'er continued to practice,

Concentrating on refining the elixir, he didn't speak, and Elder Huo didn't come to disturb him, the most taboo of being disturbed while refining the elixir.

Xian Ling'er didn't notice either, and Elder Huo quietly disappeared. He was just refining seriously. The successful refining of the second-rank raw bone pill showed that he really had the qualifications for the second-rank assessment.

The second one was successful.
The third one was successful.

Until these [-] parts were all refined, without wasting a single part of the medicinal material, the alchemy rate had reached [-]%, Xian Ling'er didn't know what this symbolized.

"It seems that the teacher has left again, and today's time is up, so go back first."

After refining, Xian Ling'er raised her eyes and looked around, nowhere was there her teacher, and it was the same when refining medicine before.

He took a deep breath, put away the [-] pills, and then tidied up the alchemy cauldron. There were already some cumbersome things, and after checking again, Xian Ling'er left.

After class in the afternoon, Xian Ling'er found Yu'erhong, and Su Shanshan, as usual, had a simple dinner, and the evening was their time to practice, but Xian Ling'er was different, he still had to continue Alchemy.

In the evening, I came to the office again, and the elixir was still raw bone elixir.This time it was relatively rare. After refining, Xian Ling'er was looking forward to it, waiting for the teacher to teach him how to practice the Heyi sword technique.

(End of this chapter)

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