Chapter 581
With a sigh of relief, Xian Ling'er didn't know why she avoided her. He also wanted to bring his good friends to see where he lived, but he didn't disclose his identity without the teacher's permission, and the teacher didn't say anything. Usually mysterious and mysterious, the dragon sees the end but does not see the head.

I returned to my residence and started to live as usual. One night passed,

The next day, after class in the morning, he repeated the refining of Shenggu Pill, Yangqi San and Qingxin Pill in the afternoon, which was also his class.

Until the arrival of the third day...

On this day, instructor Donglai came to the teacher with a cold face, as if it could calm people down instantly. He looked at his students.

"Today, there will be no class!"

Dong Lai's words made these students very excited, but under that cold face, the students had no choice but to hold back.

"We will gather with the outer court team later, and the instructor will take you there, but before that, I want to emphasize one point, you can't look down on the students from the outer court as a pharmacist, and don't cause any conflicts, otherwise... Haha!"

Instructor Donglai glanced around, spoke seriously, and suddenly sneered.

The people listening below couldn't help shuddering, feeling the coolness behind them, Xian Ling'er looked at the book, and just smiled indifferently, Dong Lai's mentor has a sharp mouth and a tofu heart.

Xian Ling'er thinks like this, but other people don't think like this. Xian Ling'er is already a second-rank pharmacist, and while surprising them, she is also a good student in the class.

In the end, Mentor Donglai said: "Okay, I hope you can all pass the experience. In the future, the teacher will still be able to see you. Come with me now."

After speaking, he walked out first.

The eighteen students in the class also got up, smiled wryly, and followed them out. Xian Ling'er also put away the books and followed them.

After leaving the classroom, Class [-] passed, and Class [-] was there.They were already queuing up, yes, they were queuing up, there were twenty people, and the one standing at the front of their line was also a student wearing the robe of a second-grade pharmacist.

On the other hand, my class is a bit chaotic, not a team. .

"The first group, Xian Ling'er, Yu'erhong, Qiao Xiaofu!"

"The second group, Lin Yuru, Zhao Yan, Zhao Min!"

"The third group, Lu Mu..."


"The fifth group, Susan,..."

"The sixth group, Shi Zhicheng,..."

Instructor Dong Lai counted the names of each student, and each student also consciously stepped forward to line up. Xian Ling'er was in front of the [-] students. This was the first time that Xian Ling'er was not used to it.

After a while, the team lined up.

"Teacher Wu, let's go first!"

After quickly queuing up, Tutor Donglai yelled at the tutor in Class [-], as if with a hint of jokes among his colleagues, saying: I am in Class [-]. If you line up so fast, don’t you want to be in Class [-]? later?

"Hehe, Teacher Donglai, ours has already been prepared, and we'll wait for you to leave first." That Teacher Wu also responded with a smile.

In his tone, not to be outdone, he seemed to be yelling at Donglai's tutor: "What's wrong with the first class, the efficiency is so low, it's hindering them!"
The students in the two classes all smiled silently, looking forward to this action,

Instructor Donglai didn't answer any more. Next, there are still important things to do. It is their advantage to lead the students to receive the medicinal materials for this experience. It is their advantage to be a pharmacist without taking risks.

"Let's go!" He said to his students, and then took a step forward.

After the first class, the second class followed, and after the second class, there was a third class, a total of eight classes, with about 20 students in each class, more than 100 people, neat and orderly.

Instructor Donglai brought Xian Ling'er and the others to the entrance of the experimental building. This is the place with the largest reserves of low-level medicinal materials, which are usually used for students to practice.

Today, there is an old man in his 70s or [-]s in the laboratory building. Beside the old man, there are two young men in the robes of third-grade alchemists standing. Looking at the old man again, the badge on his chest is a little darker in silver, and five silver. The pattern makes everyone awed.

"Director Li!" Instructor Donglai looked at the old man and saluted respectfully.

The instructors saluted, and the students, Xian Ling'er and the others also began to salute.

The old man smiled kindly and said, "Well, Xiaodong, let the children come forward to get the medicinal materials."

Instructor Donglai nodded, turned to Xian Linger and the others and said, "The first group, come forward to get the medicinal materials, one group after another!"

After finishing speaking, Tutor Donglai stood aside and watched.

Xian Ling'er looked at this old man, the five silver stripes badge on his chest, her teacher is a sixth-grade pharmacist, could it be six silver stripes?

Looking at the old man respectfully,
"Very good. Your rank should be more than that. This is the material for this experience. Take it carefully and it can save the life of your classmates."

The old man named Director Li said, looking at Xian Ling'er, he nodded with satisfaction, as if he liked it more and more.

I saw him take out a black Naring with an extremely strong and ordinary appearance, and handed it to Xian Ling'er, who also took it with both hands.

The old man's words shocked the instructor Donglai who was on the side. He also knew a thing or two about Xian Ling'er's situation. He was favored by the department head, and his talent was obviously not low.

Only two months later, he has already become a second-rank pharmacist, which has already proved his horror, but Director Li actually said that it is more than that, that is a third-rank!
Later, Lin Yuru and others saw that Director Li, the second in command of the Alchemy Department, was optimistic about Xian Ling'er, and learned a little from the words that Xian Ling'er's rank might have reached the third rank, but his teacher was someone else, This had to make them think wildly.

What's special is that in the team, Qiao Xiaofu smiled lightly and secretly rejoiced: Fortunately, those guys gave up Xian Ling'er to me, and now they should regret it to death.

Xian Ling'er smiled lightly, nodded, put away the herbs, and stepped aside.

"Next!" said a young man next to Director Li.

Yu'erhong, who is usually carefree, went up a little cautiously at this time, and also took a ring with both hands, but Director Li didn't say anything more.

Next, each and every student seemed to be expecting Director Li's approval, but in the end, Director Li had already handed over the work to the two students around him.

"Xian'er, yours is actually a second-level ring. You don't need to hand it back to the alchemy department after training." Yu'erhong came to Xian Ling'er and muttered.

Xian Ling'er played with the black ring in her hand. The rings were divided into the same nine grades. The higher grades of the rings could store more things, and they might have some unknown characteristics.

Xian Ling'er chuckled lightly, and said: "Xiao Yu'er, if you like it, I'll give it to you after the experience!"

Although she was smiling, Xian Ling'er found that the other fiery red ring in her hand had been cut off from her consciousness, and it seemed that she couldn't take out the contents inside.

Can't help but helpless, my book...

There were more than 100 people, and the medicinal materials were distributed soon. Next, they left the Alchemy Department collectively and gathered in the outer courtyard.

This time, it was still on such a large scale. Xian Ling'er was in the first place, feeling a little emotional as her long hair was blown by the breeze.

(End of this chapter)

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