Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 582 Collection, departure

Chapter 582 Collection, departure

In the big square of Canaan College!
At this moment, nearly a thousand people gathered here, because it was the annual promotion experience, and if they performed well during the experience, they could still enter the fighting skill hall, and have the opportunity to choose one more fighting skills, and obtain the resources for training students.In addition, there are still many benefits, so these students are flocking to it.

At this moment, Xian Ling'er and the others had also arrived. Looking at the nearly thousand people, they were a little shocked. Once a year, Canaan College still has its own unique teaching plan.

For this experience, there are also individual students who are not in the team. They are confident in their own strength and apply to act alone, because high risk also means high return.

The college will also consider allowing these students to act alone after a period of approval according to their situation.

In short, all plans are aimed at improving students' survival in dangerous places and improving their actual combat experience.

"Let's gather there!"

Instructor Donglai led a group of students, passed by these students from the outer academy, and saw them all with envious eyes, looking at these alchemist students whose strength was weaker than theirs.

A pharmacist is uniquely blessed. Everyone knows how difficult it is to become a pharmacist. Fighting qi of the fire and wood attribute will only screen out half of the people, and one must have soul power.

Looking at it, their eyes suddenly shone brightly, as if they saw something precious.

"What a beautiful female alchemist!"

"plus one!"

"plus one!"


"I'm still a second-rank pharmacist. I really hope that I can work with him. When the time comes, I can save my sweetheart's life and get married without any problems!"

Xian Ling'er walked in front and could not help but smile when she heard the students' words clearly.

It's just that Donglai Tutor, still with a stern face, glanced at the students from the outer courtyard, and these students couldn't help calming down. It's not something that these ordinary fighters can resist.

Regarding the distribution of the team, everything has been arranged, and the work before the experience, the academy is well prepared.

When they came to an open space, the teams of alchemists were organized into eight teams according to their classes!
"Xian'er, I didn't expect that you are still very charming!" Just after standing in line, Yu'erhong whispered in Xian Ling'er's ear.

Xian Ling'er felt her breath, and her ears were itchy.

"That's because you were not in front, otherwise you would have fascinated thousands of beautiful boys." Xian Ling'er also remarked, smiling.

Seeing Xian Ling'er teasing her, Yu'er Hong couldn't help being angry, and suddenly stretched out her slender hand to Xian Ling'er's waist and twisted it,
Fairy, jump up at first glance,

Suddenly, a sharp gaze came and landed on Xian Ling'er and Yu'erhong. At this moment, Xian Ling'er finally felt Dong Lai's mentor's death gaze, it was terrifying!
Afterwards, Yu'erhong also settled down, she didn't dare to offend Donglai's mentor, after all, she would be free for two months soon.

Behind Yu'erhong, Qiao Xiaofu enjoyed admiring the two beauties' frolicking. As for Donglai's mentor's gaze, is it important to look at the beauties? And, he was right...

Lin Yuru looked at the two people in front, and felt that Xian Ling'er should be on his team. Although Yu'erhong was a Dou Master, he didn't even dare to try a second-grade elixir!
With nearly a thousand people, it is not normal for there to be no noise.

Afterwards, the deputy dean Hugan came out, and beside him were two frail old men.Among them, Xian Ling'er's teacher was also beside the vice-principal.

The four walked to the rostrum, and the vice president finally spoke:
"Hehe, preparations for the annual promotion and experience training have begun. Ease and improvement in the academy is obviously not enough. The place for this training is a well-known stronghold of the Black Mosquito Sect, Black Mosquito City,"

"This time, many elders of the academy are dispatched. You can experience the experience of blood for a while. You may meet the level of a big fighter, but among our many students, there are also many big fighters. They are almost equal in strength. You have to guarantee , just try to survive as long as possible for two months!"

The students in the square below were crowded. Some of the students looked very calm, as if they were used to it, while some were more excited, and it was their first time participating in the training.

Under normal circumstances, those who form a group like this to go out to practice can basically come back alive, but if some lone rangers can pass the test, not only can they prove their own strength, but the resources of the academy will also be tilted like them.

Half an hour passed, and Hu Qian's long speech was somewhat challenging.
In the end, he said to these students with high fighting spirit: "The promotion and experience, start now, all teams cooperate, let's go!"

As soon as these words came out, the students of each team in the outer court did not move.What moved was the team of alchemists with the smallest number of people.

Teacher Donglai also took Xian Ling'er and others to a class place, only to see the second class following.

Instructor Donglai shouted: "The first group, corresponding to the Xuan-level class, one team, return to the team!"

"The second group, corresponding to the second team of the first class of Xuanjie, return to the team! The third group..."

Xian Ling'er took Yu'erhong, and Qiao Xiaofu, joined the first team in Class [-] of Xuanjie, and stood beside her.

The first team of Xuanjie Class [-], [-] people in a team, the strongest among them is also the first person in the team, the captain, unexpectedly has the strength of a seven-star fighter.The second place is a six-star fighter.There are three five-star fighters.There are two four-star fighters.Three-star fighter, one.Two star fighters, three.One Star Fighter, one.There are three fighters with eight to nine stars.

The strength is generally strong.Because this is an old class, in the outer courtyard, promotion experience is experience, anyone who wants to participate is welcome, and there are no breakthrough masters in the back, it should be between the old students and the new students.

After a while, the team has been arranged properly, just arrange three or four people in the line that has already stood.

Team formation time, on the rostrum,

"Old man Hu, you really want to prepare some surprises for them, there are still two Nine-Star Great Fighters!" One of the two old men who followed Hu laughed.

When Hu Gan heard this, he was the veteran of the college, and said with a smile: "These students are all the best fighters in the college. There are so many fighters, and I don't believe that one or two big fighters from the Black Mosquito Sect can't be killed."

"This year, Bai Heshan, Shan Yangui, and Pei Yuan all participated!"

At the end, Hu Qian added a sentence.

"Hehe, old man Hu, you are too stingy. There are only three big fighters. On my side, all the alchemists of the Xuan rank are dispatched!"

Elder Huo listened, and said with a smile, it was entirely because last time Hu Gan only gave him a step of middle-level Xuan-level fighting skills, and the advanced ones were not willing to give it.

The mysterious class of the Alchemy Department is the reserve team.

"Hehe, old man Huo, who can compare with your alchemy department? Occupying a volcanic energy source, paying so much money and so many pills, look at them all in vain." Hu said dryly.

After a while, the scenes on the upper and lower sides calmed down, and Hu Qian also said to nearly a thousand students: "Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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