Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 586 Killing the Spotted Tiger

Chapter 586 Killing the Spotted Tiger
"Bai Heshan, I'll block, you attack!"

Shan Yangui let out a low cry, and held a huge ax to block in front of him. In his left hand was a yellow-brown shield made of grudge, which was particularly attractive.

What is that, the battle qi transformation armor that only a great fighter can make, only the out-and-out great fighter can condense, the armor whose defense is stronger than ordinary shields.

Bai Heshan nodded coldly, without saying anything, he jumped with the icy spear in his hand, and used his unique skill: "Mysterious-level low-level fighting skill, ice shadow hunting gun!"

The cold air radiated, and the atmosphere of hunting seemed to be exposed all around, symbolizing that the moment of ruthless hunting was coming.

Pei Yuan saw this opportunity, and also used his unique skill: "Mysterious-level low-level fighting skill, mad shadow broken gold knife!"

The frenziedly dancing Senran knife shadow seems to be able to shatter everything, and its power is far from comparable to those of the yellow rank fighting skills.

The close cooperation of the three of them can inflict heavy damage on the Banhu, but it is still somewhat difficult to kill a Banhu whose strength is at the fourth level.

Sure enough, these marksmanship skills, as well as sword fighting skills, fell on the spotted tiger, leaving a few bloodstains on the hard tiger skin, but they couldn't kill the tiger.

"Roar!" The spotted tiger roared angrily!
"Pfft!" The tiger's paw fell, and Shan Yangui's battle qi armor was shattered, and in the next second, he was stepped on by the tiger.

Pei Yuan on the other side was also caught off guard by the giant palm of the tiger, and flew upside down more than a hundred meters away, crashing into a tree, his throat sweetened, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Little fish, look at my husband!"

Xian Ling'er saw that only Baiheshan persisted, those students were already timid and did not dare to go up again, because the previous students hadn't woken up yet.

"Xian'er, that's..."

Yuerhong was about to speak, but was interrupted by Xian Linger.

"Don't talk so much, the spotted tiger has already gone berserk, the only option is to kill it." Xian Ling'er said.Looking at the spotted tiger with fierce eyes, it seemed that it wanted to shoot all these humans to death.

After finishing speaking, with the Colorful Illusion Sword in hand, fiery red Dou Qi emerged from his body, like a transparent red dress.

Holding the colorful magic sword in his hand, he stabbed straight at the tiger's abdomen. Three fiery red sword qi condensed in an instant.

Xian Ling'er's sudden attack surprised some five- and six-star fighters. Looking at the complete fighting spirit gauze on Xian Ling'er's body, they couldn't help guessing that Xian Ling'er was a nine-star fighter.

You know, Xian Ling'er surpassed Bai Heshan and the other three in terms of speed.

"Pfft!" Under their shocked eyes, the main attacking sword energy directly broke through the tiger's defense, and a huge bloody mouth appeared in front of everyone, but this way, it still couldn't kill the fourth-order tiger. .

"Roar!" The spotted tiger was hit hard by a sudden sword, roared angrily, and slapped Xian Ling'er with all its strength, applauded, and a light yellow aura was added, which should be the talent of this tiger.

"Bang!" Xian Ling'er was hit by the spotted tiger's full force, and she backed up a few steps.

The two fiery red sword qi fluctuated a few times, and looked like they were about to shatter, but they were repaired by Xian Ling'er's strong fighting qi, and the Spiritual Flame Art also operated on its own, restoring the fighting qi.

"Cold Spear!"

Seeing the right timing, Bai Heshan stabbed with a cold spear, and another bloody mouth opened, but the blood of the spotted tiger was instantly frozen.

Xian Ling'er slowed down for a moment, originally he thought that his Huang Tier fighting skills would not be able to hurt Banhu, but he underestimated his own strength, the fighting skills used by people with different strengths would have different powers.

"Mysterious-level intermediate fighting skills, combined with one sword!"

The three swords merged into one, returning to the colorful long sword, Xian Ling'er seemed to disappear in place, leaving only a colorful and charming long sword.

"Hoo!" With a sound of piercing through the air, the long sword directly passed through the tiger's huge five-meter body, and Xian Ling'er also appeared on the other side.

Xian Ling'er still held the long sword in her hand, and was silent in the feeling of penetration just now. It was the first time that she used a black-level fighting technique to kill a monster. It was still so fast, and he couldn't help being fascinated.

"Roar...Boom!" Finally, the spotted tiger let out a low growl unwillingly, and then fell down on the ground covered with dead leaves in this forest.

"Hey, such a big man must have a fourth-order magic core!"

Everyone stared at this spotted tiger with ill intentions. It is a fourth-order magic core, worth more than ten thousand gold, and a necessary material for high-level elixirs.

The spotted tiger fell down, shocked,
And in the sky, these reserve teams, as well as the strong men of the academy, such as Hu Gan, and those elders.

Hu Gan cursed inwardly, "Damn! Why is it that he uses the power of a high-level Xuan-level fighting skill in his hands?"

Elder Lei, the one in the purple robe who released the tiger, was deeply shocked. Is this a student of the Alchemy Department? Why is his combat power so terrifying?

Afterwards, his piercing eyes looked at Elder Huo with a plain face, and he seemed to understand that the vice-principal said that he was the disciple of Elder Huo, so there were naturally many good things, and that long sword was not ordinary.

As for skills, fighting skills, etc., it is naturally beyond the reach of other students. With six-star strength, the fighting spirit in the body is not inferior to ordinary nine-star fighters or even great fighters.

Xian Ling'er withdrew her long sword, came in front of the spotted tiger, and looked at the many students in the outer courtyard, "The magic core of this monster belongs to me. As for the tiger's skin, tiger claws and teeth, I will share it with you."

As soon as Xian Ling'er said it, the audience fell silent. It was a fourth-order magic core, and the value of the fourth-order magic core could drive them crazy.

"Okay, you killed it!"

Bai Heshan breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Xian Ling'er, if it wasn't for Xian Ling'er to make a move, it would be impossible for him and the other fighters to win at all. , no matter how advanced the fighting skills are.

Of course, Xian Linger is an exception,

The rest of the people thought that Xian Ling'er got the benefit in the end, after all, there were three Baiheshan people and so many Doushi who fought in front of them.

Xian Ling'er looked at Bai Heshan with a stern face, and nodded slightly. He is a pharmacist, so he naturally knows that a fourth-level magic core and the rest of the materials are enough to refine a fourth-level pill Medicine, a fourth-grade pill, is enough to exchange for a high-level fighting skill.


The black wolf king let out a very spiritual howl, making those who were thinking about it suddenly sober.This beauty embryo of a second-rank pharmacist is still protected by a third-rank black wolf.

"No opinion, no opinion!"

"..." Afterwards, everyone had no choice but to give up, and only sighed, the luck of this beautiful alchemist is really great, it seems that his strength is also very strong!
Seeing everyone nodding, Xian Ling'er smiled gratifiedly, "Thank you everyone for making the offer. When I return to the academy, I would like to give out [-] pieces of first-grade healing medicine as compensation. Of course, I got the rest of the materials on Banhu. For the sake of fairness, You can no longer receive pills."

"Three hundred pieces!"

These students were a little surprised when they heard this. Even if a gold coin sold for thirty dollars, it would cost nearly ten thousand gold coins.In the end, I have to say: This pharmacist is really rich!
In the end, Bai Heshan, Shan Yangui, Pei Yuan and the others took some materials, which were all fourth-order magical beasts, which were much more effective than first-grade pills, and they could be kept as a souvenir.

(End of this chapter)

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