Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 587 Preparation

Chapter 587 Preparation
As night approached, all the students of Canaan College walked out of the forest. As for the monsters they encountered again, none of them had reached the first level. After sensing the breath of the black wolf, they instinctively avoided it.

After leaving this forest, naturally Hei Lang and its members could not be allowed to follow, so Xian Ling'er asked Hei Lang to go back to practice.

At the end, Xian Ling'er stroked the shiny black fur of the black wolf king. The black wolf seemed to want to lick this beautiful wolf beauty, but it still suppressed it rationally.

After watching the black wolf go back, Xian Ling'er followed the big team to a peaceful and prosperous small town.

Heping Town, a transfer station of the academy.

This is also where the reserve team of Canaan Academy settled down.The reserve team will naturally not follow them to practice.

As for the experienced team, some can choose to settle directly in Heping Town, and some can go directly to the destination.

Those who choose the latter not only need a certain strength, but also have a certain ability to deal with danger. In other people's sphere of influence, they have to speak with their fists.

Of course, in addition to these two, you can also choose other towns not far from the destination as your foothold, and then go to Black Mosquito City. If too many young people flood in at once, it will attract the attention of the Black Mosquito Sect.

Speaking of this, the students' school uniforms also need to be changed, otherwise it will be too ostentatious. The Canaan Academy is located in a corner of the Black Corner Region, and there are many forces that have offended them. The key lies in the word "利".

As students of the Alchemy Department, this point can also be ignored, because the alchemist robes they wear are made with reference to the alchemist union outside, and have no connection with the Canaan Academy.

Xian Ling'er's team was arranged for a temporary residence, with one person sharing a room. As alchemists, their salary was higher. As for the students from the outer courtyard, two of them might be crowded into one room.

Under the light of night, the captain of the Seven Star Fighter Division called everyone, Xian Ling'er, Yu'erhong and Qiao Xiaofu were also among them, and began to discuss in a simple and neat small hall.

"Students from the Alchemy Department, hello. I am the captain of our team. My name is Zhao Yong. I have the strength of a seven-star fighter. The next thing to discuss is to choose where we will settle in the future."

The captain said politely, facing a beauty like Xian Ling'er, he was a bit of a gentleman.

Of course, the eyes are also unnaturally looking at Xian Ling'er. Whether you look at it or not, it feels like you are offending, but you still say:
"We plan to directly choose Black Mosquito City as our foothold, because our team's strength is also at the forefront in the academy, and it should be like this."

The three Xian Ling'er sitting opposite them listened quietly, and then Yu'erhong and Qiao Xiaofu looked at Xian Ling'er to see what Xian Ling'er would choose.

The other party's many eyes also fell on Xian Ling'er, but they focused on different things.

Xian Ling'er also noticed the gazes of these two people, thought for a while, and said: "Hello, I am the captain of Class [-] of the Alchemy Department, Xian Ling'er, regarding your choice, our strength is really good, we can Go straight to your destination."

"The two of them, named Yu'erhong and Qiao Xiaofu, the three of us will be in charge of your backup situation. The Alchemy Department has enough healing medicinal materials. If necessary, we will prepare medicinal pills at any time."

Xian Ling'er's soft voice sounded,

Then Zhao Yong also nodded. What Xian Linger said was also reasonable. Although... it sounds ugly, but it is inevitable to get injured during the experience.

Then, the rest of the team members were introduced,
The sword wielder, the second most powerful young man is Duan Yingping, with the strength of a six-star fighter, he is indeed the second-in-command in the team. In addition, he chooses the sword as his weapon, his brow exudes righteousness, and his appearance is dignified .

The third female student was named Miao Lingling, one of the three five-star fighters, her strength was higher than the other two, her pretty face and figure were all top-notch.

The next two, named Qian Dazhao and A Lin, both have the strength of five-star fighters. Such strength is almost a must for the top [-] in the inner court trials, unless they are too unlucky to make it to the top. Fifty was brushed off.

We got to know each other and discussed some matters. The students of the outer court need to pay for their residences, because of the restrictions of the alchemy department, they are all poor and useless.

Looking at the badge of the second-grade pharmacist on Xian Ling'er's chest, I believe they will not be so stupid as not to take good care of these pharmacists.

Back at the residence, Xian Ling'er stopped in front of their room.

"Xiao Yu'er, my husband, tonight, I will refine a batch of first-grade pills that can heal wounds and restore battle qi. Prepare in advance so that you won't be in a hurry when the time comes."

Xian Ling'er said to the two of them.

In the virgin forest before, Xian Ling'er saw these guys, but she used the healing medicine in advance because of her distress.

"Yeah!" Qiao Xiaofu nodded with a slight smile, as if Xian Linger said what she said.

Yu'er glanced at Qiao Xiaofu, and immediately asked: "Xian'er, roughly how much should be refined?"

"One person refines about five pieces, my husband, you are responsible for refining the healing medicine, Xiao Yu'er, you refine the ones that restore battle qi."

Xian Ling'er thought for a while and said.

It just came out, so it doesn't need to be refined too much, Yu'erhong already has the strength of a Dou Shi, the effect of refining the elixir for restoring Dou Qi is obviously better than Xiaofu's.

The two nodded. The amount of work is not too big, and it is acceptable. Refining healing medicine is a compulsory course for a pharmacist, and Qiao Xiaofu is also confident in refining it.

As for whether Xian Ling'er could be refined, they didn't ask much, they just believed silently.Xian Ling'er was able to tame the black wolf and kill the spotted tiger, as if with this group leader around, the sky wouldn't fall down.

Afterwards, Xian Ling'er also entered her room and looked at the neat decoration. Although it was simple, it could still make people sleep comfortably.

Came to the open space in the middle of the room, cleaned it up, Xian Ling'er sat down cross-legged, swiped with the right hand wearing the ring, and a second-level medicine refining cauldron prepared by the medicine refining department, as well as some medicinal materials, appeared on the In front of Xian Linger.

Looking at these medicinal materials, Xian Ling'er murmured: "Let's refine a few raw bone pills and use them as nourishing qi powder."

The original ring can't be used, and now he is a pauper. Obviously, he needs to be prepared to be in the Black Mosquito City, the stronghold of the Black Mosquito Cult.

Not only him, but the rest of the alchemy classes have more or less started to prepare. As for some teams who stay in Heping Town and other towns, there is no need to rush.

Skillfully using advanced alchemy techniques, manipulating the flame of the alchemy furnace, controlling the size of the fire, and finally, fused the essence of those medicinal materials, and a elixir was formed.

Now it is only a second-grade elixir, and it is relatively easy for Xian Ling'er who can already refine the Huiqi elixir.

After a while, neither Yu'erhong nor Qiao Xiaofu had refined five pills, but Xian Ling'er had already refined five pills for nourishing qi powder and five pills for raw bones.

Put it in ten jade bottles, and then receive it in the second-order ring from the alchemy system.I have already made preparations, and I will wait for the arrival of tomorrow. I hope this experience will not be too difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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