Chapter 588
In Heping Town, nothing happened overnight.

It's just that Elder Huo will say a few words, praising his disciple for being so good at handling things, three hundred pills, but the words have already been spoken, and it will not be his teacher who will come to wipe his ass.

The next day, it was gray, but it also symbolized the beginning of this experience.

In Xian Ling'er's team, three lone rangers have already left Heping Town and headed for the location of this experience.

They walked without dragging their feet, without carrying a cloud,
After they left, one or two teams left Heping Town first, and their team's strength was not weaker than that of Xian Ling'er.

Afterwards, Xian Ling'er also got up slowly, tidied up everything, and started reading books before Zhao Yong and the others got up in the shabby little living room. red.

Time passed bit by bit,

After a while, Zhao Yong got up first, looked at the Jingya fairy-like Xian Ling'er, and couldn't help asking, "Captain Xian Ling'er, good morning!"

Xian Ling'er nodded, replied politely, and said, "Well, good morning, Captain Zhao, let's go."

Zhao Yong nodded, and then began to gather his team members. Xian Ling'er also called up the sleepy-eyed Yu'erhong, but it was Qiao Xiaofu, who was always full of passion and excited.

Then, another team left Heping Town.

Here, everything is freely arranged by the students. Those elders have been watching closely in turn. After all, it is known that the Black Mosquito Sect still has two fighting emperors. As for the fighting kings, there are no fewer than three. We should leave some behind.

Xian Ling'er's 18-member team is not too eye-catching, just like a mercenary team. As for their goals, perhaps not many people will care.

Except for Qiao Xiaofu, there were three people in Zhao Yong's team who hadn't reached the Doushi level, and the rest were almost at the level of Doushi, but the speed of these four people was not slow, following their pace closely.

Afterwards, a majestic city that was somewhat taller than a town like Heping Town appeared in front of them.

On the gate of the city, there is a plaque engraved with the words "Black Mosquito City".As for the guards guarding the city gate on the top of the city tower, their strength is about the same as that of a five-star fighter.

Zhao Yong thought for a while, then led the team and prepared to enter the city.

"You guys look familiar, do you have a permit from the city? If not, then each person must hand in fifty gold coins as the entry fee." When passing the city gate, a guard called to stop him.

"Yingping, give it to him!"

Although he was stopped, after Zhao Yong frowned slightly, he said to Duan Yingping beside him that he is not what his name is, only has force, and he is still a brave and resourceful person.

Fifty for each of them, 18 for each of them, Duan Yingping took out a cloth bag, and threw it to the guard with some pain.

Although the Heijiao region is chaotic and can rely on strength to speak, but this is their territory, and they will live here for another two months, and it is inevitable that they will lose their money.

After collecting the money, the guards also let them go with a smile. Looking at the dozen or so young people like Zhao Yong, they felt like they saw a fat sheep.

After glancing at Miao Lingling and one of the female students, finally, his eyes fell on Xian Ling'er, and he couldn't move away immediately.

As for Yu'erhong next to Xian Ling'er, she has become a foil,
"Fairy!" the guard murmured,
Then, his eyes fell on the badge of the second-grade alchemist, and he couldn't help shivering.

This is a second-rank pharmacist, and the strength of a fighting master, although it is common in the Black Horn Region, is not something they can provoke. I am secretly fortunate that I almost offended a second-rank pharmacist.

In the end, the guard took out the entrance fee that had just been collected, and handed it back to Duan Yingping respectfully, but apologized to Xian Ling'er: "I'm sorry, I almost offended my lord Alchemist, my lord enters the city , no need to pay city fees.”

"Alright, Captain Zhao, let's go then!"

Xian Ling'er looked at the guard who turned his face, and said to Zhao Yong in front.

The guard listened and heaved a sigh of relief. If this alchemist was favored by the city lord and became the city lord's guest, then they would have a good time.

Of course, this is what they think too much,

Would Xian Ling'er remember such a thing? There was only a fee for entering the city. This was the first time he saw it. There was no fee for entering Wutan City, Qingshan City, and Canaan City.

Zhao Yong nodded. It is a good thing to save such a sum of money. He couldn't help laughing wryly. This pharmacist really enjoys eating wherever he goes, especially a young second-rank pharmacist like Xian Ling'er.

Naturally, these guards can see this point. The most indispensable thing in a place like the Black Corner Region is resources. It depends on whether you are alive to enjoy the value of these resources.

After entering the city, it was already close to noon at this time, the city was very prosperous, there was a lot of traffic, and vendors were selling all kinds of things.Medicinal ingredients, magic core, low-level fighting skills, etc.

It's just that these are common medicinal materials, but they are the main income of these people, because a plant of medicinal materials worth ten gold coins was sold at a high price of fifty or sixty.

"Captain Xian Ling'er, let's find a place to live first." Zhao Yong had naturally seen more prosperous scenes, and seeing this crowd of people, he couldn't help saying to Xian Ling'er first.

Among these people, there are mostly fighters, and there are very few ordinary people. Those ordinary people are generally wealthy businessmen who dare to take risks. They will hire some fighters to escort the living things.

"Hmm!" Xian Ling'er nodded. Walking on the street like this was indeed too noisy. After staying in the academy for half a year, he was a little unaccustomed to such a popular scene.

Moreover, these auras are mixed with intrigue and murderous aura, and if they stay in it for a long time, they will be subtly subtly influenced. This is the purpose of the academy for them to come and practice.

If you don't experience wind and rain, how can you see a rainbow?
After several rounds of searching and turning around a few streets, I finally found an inn. The business of this inn was tepid, but there were quite a few people going there.

"Guest officials, please take a seat. Are you going to be the top or stay in the hotel?"

As soon as the 18 people stepped in, a down-to-earth waiter came up, greeted them and asked respectfully.

People who can survive in the Black Corner Region naturally wink a little bit, and their eyes quickly fell on the alchemist robes on the three people including Xian Linger Yuerhong, which is also very conspicuous.

"Let's have some food first! All the good dishes will be served!"

Zhao Yong looked at the simple shop waiter and said grandly, he also planned to treat Xian Linger and the others to have a good meal, saving a lot of money.

"Okay, wait a moment, all the guests!" The shop waiter yelled, with very comforting words, to keep the guests, and then began to prepare.

Zhao Yong's team obviously had to eat a lot, and they seemed to be the masters who were not short of money. They ate the Overlord's meal, hehe, that was never the case.

A few people sat on a remote table and chairs, looking at the situation outside, and now it was the first step in the beginning of the experience.

Xian Ling'er is also emotional, fortunately with Zhao Yong leading the team, in this Black Mosquito City, she doesn't have to think so much.

(End of this chapter)

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