Chapter 589
After a while, the dishes were served.

"Everyone eats and drinks well, take a day off today, Xiaoer, go prepare the room!" Zhao Yong laughed as he looked at his teammates who were waiting for him to speak.

At the end, he waved to the shop waiter and stuffed a few gold coins into the little waiter, which made the waiter smile.

"Okay!" the waiter said knowingly.

After the waiter withdrew, Yu'erhong immediately started to eat. From morning till now, she hadn't run out of grains. She was so hungry that her chest was sticking to her back.Besides, with Xian Ling'er around, even if there is a drug in the dish, she still has tried the drug beforehand.

Seeing that Yu'erhong was really rude, Zhao Yong smiled awkwardly, he was a pharmacist, and besides, he was not in his charge.Fortunately, I can still eat with this fairy-like fairy, and I feel that my appetite has greatly increased.

"Let's eat." Xian Ling'er looked at the shy Qiao Xiaofu, and smiled lightly.

"Hmm!" Qiao Xiaofu couldn't help but blushed, nodded repeatedly, then picked up a bowl of rice and picked it up, not knowing that a grain of rice had entered through his nostrils.

Not only Qiao Xiaofu, except for Zhao Yong's restraint, Qian Dazhao and A Lin all looked at Xian Ling'er, as if looking at Xian Ling'er was enough.

That's right, a flawless face gives people an unearthly beauty, and the whole body seems to be surrounded by fairy spirit, which makes people feel refreshed and happy, that can make people intoxicated.

"A group of stinky men!"

At the same time, Miao Linglong, who was sitting with another girl named Lin Ding, muttered, obviously annoyed by her teammates.

Lin Ding, who was about 20 years old but had the strength of a two-star fighter, just smiled slightly. To be honest, Xian Ling'er's appearance was really enviable and intoxicating.

In the end, I still persuaded, "Okay, sister Lingling, let's have dinner."

After this little episode, Xian Ling'er also began to eat a little slowly. For safety's sake, he wrapped all the food he ate with fighting energy, and after testing it, he slowly absorbed it.

The waiter's service is considered top-notch. The [-] rooms will be ready soon. This is a lot of money. He will be negligent.

Xian Ling'er and Yu'erhong went upstairs first, because this fish was almost overwhelmed by eating.And Zhao Yong went to the counter, paid the day's money, and the meal money, and then started to go upstairs.

The [-] connected rooms made it easier for them to do things.

Just like this, Zhao Yong arranged a pair of brothers in the team together, leaving a room in the middle as a meeting room.

"Little Yu'er, you can really eat, you can't raise fat little fish." Xian Ling'er was caught by Yu'erhong as a mobile railing, and she could not help but tease her.

Being ridiculed by Xian Ling'er, Yu'er Hong was not angry, but said leisurely: "Xian'er, it's rare for us to come out, it's rare for someone to treat you, and you don't want to eat for free, and those people have been staring at you because they want to accept you. Interest, haha!"

Listening to these words, Xian Ling'er seemed to have some reason, let her support her, and sent her back to her room.

Prior to this, Zhao Yong had already explained that they would have two months to come out for today's rest, which was enough to turn this Black Mosquito City upside down.

In the city, it is considered safe, at least there is still a force intimidating. Of course, the secret deeds are still going on...

In the afternoon, Xian Ling'er was pulled out by Yu'erhong for a walk, and the two began to find a place to squat down and set up a street stall.

One word, poor!

Xian Ling'er can only refine the third-grade pills, and the materials are not enough, and the experience does not prohibit them from buying and selling the pills freely, but the price of medicinal materials in the city has doubled.

As soon as the stall was opened, many people gathered around, because the two young beauties in medicine-making robes were very attractive.

"Hehe, the second-rank pharmacist set up a street stall, and the elixirs they want to sell are not very good, second-rank? It's fake, but this pretty face, if you get it back and train it, it should be very fulfilling."

"Ha ha……"

There are those who watch the show, and those who laugh.But none of them were stupid, they had their own thoughts, but they didn't do it lightly. In this kind of place, dead people are common.

"The best healing medicine, at least a bottle of [-] gold coins, if it doesn't work, no money!" Yu'erhong yelled.

One hundred gold coins and a bottle of healing medicine are not too expensive in a place like the Black Horn Region, and the price is considered to be at the middle level.

After waiting for a while, no one was willing to spend that extra money, after all, none of them were injured yet.

Then, a 30-year-old man squeezed into the crowd, and saw that he was still carrying a bloody man on his back. Presumably, it should be his companion.

"Get out of the way," he yelled as he squeezed, and then, he took out a bag of heavy gold coins, and said to Yu'erhong, "Give me a bottle of healing medicine."

Seeing the business coming, Yu'erhong was naturally overjoyed, took the money with both hands, threw it away, and then received it in his ring, and casually picked up a bottle of healing medicine at the booth.

The man also took the elixir, his anxious look was not fake, and then slowly put the person on his back down, took out the elixir that was the size of a longan and had a decent color, and fed it to the unconscious blood man.

"Hey, aren't these two Heishan and Heihe brothers from the Heiwu Mercenary Corps?"

"I heard that their black military mercenary group went to the Black Curtain Mountains to besiege and kill the fourth-order monster Huaimu ape."

"It doesn't seem to be a trust, let's see if their medicine is not working."


The crowd of onlookers looked at the two men and murmured.

"He was injured too badly, only this grade of healing medicine can't make him heal..."

Xian Ling'er spoke, and her voice was so soft and mesmerizing.

"I didn't expect your elixir to cure Heihe. I just hoped that it could slow down his injury. When I return to the medicine room, it will naturally heal him."

The man whose back was still stained with the fresh blood of his companion said indifferently.

"I don't expect you to believe that this is the second-grade raw bone elixir that I refined. It costs [-] gold coins. Your companion was injured by gravity and his muscles and bones were damaged. This elixir is enough to make him feel uneasy. leave a legacy."

Xian Ling'er took out a bottle of elixir and said confidently to the man.The second-grade pill, in such a place, only sold for [-] gold coins, which is still a bit of a loss.

Of course, Xian Ling'er just wanted to take this opportunity to publicize it. After all, such an opportunity is rare.In the Black Horn Domain, who can guarantee that they will not be injured? Death is common.

The man hesitated for a moment. One thousand gold coins is only the price of three or two second-level monster cores, which is still acceptable. You must know that their powerful mercenary group has thousands of gold coins for one bodyguard. of income.

"Okay, this crystal card has exactly one thousand gold coins."

Afterwards, the man took out a crystal card and threw it at Xian Ling'er.

Xian Ling'er took the card, smiled slightly, and threw the pill in her hand at the man.

"One thousand gold coins!"

Yu'erhong is a little excited, this is a small fortune, a second-rank pharmacist, she has decided, after half a year, she will work harder and strive to reach the second-rank!

In other words, the man took the elixir, this time the elixir, with a hint of fragrance, cannot be compared with the healing medicine, after taking it to his companion,

(End of this chapter)

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