Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 590 Division of Labor

Chapter 590 Division of Labor
After Hei Shan took the elixir for Hei He,

Just about to carry his brother on his back again, although he lost more than 1000 gold coins, the effect of the first elixir did ease a lot, making his brother's aura calm down.

"It hurts, big brother!"

Then, a slight voice came into Heishan's ears, forcing Heishan to put Heihe down again, looking at his brother who had opened his eyes slightly.

Heishan was slightly happy, and said: "Heihe, how do you feel?"

As for the efficacy of the second-grade elixir, how can he not know, it is a good medicine that can heal the injuries of muscles and bones. It has been improved, and the drug effect is stronger.

"I feel a wave of energy slowly recovering from the injury." The man named Heihe, whose body was covered in blood, said.

Looking at the blood on his body, it seems that he was scratched by a giant claw, but what really hurt him came from the inside.That's why Xian Ling'er told the reason why Hei Shan would buy the pill with a thousand dollars just to give it a try.

In the Black Armor Mercenary Corps, their status is not low. Both brothers are capable fighters. They have contributed to the Mercenary Corps for several years, and they can be regarded as the backbone.

"It's really effective!"

"Yeah, hurry up and buy some!"


Seeing Heihe wake up, his pale face gradually turned red again, and the onlookers all crowded in front of Xianling'er's stall, vying to buy.

Heishan saw it, and it turned out that the other party asked him to advertise for him, but the advertisement was not bad, and it saved his brother's life.

"Don't worry, there are more, come one by one..."

Yu'erhong was addicted to selling pills, and shouted.

"Little Yu'er, get away!" Xian Ling'er grabbed her and slipped out of the crowd. He even sold a few second-grade pills himself, which should be enough to spend his daily living money.

Yu'erhong still hadn't finished, she felt a little dazed when being pulled, like riding a roller coaster.

After walking a distance from the crowd, Xian Ling'er scolded: "The pills are running out, do you still want to sell yourself to them?"

Listening to Xian Ling'er's mature teaching, Yu'erhong inexplicably accepted it, pouted her mouth, played with her slender hands, and completely took Xian Ling'er's words as air.

"I also have more than 1000 gold coins, buy clothes, and don't wear this robe again."

Yu'erhong thought happily.

As for her few healing medicines, naturally she couldn't earn that much. Among them, there was also the pill refined by Xian Ling'er, which she hastily sold part of.

"Forget it, you won't listen to me!"

Xian Ling'er trained for a while, and knew that this salted fish was just like this, and there was no cure.

"Hee hee, let's go to buy clothes!" Seeing that Xian Ling'er didn't pursue anymore, Yu'er Hong took his slender, soft and soft hand and went to a famous clothing store in the city.

Xian Ling'er also became a foil, yes, wandering around with this salted fish!
Finally, I came to a clothing store that looked unusual. Nonsense, it is not ordinary people who can gain a foothold in this Black Mosquito City.

"The medicinal materials given by the Alchemy Department can't last for two months, so we have to find a way!" Xian Ling'er was dragged here by Yu'erhong, found a seat and sat down.

Counting from tomorrow, Zhao Yong and the others will have to start training, obviously not here to experience life, fighting against the strength of the Black Mosquito Sect, injuries are inevitable.

When Xian Ling'er was thinking about it, that salted fish had bought no less than three or five sets of clothes, and it was unknown if she had any of her own.

All he knew was that the money he had just sold for the elixirs should have been almost spent.

"Let's go!" Finally, Yu'erhong came to Xian Ling'er with a satisfied look, and said softly.

Xian Ling'er nodded. Does the money spent count as public funds? At least, this amount of public funds is not enough.

After a while, night fell,

Before going to sleep, Zhao Yong held a meeting again, Xian Linger brought Yuerhong, Qiao Xiaofu and the other three participated.

"Tomorrow, we will officially begin to explore the Black Mosquito Sect forces in Black Mosquito City. Before that, we need to clarify the division of labor!" Zhao Yong looked at Xian Ling'er and said seriously.

Xian Linger nodded. Zhao Yong is the main person in charge of the team, and he is not good at interfering. He just listens, gives some advice, and refines some healing elixir.

Seeing that Xian Ling'er had no objection, knowing that Xian Ling'er also recognized his leadership, Zhao Yong continued, "Luo Qing, you are in charge of the logistical preparations, ensuring that our place of residence will be changed every seven days!"

"Alin, you lead Li Da and Lin Ding to be responsible for intelligence work and collect all beneficial information for the team!"

When Zhao Yong opened his mouth, it seemed that it had been arranged for a long time.

The teammates behind him all nodded, expressing that they had no objection, and they were all within their own capabilities. Alin, who was in charge of intelligence work, was good at speed and concealment.

As for Luo Qing, Xian Ling'er hasn't noticed his difference so far, but from his cautious appearance, it can be seen that such a person is best at handling details. Although he may not be perfect, it is almost the same .

Zhao Yong continued: "As for me, there are Duan Yingping, Miao Lingling, Qian Dazhao, and Wei Bu in a team of five, responsible for assassinating the forces of the Black Mosquito Sect!"

After making the arrangements, he looked at Xian Ling'er. The arrangements on their side were more reasonable, and Xian Ling'er did not participate in it.

Zhao Yong said in a calm tone: "Captain Xian Ling'er, you just follow Luo Qing and wait until the training time is up!"

"No problem, during this time, we will refine some pills for you!" Xian Ling'er nodded, it's good not to have to fight and kill by herself.

In his teacher's words: things that can be solved with pills are nothing, if one doesn't work, then two...

After the discussion, Xian Ling'er also mentioned some medicinal materials needed, the ones in the city are too expensive, relying on buying this way, I'm afraid it won't be enough for two months to use, and the battle qi consumed by fighting naturally needs to be replenished in time.

With Xian Ling'er's strength, Zhao Yong didn't interfere much, and just said: If you go out to collect herbs, one of their third teams can accompany you.

After the meeting, Xian Ling'er also asked Qiao Xiaofu and Yu'erhong to start refining the elixir.

I also need to refine a batch. Zhao Yong's team is guaranteed to have two nourishing qi powder and raw bone pills. He also saw the effect of raw bone pills today.

In Black Mosquito City, what he wanted more was to refine the third-grade Qi-Returning Pill, and then exchange it for the second-grade Marrow Cleansing Pill that sold for ten thousand gold at the Black Mosquito City Auction.Although he doesn't need it, he should be able to refine one for Xueni and Yijia to help them improve steadily.

Zhao Yong's division of labor is very reasonable, and Xian Ling'er naturally won't intervene too much.Lin Yuru, Lu Mu, Su Shanshan and others should have found their footing. As the team leader, he just supervises. The meaning of Donglai's mentor is: help if you can!

The next day, the first batch of elixir was officially delivered to Zhao Yong's 15 people. As the main battle team, the quality of Zhao Yong's elixir was naturally better than that of the others.

Taking advantage of this, Xian Ling'er also refined a batch of elixirs, and planned to sell them for a little more money. As for the elixirs, the teacher had taught him a lot, so naturally he couldn't ask for them, and he would cherish what he got.

(End of this chapter)

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