Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 591 Black Crow

Chapter 591 Black Crow
"Catch those two guards!"

On this side, Zhao Yong has led a small team to focus on the patrolling guards. Similarly, there are several teams that are not weak that also came to the Black Mosquito City, but they just don't disturb each other.

After Zhao Yong gave the order, two dark shadows, Duan Yingping and Qian Dazhao, rushed out, capturing the two guards who were not as strong as Dou Shi, isn't it easy to capture?As for Miao Lingling, as a girl, she would not do it if she wanted to capture a vulgar uncle.

After a while, Duan Yingping and Qian Dazhao came back carrying the unconscious guard with a smile on their faces, as if they were saying: Report, the task has been successfully completed!

Zhao Yong also nodded, beckoned, and didn't say much, because of the tacit cooperation among the team members, the five-member team quickly withdrew from this conspicuous area.

Afterwards, the five of them led the two guards into an alley.

"Wake up!" Zhao Yong said in a rough voice after the five people took out a few pieces of black cloth to cover the mouth, chin and other parts below the nose.

At this moment, Zhao Yong is like an experienced mercenary, he is considerate in his actions.

Wei Bu took out some spare clean water from Najie and splashed it on the rough bearded faces of the two guards.

"'s raining!"

Afterwards, the two guards said in unison with a blank expression.

"Hey! That's right, it's raining. If you want to survive, tell us about the dens and conditions of the Black Mosquito Sect in Black Mosquito City, otherwise..."

Zhao Yong said with an evil face.

It's a pity that the parts of his face below the nose are well covered by the black cloth.

Otherwise, these two guards already knew that the reputation in the Black Horn Domain kept them eager to survive.

Afterwards, the two guards fell silent, they didn't speak, they were thinking: After telling them, what the Black Mosquito Cult learned, they would also be doomed.If you don't say it, you might want it now, so...

"Okay, let me tell you, please let us go!" one of the guards said resolutely.

The other one also nodded vigorously, hoping to escape the catastrophe temporarily, maybe a few more days to live.

Zhao Yong nodded,
One of the guards said: "The branch of the Black Mosquito Sect is hidden in the City Lord's Mansion!"

The division of forces shows that this is just a small territory of the Black Mosquito Sect. If it is smashed here, it will not hurt the head teacher, but only a few subordinates will be missing.

Zhao Yong nodded, seeing that the guards were honest, and asked, "What is the strongest strength in the City Lord's Mansion!"

They all know the real dens, but the important point of attention is the forces in the city. There must be a lot of big fighters. As for those above the big fighters, they are not something they can compete with. Fortunately, the three of Baiheshan were all in the city, and they would not stand idly by after the strong Dou Ling appeared.

"We only know one..." The guard was about to speak, but then his body trembled, the fear from the depths of his soul seemed to be very afraid of these people.

Zhao Yong saw the key point, but the guard stopped and threatened: "Say! Otherwise, the end will be the same!"

The guard felt a trace of killing intent on Zhao Yong's body, and was also shocked. He didn't know Zhao Yong's background.

Zhao Yong glared fiercely at the two guards. It wasn't the first time he participated in the training. This time, it was his third time. Every time, he could improve himself.

The guard clenched his yellowed teeth and said, "The only one we know of is one protector, he is called the fifth protector, his teaching name is Black Crow, and he has the strength of a one-star great fighter, killing people...Pfft!"

Before he could speak, a black feather had pierced his chest, and the other guard was no exception.
Seeing this, Zhao Yong took out his long spear in an instant, and the others became vigilant. Looking again, the two guards had turned into a pool of black blood, and the remaining two sets of guard uniforms showed that they had indeed existed.

"Hehe, for those who apostate, this should be the end. The higher-ups have also spoken, and for the people of your Canaan Academy, kill them all! No one will be left alive!"

The voice was very gloomy, and a somewhat naughty... Enchanting man appeared in a black down robe all over his body.

His face was pale, without a trace of blood. Judging from his appearance, he was only about 30 years old. Looking at Zhao Yong and the others, he smiled serenely, like a cat playing with a mouse.

"You should be the five guardians, Black Crow! You're only a one-star fighter." Zhao Yong pretended to be calm, looked at the person coming, and said slowly.

If the blow just now fell on any one of them, Immortal would be severely injured.

Zhao Yong was shocked, but he didn't know the enemy's self-confidence. In Hei Ya's view, he was at the level of a big fighter, and he was more than enough to fight five fighters with less than eight stars.

"That's right, your Canaan Academy is really getting weaker and weaker. Every time you send these weak chickens out to die, presumably, the black jackals should also kill your classmates... quite a few!"

The black crow cleaned his black and shiny nails, and said leisurely, not at all in a hurry to take down Zhao Yong and his party.

"Hehe, that's not necessarily the case. There are people in our academy who can kill you!" Zhao Yong replied, thinking about delaying time and taking advantage of the enemy's arrogance, hoping that Alin could discover the situation here as soon as possible.

"Those three great fighters? It's just a four-star great fighter. The three of them can only delay Black Eagle for a while!" Hei Ya continued to speak, and a black air had already quietly flowed from the ground to Zhao Yong and the others. The soles of people's feet attacked.

Although he is arrogant, he was able to take down the five fighters without wasting any effort, which is also a credit. The black mist is his poisonous energy. If you touch it, you will die.

Zhao Yong was also shocked when he heard this. Although he knew that the strength left by the Black Mosquito Cult during this experience was extraordinary, he did not expect it to be so powerful. The Da Dou Shi who can hold back the three of Baiheshan is at least five-star or above. That is the academy. The strength of the tutor has increased.

Afterwards, a dizziness rushed into Wei Bu's heart first, because his strength was the lowest in this team.

In the blink of an eye, his lips turned purple-black in an instant, his head was dizzy, and he was about to fall down as soon as he closed his eyes.

Qian Dazhao promptly supported him,
"You! Despicable and shameless!" Zhao Yong panicked, checked himself quickly, and found that he was also attacked by poisonous gas, and suddenly said angrily.

"Hehe, despicable and shameless, you are still too naive, in a place like the Black Horn Region, there are only life... and death!" the black crow said viciously.

For Zhao Yong and the others, this was a life-and-death lesson. The gap in strength and means was too great. He delayed the time, but was poisoned in advance.

The black crow glanced at the next corner from the corner of his eyes. In this corner, a black shadow flashed past, disappeared in this corner, and went straight to an inn with a tepid business.

At this moment, Xian Ling'er just came back from setting up a stall, and met this person,

This figure was A Lin, who was in charge of intelligence, and the remaining blue fighting spirit was still gathered on the soles of his feet.

A Lin ran in a hurry, seeing Xian Ling'er, he hurriedly took Xian Ling'er's hand, which made Yu'erhong and Qiao Xiaofu unhappy.

Alin panted intermittently: "Captain Xian Ling'er, please... come with us to save our captain, they will not be able to hold on anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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