Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 593 Taiyin Poison Canon

Chapter 593 Taiyin Poison Canon
After detoxification, several people returned to the inn.

Xian Ling'er said a few words to Zhao Yong, and then hurried back to his room. He wanted to refine some Qingxin Pills to relieve the residual poison of people like Yu'erhong.

Xian Ling'er took out her medicine refining cauldron. He can refine second-grade medicinal materials, and there are about [-] copies left, and he can also refine some Qingxin pills.

After fusing the ice-type magic core with the essence of medicinal materials such as Qingxin grass, a light blue and silky green elixir the size of a longan's eye was refined.

After refining one, Xian Ling'er continued to refine, and there were no fewer than five people in the team who were seriously poisoned.

"Okay, this is the second-grade Qingxin pill. After taking it, it will be cured in a day or two. As for the black crow's ring..."

After Xian Ling'er came out, she said to Zhao Yong and the others.As he spoke, he suddenly stopped, wanting to see the attitude of Zhao Yong and the others.

The collection of rings of a great fighting master is definitely not ordinary. From Canaan College to Black Mosquito City, the greatest benefits seem to be taken by Xian Ling'er all the way.

If Xian Ling'er knew what they were thinking, she would definitely smile wryly and say: Poor!

In the alchemy department, he didn't seem to have seen anything other than money, such as exercises, fighting skills, and fourth-order magic cores.

"Captain Xian Ling'er, the black crow was killed by you, and his ring of acceptance naturally belongs to you, otherwise, we may not be able to withstand this poison!"

Zhao Yong nodded, saying indifferently.

He also knew that Xian Ling'er emphasized that this was a second-grade elixir, and what Xian Ling'er meant was to charge for hard work.

The others have no objection, although they really want to know what the Black Crow Na Ring has, but they have also seen how powerful Xian Ling'er is, and a few second-grade pills are not a loss. The pills in their hands are their private property.

Xian Ling'er smiled lightly, that's good, he doesn't want to charge forward, these matters should be left to Zhao Yong and the others.

The Black Crow was killed, the Black Mosquito Sect lost a great fighter, and its strength was also weakened. The three of Baiheshan were defeated in the end, but they also knew the person who blocked their attack.

That person's teaching name is Black Eagle, and he is a seven-star fighter. As for the black panther in the mouth of the black crow, his strength should not be weaker than that of the black crow.

This is just the conclusion drawn from Hei Ya and the guard. Hei Ya is the five protectors, which means there are four more protectors. As for the true power of the Black Mosquito Sect, Zhao Yong has not figured it out yet.

The only thing they know is that some students have already failed. As for whether their lives are in danger, this is not what they know.

Xian Ling'er took a jade bottle containing a Qingxin Pill, and quietly came to Yu'erhong's room, and gave a pill as an apology for using her as a shield.

"Hmph!" Xian Ling'er had just stepped in, when there was a soft humming sound, the voice carried a bit of heavy resentment.

"Hehe!" Xian Ling'er laughed, and then quietly came to her side, and then said with an apologetic expression: "Xiao Yu'er, forgive me, this is a second-grade elixir that I specially refined for you! "

Xian Ling'er had a well-behaved look, her soft and bright eyes were red towards Yu'er, glowing with grievance.

When Yu'erhong saw it, his heart softened. Why is this guy... so charming, Miss Ben is not angry at all, haha.

"Okay, there will be no next time!" Afterwards, Yu'er said with a stern face, while speaking, she did not forget to stretch out her slender hands to the jade bottle that Xian Ling'er handed over.

Xian Ling'er nodded, and said: "This time it's a last resort, and I won't let anything happen to you."

This time Xian Ling'er didn't lie, he believed in his intuition, he believed that Yu'er Hong would be fine with the advance scenes of what would happen that flashed up from time to time.

Yu'erhong glared at Xian Ling'er, then poured out this pill the size of a longan.

Yu'erhong looked at it for a while, then murmured: "Is this the second-grade elixir? I'm a bit reluctant to eat it!"

"Eat it to heal quickly, you have inhaled the poisonous gas, the residual poison is heavier than theirs!" Seeing Yu'erhong's reluctance, Xian Ling'er smiled charmingly.

"It's not you, let me block the gun!"

Being scolded by this little fish again, Xian Ling'er stopped laughing at her.

Afterwards, seeing that she had taken the elixir, Xian Ling'er also withdrew.

"Captain, have you decided to visit the City Lord's Mansion?"

"Well, coming out to practice is to fight against the Black Mosquito Sect, and this is what the academy means!"


When Xian Ling'er came out, she heard that Zhao Yong was still discussing with his team members. It was necessary to explore the Black Mosquito City, and the City Lord's Mansion and the Black Mosquito Sect were also inextricably linked.

Xian Ling'er did not participate in the past, and knows the strength of the enemy, but the academy should have countermeasures. They still pay attention to the situation here, and saved many students that day. That's all.

Back in her room, Xian Ling'er still had one more thing to deal with, and that was the black crow's receiving ring, the contents of the receiving ring.

Today, Zhao Yong and the others didn't consume their elixir, so naturally they didn't need to refine it anymore. Qiao Xiaofu also stayed in his room to practice, and being in such a dangerous place encouraged him to improve and sprint to the Fighter level as soon as possible.

After returning to her room, Xian Ling'er locked the door, and then released her powerful perception.

What attracted him to the ring that Black Crow took out was not any natural treasure, but a black tome!
After the death of the black crow, the consciousness on the black third-order ring also dissipated, and Xian Ling'er's perception naturally detected it.

Perception, directly through Najie, several cyan crystal cards, shows that this guy still has no less than [-] funds, enough for Xian Linger to buy that marrow washing pill.

And these elixir formulas will also be his property in the future. For alchemists, elixir formulas are their lifeblood.

There are so many alchemist students in the Alchemy Department, but every student can learn the most basic pills, and even the second-grade pills are only three or two kinds. As for the test, they will give you A prescription is a reward.As for the pill formula of the third grade, you need to exchange the contribution value, or participate in the assessment, before you have the opportunity to touch it.

There are still a few second and third-level magic cores, but Xian Ling'er didn't pay much attention to them, she didn't even take a second look at the Xuan-rank low-level fighting skill Guitousha, and the Huang-rank high-level kung fu poison attack.

Finally, it landed on the black tome of black,

This black book is about twenty or thirty centimeters long, ten meters wide, and five centimeters high. It is very thick.

"Toxic Poisons of the Tai Yin!"

After taking it out, there were some traces of historical vicissitudes, and Xian Ling'er couldn't help wiping it with her hands.

Afterwards, slowly flipping through, Xian Ling'er likes to get in touch with some of these books, the Taiyin Poison Code, this is the book he has come into contact with besides the books on medicinal materials and library books.

I saw the brief introduction to the Poison Code on the first page: This book is written by the Taiyin Poison Master of the Poison Sect. It is divided into two volumes. The method of identification and detoxification...

(End of this chapter)

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