Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 594: Exploring the City Lord's Mansion

Chapter 594: Exploring the City Lord's Mansion

After reading the brief introduction of this book, Xian Linger was very surprised. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a classic written by a Dou Zun. You must know that the real dean of the academy is also such a Dou Zun, but he has never seen it before. That's all.

Regarding the distinction between the first and second volumes, Xian Linger's volume is only the first volume, and as for the second volume, it should still be in the Poison Sect sect.

As for the identity of this black crow, Xian Ling'er didn't think too much about it. In a place like the Black Crow, there are quite a lot of black people.

Next, Xian Ling'er began to read carefully. As for the poisonous gas quietly emanating from this Taiyin Poison Code, it had no effect on Xian Ling'er in the slightest.

Looking at it, it was a whole day. When eating, Yu'erhong brought it in for him. Xian Ling'er just ate some, and was already attracted by the poisonous substances of different shapes inside. Many of them are medicinal materials for refining medicine.

When night falls,
Zhao Yong's five-member team, and Alin's team as the backup team, all put on black night clothes and started to explore the City Lord's Mansion.

On Xian Ling'er's side, she was still obsessed with reading books, writing down these poisons, weeds, poisonous insects, and how to use and undo their poison.

Among them, the most memorable ones are the heartbroken grass, the throat poisonous tree and other plants that are highly poisonous.

In the night sky, a few stars twinkle,

Taking advantage of the moonlight, the five of them came to a mansion covering an area of ​​one kilometer. At the main entrance, there was a plaque with three strong characters "City Lord's Mansion".

"Go!" Zhao Yong said to Duan Yingping and others behind him, and took the lead to climb over the five-meter-high courtyard wall.

"Puff!" Afterwards, Duan Yingping climbed over the courtyard wall one by one, and fell down at an extremely fast speed, causing the clothes to squeak.

The City Lord's Mansion is very large. According to their plan, Zhao Yong led the team, and Wei Bu was responsible for writing down the entry marks to prevent getting lost.

The other three followed Zhao Yong closely,

Then, I came to a house that was still flickering with lights,
In this room, two men with calm and fierce faces sat side by side in the first seats on the left and right in front, looking at the four people below, one of the seats was empty.

"These people from Canaan College are really disgusting. They killed the black crow, but they also severely injured the black worm!" said the person in the third position from the left below, seemingly aggrieved, but actually mocking This crow.

"The higher-ups instructed that none of the Canaan Academy's strong fighters above Dou Ling will make a move. We can attack with all our strength to teach these students a life-and-death lesson."

The first calm man on the left opened his mouth and said, the four people below did not dare to make a sound.

"Black Eagle, you will lead the team next, and lead all the forces left in the city to sweep away the Canaan Academy students who have sneaked in!"

Then, the man on the right also spoke.

The man on the left frowned slightly. This guy has already arranged it. However, they are of equal strength and they were also arranged by the superior. He won't say anything more.

"Yes!" The man named Black Eagle stood up and bowed his hands in salute. He was sitting in the second seat on the left, and he obviously had a very high status.

"Hey, I don't know how many mice came in, Heihu, do you want to play?"

The man on the left smiled coldly.

"Black Dragon, I will accompany you to the end!"

The one on the right returned with a smile. Both of them were about 40 years old, and they were hiding their swords in their smiles at this time.

Zhao Yong and the others outside listened quietly, but they were not very clear. When they heard the man say, "After a few mice came in," they hurriedly gave an order.

"Retreat!" Leading Duan Yingping and the others violently retreated along the original road.

"Mysterious-level low-level fighting skills, the Ice Skimmer Spear!"

"Mysterious-level low-level fighting skills, bombarding the mountain-cracking axe!"

"Mysterious-level low-level fighting skills, Mad Shadow Broken Golden Knife!"

Ice, Earth Crack, and Gold Broken, three mysterious fighting skills, all attacked the rushing Hei Mosquito Sect crowd. Facing the six great fighters, the three of Baiheshan did not dare to confront each other head-on. After throwing their skills, Retreating directly also gave Zhao Yong and the others enough time to evacuate.

These six great fighters taught by the Black Mosquito had no choice but to use their grudges to resist the fierce black-level fighting skills.

After shaking for a while, there were dozens of cracks on the ground, which were obviously caused by gravity. The surrounding flowers, plants and trees were smashed into a mess, and the surrounding area was still filled with cold air...

The faces of these six great fighters are not very good-looking.

"The two deacons..."

The big fight master named Black Eagle opened his mouth and asked for instructions.

"Hehe, start to block the Black Mosquito City, only entering and not coming in! Until these stinky rats are wiped out one by one!" The man named Heilong said coldly.

Hei Ying nodded and didn't say much.
These two bosses could become emissaries within the church in the future, but now they are only in charge of the affairs of Black Mosquito City.

In the Black Mosquito Sect, only those who become envoys are the backbone of the sect, but to become an envoy, at least the strength of fighting spirits is required.

Zhao Yong and the others who have already withdrawn here still have lingering fears. The Black Mosquito Sect's great masters who stayed in Black Mosquito City are too many and too strong, and they are basically suppressed.

This time, if it weren't for Baiheshan Shan Yangui and Pei Yuan, none of them would be able to escape, but this time, they also got the information they wanted during the night visit to the City Lord's Mansion.

"Are there any pursuers?"

The footsteps of the few people did not slow down, knowing that someone was following them, they did not dare to stop.

"I'll go, these people can really run!"

Pei Yuan gave a wry smile to the three figures chasing after him.

Bai Heshan didn't speak, they just wanted to find the beautiful, soft and charming female pharmacist in Zhao Yong's team, and work together. Xian Ling'er can kill a fourth-order monster, which is obviously unique to him. .

Their plan was to find Xian Ling'er, and then join forces. The three of them faced up, and Xian Ling'er attacked from behind. Even if they were nine-star fighters, they couldn't compare with the fourth-order spotted tiger.

Even if they have made up their minds to keep chasing Zhao Yong, their strength is there, and it will be a matter of time before Zhao Yong is caught up by them.

"The one in front, I'm Pei Yuan!"

"Don't...don't run away!"


Seeing Zhao Yong's figure, Pei Yuan opened his voice and shouted.

Zhao Yong, who was going there, naturally wouldn't run back to the inn in a straight line, and wanted to go around in a circle, but he couldn't help but slow down after hearing the continuous shouts.

Turning around, looking at the black shadow, there are only three people. It seems that it may really be Bai Heshan and Pei Yuan.

In the end, Zhao Yong made a bold choice, he chose to stop.Because I had already prepared for the worst.

Being chased by the three big fighters, they will be caught up in the morning. If it is Bai Heshan and the others, maybe they will have something important?

Finally, under the darkness of night, Zhao Yong, Duan Yingping, Miao Lingling and the others saw clearly that it was Bai Heshan and the others.

"Run... run really fast!" Pei Yuan said out of breath.

They were the ones who made the decision for Zhao Yong. In the Black Corner Region, Zhao Yong also fought hard, not running and waiting to die. So, this situation was created. Zhao Yong smiled awkwardly, it was indeed the case.

"Where is that pharmacist, we want to join forces with him!" Bai Heshan said indifferently, as if his mouth was bleak.

Shan Yangui added, "In the city, the one named Black Eagle is at least a seven-star-level Great Fighter. We want to join forces with him!"

Pei Yuan could only nod his head, as Bai Heshan and Shan Yangui robbed his lines.

"It's at the Heixiang Inn!" Zhao Yong was taken aback, and then told them his temporary base.

"Okay, I'll find you guys tomorrow!" Bai Heshan said, and they will continue to remind other students who want to visit the mansion at night!
(End of this chapter)

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